
Monday, July 14, 2014


Image by JosephinaA
~Disclaimer- A lot of reading I know, but it's worth it ;) 

I know this blog is all about Stardoll, but I really love the community that we have here. We help each other and are kind and respectful. With that in mind, I introduce our newest comp! SMW's got Talent! We want to know more about all of you! 

We know we have some talented people out there both on and off Stardoll. Show us what you can do! Maybe you sing, dance, draw, design clothes, or even touch your tongue to your nose while standing on one foot and rubbing your belly lol.  Maybe you're a photographer or a comedian. It can be any talent! We don't care, show it to us!

How it works:

There will  now only be 1 round (Since is the first time). 
You have almost 2 weeks to enter. This is to give you time to complete your entry.

The final winners will then be chosen by our judges. Be sure to comment and up vote as we can be influenced by the "audience".

1st prize:

(Non SS members can get 1 month SS and an remaining Stardollars)


the DKNY Skyscraper Dress or LE Dot Print Skating Skirt. Both are SEASON 1.

2nd prize: $200sd or GRAB BAG ITEM

What to do:

 1. Make a YouTube video showing your talent. You DO NOT have to show yourself in the video if you don't want to. I just need to be sure it is not taken from someone else on the internet. 

~State your Stardoll Name and tell us what your talent is.
~If you don't want to talk and your talent does not require you to. You can hold up a poster board (paper) with this information before showing your talent.

2. Make a post saying what your talent is and give us a little information about it. How you got interested, how long you have been doing it etc.. Then click post. 
Be sure you are signed into Disqus.

3. Then REPLY to your own post to load your video. If a youtube video. Click the share link under your video and copy the video url. Paste it in the comment box. See below.

*IMPORTANT* The reason I want you to post the video under a reply post is because I have been told that it makes the webpages load time longer. If it becomes an issue, I want to be able to move the videos only to our judging blog.

ALTERNATIVE OPTION: For non active talents ONLY. Like photographs, crafts etc.

*Please NOTE that we prefer the video option. This is if you have no other choice*

1. You can post an image in comments. 

It must be VERY clear that it is you in the photo. Hold up a piece of paper saying your "Stardoll Name" FOR STARDOLLS MOST WANTED in the SAME photo as your talent entry.

2. Make a post saying what your talent is and give us a little information about it. 
How you got interested, how long you have been doing it etc.. Then click the picture icon on the lower left corner of the comment box and click post. 
Be sure you are signed into Disqus.

~You must be a member of this blog, of our club HOTBUYS_BAZAAR and registered in the chat box on the right sidebar. Click HERE for details.
~Must follow guidelines in post
~Can only enter 1 talent

12:00pm (noon) USA EST.
Also an easier one:

(Tried to give you plenty of time)

Will be canceled if not enough interest.


  1. This is such a great idea Jenna! But I won't be participating since I don't want to post a video online and I doubt my parents would like it. Because once I post a video online it will be very difficult to take off. I'm sorry but this is cool idea! I would love to see all the different talents! :)

  2. can it be a drawing signd by pinklovelemons instead? lol i dont have a youtube ;P

  3. You don't have to show your face or anything. You also have an option of an image if you abs

  4. So exciting! This is such a perfect idea Jenna! <3 I'm not sure I will be entering... I'm good at writing and kind of with art, but I don't know. :) haha Good luck to those who enter, this is so amazing! I can't wait to see what this group of amazing people can do! <3

  5. I know but I don't think I'll have time because of school, homework and massive tests. :)

  6. mamerala The Sad Queen ಠ_ಥJuly 14, 2014 at 11:36 PM

    wow came in time *o*
    i will be honerd to share my illusionist locket though i need to work on it

    video wont work cause my cameras are so poor quality, picture will be perfect and better
    so i will retake picture and put paper with for stardoll most wanted right?

  7. You can sign it, but that could be photoshopped on. So, you would need to hold up a paper saying for Stardolls Most Wanted along side your drawing as it says in the post.

  8. mamerala The Sad Queen ಠ_ಥJuly 14, 2014 at 11:39 PM

    i have idea
    the locket move, um video better but as i said it will be poor quality and not good
    so i will wear it and hold paper then post another picture with it showing the reshaping of it

  9. mamerala The Sad Queen ಠ_ಥJuly 14, 2014 at 11:40 PM

    thanks ^-^
    i've lots more work, but i this one takes people attention as its very hard to make

  10. Ok. Well remember you have almost 2 weeks :)

  11. Yeah I might change my mind and post up a pic on a drawing I did. :)

  12. I have two drawings I'd like to enter, though I can't take a video. Will it work if I lay out the drawings on something with the sign written of my username and "for stardolls most wanted"?

  13. Yaaaaay ! I can finally show my drawing talent :) !
    I will start by now :)

  14. gonna wrack my brain for a talent. maybe i'll draw something. god knows im not exactly musically talented.

  15. I totally have no chance of winning on this. xD

  16. I literally cannot think of any talents I have, except for maybe writing, but that's probably a hobby.
    I'm talent-less, all I do is study :(

  17. Youtube video?
    Eh, maybe not.

    I'm mean storywriting and I'm in but, this? Eeeeeeeeh, nuh.

  18. I fail to see the big deal if you don't even have to show yourself. Forgive me for trying to do something a little different and fun.

  19. Comp is cancelled as I can see this is boom to be an issue for most. I was just trying to give us something a little different and interesting to do . As I know many of you have more talents and interests then just Stardoll. Thanks to those of you who showed some interest. I just don't want to do only drawing and stories etc for this. Maybe I'll do something else.

  20. Aw too bad :( If we could just take a picture I'd definitely join, I thought this would be a very fun idea! :/

  21. Oh too bad I was very curious to see all talents that all dolls have :)

  22. Its quite sad that this comp was canceled... It seemed like a fun comp to watch and participate :)

  23. Aw its sad this contest got cancelled. I really like the idea, but its sad most of the people here arent brave enough to show their talent.. and i dont see any problem making/publishing a video, theres always an option to delete it from youtube..

  24. Sorry, Jenna! :\ too bad this got cancelled, I wish more people would have showed interest. Maybe we could keep an open forum of sorts for those who would want to share their talent and our friend community could leave nice comments or advice or show their love. :) That way there is still the interesting idea! And/or (I'm not really a stardoll blog host, just have a personal blog so don't know if any of this would work) after a month there could be a spotlight feature on someone who posts <3 still getting to use the concept that many members of the blog are talented in many ways or have skills they could teach. Like I know Sign Language, and other people could do crafts or cooking, it's all a good idea. Love you guys! <3 Also going to bed enjoy a random goodnight, you guys rock selfie :)

  25. So sad you're going to delete it. I thought it I'll be gerat fun.

  26. Oh no!! Too bad!
    Is that really cancelled? :(
    I wanted to sign something or show my fashion blog!! :( :( I'm not a big deal, but anyway...
    Damn, why dont you do it for +18 or something? Then there are any problems in making a youtube video without permision....
    There's the option of making the video private, only can access if you have the link too. That would be an option.
    I don't know, I liked the idea!!

  27. This would have been so cool :(

  28. That would be such a great way to showcase talent! Also cute selfie aww, goodnight :))

  29. Hey. But I'm 13 and I want to participate.

  30. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 15, 2014 at 6:58 AM

    Sorry for the offtopic guys but here are all the spoilers of the New Tress Up :)

  31. Aww :( I really wanted to participate, the idea was amazing. It would have been a chance to also show that sports can be fun and entertaining, especially Karate. :( I planned everything that was going to be in the video :(
    I am so sad it is cancelled :(

  32. Really like some of the hairs. Too bad they're gonna cost a lot.

  33. Me too :( I've been making my plans ever since I read the post, but when I checked the comments... :(

  34. But maybe there are people under 18 who would have wanted to participate? It wouldn't have been fair that way... Anyway, too bad it's cancelled :(

  35. I'm pretty sure you both have amazing talents that make you unique and you would have had as many chances as everyone :)

  36. OMG THEY ARE AWESOME :OOO Too bad I have 0sd and it isn't possible to gift Tress up :(

  37. Yeah I know! I was just trying to figure out some ways to still hold the competition...

  38. I'm not saying only that the comp should be over 18!! I just read some comments saying "a video? no way!" "my parents won't let me..." that's why I said that. Idk i just want the competition to still be hold :(

  39. I saw them too. The thing that erks me though is that they don't have to post their face.

  40. I guess there wont be anything for 3 sd Cx Love them so much tho!

  41. they look very beautiful I hope that they won't be expensive...

  42. If only I had money :o

  43. I'm not sure if I would have been able to participate even if this wasn't canceled. I'm still working on preparing for some exams and don't have time for something like this. Great idea though. :c

  44. booklover29 (Grace)July 15, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    Ok, this is cool. I'll have to do the picture part, because I'm electronically stupid when it comes to videos. Plus, the only two semi talents that I have are drawing (which I'll be showing) and ice skating and I don't think you can take a camera out on the rink. :p

  45. Aww, I didn't want to participate but I really wanted to see the talents behind the dolls! Hope the next competition won't be canceled ♥

  46. TT^TT It's ashame this contest was cancelled. I was going to post up video of myself singing.

  47. NOOOO I was gunna make dub step!

  48. Haha. Just like me.I'm electronically stupid too. ;o

  49. Ohhh... I was getting excited when I see that the comp. is cancelled :(
    I was planning to show my embroidery in cross stitch, I think you guys would like them, but maybe sometime soon we will have a comp. for this, right?

  50. Cool Jenna!
    I'm graduated in Physical Education, but never had any talent for any kind of fight, lol, ne time in a karate class at the university I took my shoulder of the place when I was doing an exercise falling on the floor, lol
    As a child, I played tennis, volleyball, swimming , and then Olympic gymnastics and Rhythmic gymnastics.
    When I entered college I became a handball player and defended my city and my college in many competitions.
    In university competitions, I ended up being the team of handball, volleyball, soccer, swimming and it was a competition that I needed to complete the track team, lol, but I ended up breaking my foot, lol, a total disaster in the long jump, lol, I laugh now but it hurt so much :)
    During college I was a swimming instructor at an Academy in my town and had many children who follow swimming today, it is so rewarding to see that you taught the first moves of a sport and those kids went ahead and "took" a little you, right?

  51. Oh, Unfortunately I don;t have any particular talent :( I;m just a lazy freak
    I used to draw, I try to design a town one day but i never finish it XD
    But seriously, you were about to give an extremely rare item, try to understand but i can't.
    You're very generous

  52. haha thanks! :)

    I agree! It would still be a way for our community to show our appreciation for everyone who has a talent they are able to share :)

  53. i was gonna dance :((((

  54. Samantha ChampagnieJuly 15, 2014 at 6:58 PM

    WHYYYY!!! This was the only thing i could relate to and actually win! and you gave us so much time! please try this again in the near future!


  55. I feel bad for everyone that wanted to participate, the prizes were great.
    Although, I personally don't have any talents, besides doing HTML which I kind of already forgot xD

  56. I love the concept, shame that it had to be cancelled :(

  57. Yes, I am a karateka & I find it pretty cool too :') Wish you good luck on your first classes and remember to always head for the top :D

  58. Japanese karate - Shito-ryu style (Just got my black belt ^-^) :) Tae Kwon Do sounds interesting and I'd love to take classes in it. :D

  59. mamerala The Sad Queen ಠ_ಥJuly 16, 2014 at 11:58 AM

    dont cancel it i really love this competition i can finally join real competition with my work T-T

  60. mamerala The Sad Queen ಠ_ಥJuly 16, 2014 at 12:00 PM

    please rethink about it
    i know that many cant participate but someone want to share their work like me T-T

  61. Aw I just saw this, it's a shame it was cancelled. I really wanted to see what crazy and amazing talents people had, specially since it's all over the world...ah oh well :)

  62. wow i just saw this comp and i would have made my rabbit to play the piano if it wasn't canceled !!!! i mean i can share my doll with my rabbit xD but really she can play some easy songs that 5-year olds play when they start
