
Friday, July 18, 2014


Today is International Nelson Mandela Day. A day not only to honor the life and work of former South African President Nelson Mandela, but to inspire others to carry on his efforts and to take responsibility for making the world a better place, one small step at a time. It is celebrated on his birthday July18th. As you all know, Mandela died last year at the age of 95. This is the first time the day the day has been celebrated since his death.

Sometimes, I like to go completely OT and reflect on things going on in the real world. I hope you don't mind. I feel really passionate about racial segregation and wholeheartedly believe in racial equality and making the world a better place.

What are your thoughts on the subject and has it affected your life and the way you live it in anyway? I know some of you are young, but I have seen some strong opinions out there when it comes to certain subjects and I wanted to give you this opportunity to weigh in.

At the very least, I hope you take a moment to reflect 
how very lucky many of us are to have the freedoms we do. How thankful we should be to those who came before us and fought for all of us.

I hope we all take a moment today to pay it forward in whatever way we can.


  1. For me Nelson Mandela is a very inspirational man. To speak out the way he did and to live a life trying to abolish the segregation that was happening in America is just amazing and the freedom that many of us have today may not have been granted to us if it wasn't for mandelas contribution. It just goes to show that when you put your mind to something you are passionate about you can certainly make a huge difference and bring about change. Such an inspirational man and hopefully his legacy will stay on and inspire future generations. =)

  2. I am a fan of this man

  3. I love his quotes they are so meaningful....

  4. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 18, 2014 at 11:47 AM

    This man was amazing.He was inspiration.
    He was the person this World needed.
    He opened our eyes,to see what is happening.
    We should all thank him.He was a great man.

  5. I think we forget about him alot because i never read about him in my history books, only the "hotshots" of anti segregation like Rosa parks and MLK! But when i read about this guy and who he was and what he was about I was insired and last year when he died i felt of pang of just overwhelming sadness. I will miss him.

  6. These quotes are amazing and this man was a very clever and wonderfull human and the whole world will always need him......

  7. I really wish that more people appreciated him before he died. He was an amazing inspirational man. These quotes hold a lot of meaning and shouldn't be forgotten and neither should he.

  8. Nelson Mandela is a very inspirational man who has died but still alive in our hearts.. he had contributed and worked hard to get freedom for the people of his country and was successful.. even though he faced tough opposition he did not give up and made the world a better place. His quotes are a big inspiration and I'm sure many people base part of their lives from his quotes ♥ He has gone but his legacy will live on for generations to come :* ♥♥

  9. Really admire Nelson Mandela. It gets forgotten though that his ideas were not limited to ending racial apartheid in South Africa. To honor his memory we should continue on with the things he felt strongly about and that he wanted to change in the world. He believed that poverty is also a man-made condition and that the economic system in place is not a just one. He was also critical of the USA as a superpower and we should be as well. There is also another issue that he had strong opinions about: “We know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians.” There is a crisis at this very moment esp. in Gaza and to honor his legacy i say that we should do our part to protest the illegal and unjust situation for the Palestinians.

  10. I think that when someone says the word "hero", men or women like him should come in our minds and not superman or batman etc. He was such an inspirational man who changed the lives of so many! He faught for human rights and equality which were two of the best causes to fight for. That's why I believe that people should think of him as role model instead of a pop star or a model.

  11. I think the world really needs more people like Nelson Mandela. He was willing to stand up for what he believed in and really wanted to make the world abetter and safer place for everyone. There is so much unrest in the world at the moment, I hope that some good can come out of it and the world can discover more inspirational people like Mandela.

  12. Nelson Mandela was a just and tolerant man. His memory will live on, and I am glad to hear of this day of celebration of his legacy. Nelson Mandela Day is a great way to honor this man, who gave of himself so that others could live free. We need many more like him.

  13. Nelson Mandela. Such an inspiring man and overall amazing person. He was one of those rare people that fought for human rights and respect for all. Really a hero in the modern term. <3 Rest with the angels Nelson Mandela, <3 Thank you for posting this Jenna!
    There is so much about women's rights and whatnot we sometimes forget to look at the big picture. The world was blessed to have such a kind soul like Mandela. More people should be fighting for what they believe in like human rights and equality for all people. It's not easy to be anyone anywhere in the world. More people should aspire to be just like Nelson. <3

  14. Nelson Mandela is great man who stood up for what he believed in even though he was living in the slums and went to jail for over 20years he made South Africa a more fair and safer place. He is truely inspirational! May him rest in peace! :)

  15. Un grand homme qui a su faire fi de son passé, aller au dessus
    de toutes haines raciales et envers les hommes, qui a compri que l’on ne
    construit pas de bonnes choses sur des fondements de haines

    Un héritage for et puissant tant pour l’Afrique que pour le
    monde, un exemple à suivre

    Puisse t’il reposer en paix

  16. We can sometimes forget that this man was an ordinary being like any of us, he had a belief and he went on in his life to stand up for it. Rest in peace :)
