
Sunday, July 27, 2014


I apologize for getting off track. Last week we were in New York and this week we have family with us at the shore house, so it will be difficult to be on. I will do m best to catch up etc.

If the other writers could help with daily news and stuff I would be greatly appreciative :D!

So, sorry this was interrupted, but let's finish those last 2 days!

5 days to get to know you a little better! 

Each day we will post the challenge and you have until the deadline to participate.

Because the delays, you will now have until 12:00pm Wednesday (July 30th) to post your pictures.

~You don't have to participate in all 5 days for a chance to win
~All winners announced by Thursday July 31st. 

Sunday (Day 4): Your Nails

Show us your nails!  Are the artistic or plain Jane? ! Take a picture and post it in comments. Must be your actual pic. 

For each of the 5 days, all the participants will be put in a raffle and the winner will get to spin the 
SMW Wheel of Fortune. 

(Prizes include stardollars ($50-$200sd), gift of choice, SS Membership, Grab Bag etc.. Items are always changing).



~You don't have to participate in all 5 days to win
~Post pic NOT link in Comments 
~Crop out anything you don't want to be seen
~Don't forget to leave your STARDOLL NAME
~You must be a follower (Click the join this site button on the left side bar), a member of my club Hotbuys_Bazaar and have registered/signed in the chat box to enter comps.
~Must have at least 10 entries a day for prize to be awarded.


  1. Here's my nails , it tooks one month to grow and to be like this♥ I'm in love with them :)))

  2. now i will put stardoll nail till take a pic of my real


  4. :) these are my nails, i like to play with mixing colours:)
    username: Regina226

  5. I love painting my nails! I mostly like dark, blue, purple, any metallic/holographic colors. It takes me around month to grow them as long as I like them to be (@happylove159 length). I hate when I accidentally scratch other people or myself :/ Currently my nails are purple, but I'm sharing dark burgundy nails look which I posted in my Insta in the winter time.

  6. Well, this'll be interesting - as I've never painted my nails in my life...

  7. And when I say interesting, I of course mean BORING...

  8. Okay, this is a photo of my nails I just took on my table. My mobile has only a poor quality camera, so excuse the quality.
    Ignore the twisted index finger - I had it broken once, playing basketball...

  9. Here are my nails! It's the longest I have ever managed to grow them!

  10. I recently slammed my fingers in a door and that managed to rip off half of 3 of my nails. I doubt you want to see that so I will not be posting a picture of my nails. All of your nails look really nice though :p

  11. Just yesterday I removed my nail-polish. I'll do my nails later today and I'll post a pic ASAP.

  12. I love your outfit. I used to prefer darker colours (black, emerald, plum and bloody red) as well but lately I stick to nude base with golden tips or bright turquoise details. It's more fitting for the summer. My favourite remains all black combination between shiny and matte elements.

  13. Can i use an old picture? My nails are plain right now, and I'm too lazy to get them done

  14. Minxingmaniac < Stardoll Acc.July 27, 2014 at 2:32 PM

    These are my nails at the moment - I'm pleased with how they turned out as i'm normally terrible at doing my own nails! :3

  15. My nails, thanks to my sister for doing them for me xD -cutevenice188

  16. My nails are plain right now, this picture was took a week ago :)

  17. Yeah, they used to be a pretty matte silver, but it chipped off and I didn't bring the nail polish with me on my trip, lol. Have to keep them short for guitar and uke playing.

  18. I used my sister's nailpolish, and I love how they turned out, I love the color.

  19. I've been sporting silver and burgundy nailpolish during the winter but I prefer bare nails. They are so strong, I've been told several times that they look fake :)

  20. So nice nails me too they told me that mine they are fake so i show them my nails without nail polish and they believe haha ;)) Love them!♥♥

  21. Is that a magnetic lacquer? I love how it looks :)

  22. sd user name = daniellelannon :))

  23. Classy and FabulousJuly 27, 2014 at 9:47 PM

    My Nails Are Horrid.. So i'll just post a pic of what nail polish colors I am gonna wear next:
    User: Divalolypop3

  24. I'm sitting out on this challenge, my not-so-lovely nails had fungus... and the treatment that got rid of it made my nails go blotchy and cracked and peel xD Yeah too gross to take a pic of I'm afraid !

  25. I dont wear nail polish very often because it alwaya feels heavy. I dont know im weird...

  26. They got cut yesterday. Those ugly fingers lol! :)

  27. I usually just have nail polish on, and I had some nail polish on the other day and I took it off. But I decided to post my favorite nail pic of all time from my own nail experiences. (Does any of this make sense it's been a really long day :\) So here it is, actually from last October... or October before last? Or.... anywho. NAILS :D Everyone has such cute designs. :P (Literally i usually can't do ANYTHING without it looking bad, lol) I really like nudes and pinks for polishes tooooo. (I apologize guys it's again, been a really weird long day, just got my mom home from the hospital. and whatnots, so this is a quickie post haha!) (also ps. holding a carnation that to this day hangs in my room dried up. It should be mostly dead but it kinda lives? idk. A boy gave it to me;) but it was after a terrible weird date. Just like most of our dates were. And ended around 2 am, also when most of our dates ended. and my nails were from homecoming and I'm rambling, sorry goodnight ya'll!)

  28. prettyyy! I love that color, what nail polish did you use?

  29. what a lovely color!!! :D And lovely nails! I envy growing my nails long like that, but i have brittle nails and they tend to break right away. :P

  30. I usually wear nail polish, mostly dark colors.But my nails have never been strong enough to have them long. But a few weeks ago i managed to grow and shape them almost perfectly, but yesterday i realised its hard to use keyboard while having long nails so i cut em.

  31. I like your bracelets. I have a ton of bracelets that are a similar style, they're a great add-on for anyone outfit.

  32. L a r a | Cruella De VilJuly 28, 2014 at 4:22 AM

    How to take a picture when I don't have my phone ;-;

  33. L a r a | Cruella De VilJuly 28, 2014 at 4:26 AM

    I don't get this rule ; Must have at least 10 entries a day for prize to be awarded.

  34. I think it's for intrest purposes, that way there is a gaurenttee that people post the photos and participate and don't ignore it. 5 days a week is 50 entries. This also ensures that there is at least 10 people getting putting into the lottery/etc. It gives it a higher number of unique comments, posts, and winners as well.
    I don't know any of it for sure though, Jenna would probably be able to help you out. But I hope that makes a little more sense. I think it's mostly for variety and consistency.

  35. L a r a | Cruella De VilJuly 28, 2014 at 4:30 AM

    Those are not yours

  36. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 4:32 AM

    Here are mine :) first pic was taken by a professional in her studio so i put 1 more pic of me and my friend at the festival so that you can see these are really mine :D obviously,mine are on the left

  37. Thank you dear♥ , me too sometimes they break but I must be careful to let them grow longer and longer :))

  38. I love this color! One of my favorites colors for the summer <3

  39. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 28, 2014 at 5:45 AM

    Pretty nails ;) And you were on Ultra Europe,am I right? Hahaha

  40. Minxingmaniac < Stardoll Acc.July 28, 2014 at 5:56 AM

    Yes! Barry M magnetic nail polish! Its beautiful and a saviour for easy nails! *0*

  41. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 5:59 AM

    Thanks :D yes,i was :D it was in my home town :) were u there???

  42. Ah, man, I had to cut my nails very recently and I have been avoiding the urge to paint them ever since I started to have health problems.
    Does anyone else have layers of the nail coming off? Kind of like splitting and peeling? I have been using some nail polishes that reduce it but I don't see a big difference. The longer the nails grow, the more they chip, I have to peel it off because it just hangs there and then the nail at the end becomes very thin and it starts to break. I really could use some advice on this.

  43. I love the sparkles too! the color is pretty!

  44. She mentioned it's just the inspiration :)

  45. Damn gurl! You are sooo lucky to be at ULTRA Europe, its one of the best Europe festival in my opinion. And it was happening in your home town, you are soooo lucky! :O What producers/DJ's you saw/heard/raved? :o

  46. Nice color so burgundy red!

  47. Thank you! I love stacking bracelets too, they make simple outfit pop :)

  48. Thank you ^-^ Haha! We should carry "Sorry, we scratch" sign all time :D

  49. Thank you so much! I really like nude nails too, it looks amazing both on long and short nails. I have matte nailpolish which can make any color mate, but I am not huge fan of it :(

  50. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 6:55 AM

    :D well i was there the whole 3 days and Steve Aoki blowed the house :D i think his set was the best but Hardwell and Armin were awesome as well. How come it your favorite,where you here last year or this year :D??

  51. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 6:55 AM

    I am just missing the diamond :D

  52. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 28, 2014 at 7:11 AM

    Oh yeah :) Because Split is my hometown too :)

  53. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 7:12 AM

    hehe :) ludilo

  54. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 28, 2014 at 7:22 AM

    It is all about how healthy you eat,i had anemia and my nails were horrid but when i passed my puberty and started to eat healthy (with workout) they got strong and beautiful. Also almond is good for hair,nails and skin. Eat some every day :D

  55. I love to do my nails, so here's a picture of how they look right now. Unfortunately, I can't grow them as I wear contact lenses and there's no way I could take them off with long nails without hurting my eye D:

  56. Speaking of nails!
    Stardoll has released a new polished store.
    Here are the new nail polishes.
    refrsh 4 pic

  57. Jenny-boo/lahurinaJuly 28, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Jel' tako ;)

  58. just gott them ddone on snday

  59. The importance of reading before replying.

  60. At least ten people have too enter for the contest too happen.

  61. these are my nails...and those are not stickers :P
    I have painted them using acrylic colours :)

  62. I also felt weird when my sister tried painting my nails once, as if my nails were too heavy or something.

  63. And the decor is better than my nails ^^

  64. Thank you! It my fave

  65. they are from seventeen (i don't know if it's a international brand or just in my country) , the colors are no5 and no30 :)

  66. L a r a | Cruella De VilJuly 28, 2014 at 11:57 AM

    Oh yes I havent read

  67. Amazing job :D

  68. Thanks, it's been my signature since 2009 :))

  69. Thank you :) yeah I totally feel this :D

  70. thats pretty lucky! Do you use nail strengthener?

  71. Awesome! That's crazy detailed. They look better than stickers ever could!

  72. haha! exactly. A girl could dream though! <3

  73. I'll have to check and see. They look super chic though! :D

  74. haha.. thanks so much :D

  75. No dear i don't use it, I think they grow long and fast because i have a lot of Calcium in my body because i eat so much the milk products and that's really help :) and make your nails stroger and longer :))

  76. Haha thank you very much XD

  77. Here are my nails :)) I used hot pink and black and did a kind of pink on the top and black on the bottom half except on my ring finger I did the opposite :) (wish I could grow my nails!)

  78. my acrylic nails ;D more than one pic btw.
    I took them ALL.

  79. I did a reverse image search. You stole the picture. Not cool.

  80. forgot this pic ( it didnt go through )

  81. Here's my nails, blue and sparkly. Kinda reminds me of the fault in our stars haha :D Mind the scar I burnt my hand a few days ago

  82. Now i know im not the only one! :)

  83. sorry here the photo, i had troubles uploading it.

  84. username:

  85. I finally got around to do my nails. Nude base and gold tips is my staple for the summer - it goes with everything.

  86. Sorry, I was in a kinda rush so i just posted a pic of nails i didnt read all the extra stuff I just saw peoples nails and looked like they were off a site so I just chose a pic of nails. sorry for the inconvienece.

  87. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 29, 2014 at 8:07 AM

    Oh,you can solve the heat problem : watermelon :) my fave these days

  88. I actually injured myself last year hahah I get stressed when I can't take them off easily :/

  89. thank you eve1 :)

  90. So happy for you that you saw Aoki and Hardwell! I am huge EDM lover (mostly dubstep and DnB faan) I would love to see them both, even though they aren't my favs. Well I saw few ULTRA's livestreams and they were ahmaazing. I remember seeing Hardwell set in ULTRA 2013 and crying bc it was perfect, it was before he got extremely popular. I wish to go to ULTRA one day, hope I will manage to do it :) My country don't have festivals with normal DJ's or anything worth to spend my money for...

  91. im super obsessed with houndstooth!

  92. Since, I have been pretty busy lately, I unfortunately haven't had any time to paint my nails :(

  93. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 30, 2014 at 5:09 AM

    I am huge edm lover too and i am blessed that i live in Croatia, it is kinda becoming a place to be for electronic music, from Split, Hvar to Novalja-Zrće and many other places. It all started with me drooling over Tomorrowland, thinking about how to get there and then the news about Ultra Europe hitting my country,my town hit me like crazy. Since last year,i havent missed a single performer in Split :) i wish you could come, even tho there wasnt much of a dubstep this year (hopping for Skrillex at least next year) but i have to say that Aoki made me love trap and i believe that no other performer played that. Oh and ofc. he threw 4 cakes at the audience :D wow,i could write forever about this subject. lol

  94. my nails are definitely plain jane.

  95. Im so happy for you that your town held such an amazing popular festival! Its nice that lots of performers come to your city! :) All my EDM festivals love started with Dubstep planet Moscow, I remember crying bc Skrillex was there and lineup was amaze balls and I'm still dying to get there one day. Sonny is a really inspiring person and his music is perfecto. I can't stop listening to Recess album since it was released, I even have top dedicated to it LOL :D I love trap too, it would be amazing to see Aoki trowing cakes and get caked lol :D Sorry for mistakes, I just get excited every time I talk with anybody about EDM :D We should talk about it one day! :)

  96. You can only post a pic of your own... why were you finding them online anyways?

  97. I wanted to ask, do you wear basic, clear contact lenses or ones that change your eye colors, etc?

  98. Basic clear ones! I have a little bit of myopia and astigmatism. I only wear glasses when I'm home or when I have my final exams, the rest of the time I wear contact lenses. What about you?

  99. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameJuly 30, 2014 at 9:47 AM

    :D finally i found someone on the internet who knows about this kinda music. All the other ppl just know about Guetta and SweedishHouseMafia (they dont even know that they dont exist anymore). Not that i hate them, Sebastian Ingrosso is still on the scene even after SHM and i love his music so much. I actually love all of them,cant really decide, dancer in me only hears the BEAT not the performer :)

  100. Finally someone's photo looks similar to mine! :)

  101. Wow, you painted them? How do you even...? I'm speechless.
    Also, I have to ask you - do you paint them also on your right hand? (I assume you're right-handed)

  102. yess I am right-handed..n I cant paint them on my on my right hand :P :)

  103. I have prescription circle lenses, I have been wearing them for almost 2 years and they have made my life a lot easier, although I wear my glasses in the evenings and sometimes when I don't feel like putting on make-up. I feel like circle lenses look awful without make-up, at least they make me look like an alien, since I usually have dark contact lenses.

  104. If you can't post a picture than just don't participate in that comp. Posting another pic and passing it off as your own is dishonest. Please be sure to read and follow the rules in the future. Thanks

  105. sorry for inspiration now

  106. I no now thanks
