
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Stardoll at work - making of graphics

I gotta tell you that I don't usually check Stardoll's YouTube channel, I wasn't really interested in watching it... until now. 

Today I discovered something that I'll DEFINITELY follow in the future. I cannot tell how surprised I was when I spotted videos that show how clothes are made by the Stardoll staff itself. Let's take a peek behind the scenes together!

This was the very first video they uploaded, it shows the making of a PPQ coat.

Seems like the key word to Stardoll graphics is VECTORS.

Vectors, vectors and MORE VECTORS. Only vectors actually. I must keep repeating this in my head. 
When I used to do graphics, vectors were the only tools I never applied. I just didn't know how to use them. I feel extremely weird right now.

The video has a second part with the coat coming to its final form. It takes more than an hour to complete a "simple" graphic like this. Wow.
Then how long does it take to create patterns? Just imagine.

Incredible, isn't it?

Here are 2 more videos of the MET Gala dresses coming to life. Now I understand how the black dress stayed flat, haha. 
However, the best tutorial would be one with the Zac Posen gown. I'd love to see how the details are made on that.

(Link to the Mugler dress HERE, it doesn't want to show up somehow)

Next up, making of the latest Tress Up collection including real life inspiration they took.


And a little extra feature to finish off, testing the Fallen Angel collection.

I'm utterly impressed. Are you as well? Or do you still think they should put much more effort into the making? Some of you said the latest Riviera collection was not made well enough. 

What other videos would you like to see? Tell me what you think.

- B


  1. xXxmalexXx stardoll nameMay 15, 2014 at 1:16 PM

    I saw that Young Hollywood dress in progress and i loved it but then i got mad since it didnt show it till the end :D anyway,stardoll does have some cool videos.

  2. Yes I agree, I really really want to see more details of the Naomi dress!

  3. When making graphics, it's only normal to not to use vectors. The reason it matters to stardoll is that all users resize them. Well, flash itself can do that, but at least it doesn't lose quality... When making homepages. I usually use vectors if I can, because there are people who are used to zooming in screen, but I don't want the banner look worse only because of that

  4. That's really cool will deffo watch the videos, i need to learn more about making graphics z

  5. I am amazed by all that work Stardoll puts in smallest pieces, like some sparkle on the buttons! Enjoyed watching these videos a lot!

  6. This made me want to watch all the other videos, it's nice to see how they do stuff, it seems so complicated to a noob like me xd

  7. When I used to make some simple graphics (like move doll legs, change hair etc.) I used Photoshop, Its easiest but you need to buy it/pirate it, so you can use GIMP if you want to.

  8. It's an interesting point! Anyway, using vectors seems much easier to me now. I've always had problems with keeping the edges smooth but vectors could improve this.

  9. I did my first graphics with Microsoft Paint haha :D I learned to use Photoshop on my own, you can try that too, just watch a few tutorials :)

  10. OMG I didn't even know those videos existed!
    I never used vectors either... so I think I'll look for some tutorials right now :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Thanks for so interesting videos!

  12. I couldn't believe how long those things Take The Yellow dress was TOO much

  13. Oh hun, I don't know the first thing about graphic design all I know is to appreciate the end result and compare it to the RL version or my idea of what it would look like in RL...and most of the time they fall very short, don't they???
    Also u have to take into account the talent of the graphic designer which might not pass through designing clothes...
    To design clothes u need to know fabrics and how they behave, you need to know cuts, shapes and forms not only on flat fabric but how they will look with a body inside - something u'll probably only learned if u ever "piloted" a sewing-machine or have seen someone do it (like a lot of times lol)
    I can move on to shoes, a item often ruined by Stardoll designers as they don't know how to design the sole, mainly the one that goes on our doll right foot - also the heel and the vamp of the shoe can appear with several mistakes like; heel too long or incorrect inclination, straps with different spacing from one foot to the many other things I could point out...
    Some of you may think I'm being picky or have some kind of OCD problem lol but all I can say is - if I can spot them, so can other ppl and definitely so can Stardoll - - - - - gawwd , I could go on and on but I'm boring myself already, I imagine u guys have fallen asleep by now :D

  14. Girl you can write a lot :D As I read through the "shapes and forms" part this came into my mind... I mean wtf, this could be an extremely cool shirt but the flat chest just ruins it :|

  15. You r right, it looks like a man shirt. Stardoll tried to give it the loose, almost boxy cut of the RL version but failed miserably and by giving it so much shadowing the leather looks more like (heavy) silk!

  16. Totally agree. You know, we spend, at least many of us, hundreds of dollars on this suite, so this means that we are looking for quality for our wasted money. However, sometimes Stardoll produces some pure crap :(

  17. Thanks, i will try to pick out any of them.

  18. Yea... agreed! The shirt has so much potential

  19. It's great to see the creation process :)

  20. +1, there are only a few items that are really well designed. Last HB dress even has pixels on the top.

  21. so why they don't keep the colors of RL ? :/

  22. Same with this pair of earrings from MM Fashion, they become pixelated when enlarged

  23. Copyright, probably :|

  24. Speaking of pixelated stuff, here r a few LE items I own...some pixelated and others with flaws I just can't seem to understand why they passed and never got fixed!

  25. I guess they didn't edit the pixelated parts with vectors so they become different when enlarged. See the comment of @Kravisera below and you'll see what I mean ^^

  26. Yes I think that is why I just didn't like it.

  27. And maybe they like pink too much :D I don't think that some designers will charge them for making their clothes

  28. WOW! How Stardoll could missed huge mistakes like this? :o

  29. I agree with you, it don't looks like leather and is little bit too flat, looks manly. But I still really like it and I think it goes with lots of things!

  30. I want to second the GIMP, it's free and is a good place to start

  31. It's sad and kind of lazy really which is a shame :/

  32. This was so much fun to watch!

  33. Ah well, look at this

  34. Lol, that looks great!

  35. But you cannot shade face with vectors (well, you can, but you can't make it look realistic :) )

  36. really cool

  37. probably copyright, and its also a girle website. :(

  38. to many mistakes....

  39. to large near butt, but its nice..

  40. hehehe i odnt tihnk gimp is a good pce to start...

  41. Liu dress is fab

  42. Sucks how poor quality it is considering the price

  43. The videos are really interesting to watch

  44. Some of them are too long though. Should have sped up the designing a bit.

  45. I don't think it's copyright. Like I've said before, Stardoll either has a legal contract with the brand (such as PPQ, Miss Sixty etc.) or they've been paid to recreate the item and sell it in Starplaza. Maybe for some of the items in the lesser shops (IT Girls, Pretty n' Love) they have to change the colours because I doubt they'd have a contract for those items, they have too many designers of those items.

  46. I bought those belts, and the last skirt. I'm going to try and sell them, you can't even wear them properly.

  47. Such a beautiful necklace. Shame they had to go and pixelate it.

  48. Doesn't anyone here learn how to use photoshop etc. at school? We spent a whole semester on it here back in year 8 when we used to have tech class.

  49. Explains why the Stardoll faces look so weird without makeup/shading.

  50. I wish they showed us how they added the 'sparkles' in. Would've been interested in learning how they did that.

  51. I think everybody started with Paint :D But for some people Photoshop can be hard to find, download and install (I don't have this problem because im pirate arghh, but some people do, because its illegal or you can buy it for few k), so I think Gimp is easier to get and its not hard to use it :)

  52. I have had Photoshop in my compute for like ages but I had a difficulty in handling it, was a bit difficult at first, but i will try to find time to learn about it and try it out, seems so fun at the first look. Btw I am a pirate too :) Why should I pay hundreds of dollars, if I can get it for free and I am not sure, if I really need/want/ can use it properly
