
Monday, May 5, 2014

New game - Film Stars

Stardoll have released a new game called Film Stars. It's available for you to download on tablets and mobile phones from the Apple & Google Play stores. If I'm completely honest, the graphics in the promotion make me cringe a little - it took me a bit of time to figure out who some of them were! :P As far as I can tell it basically is the same as the Dress Up Games on Stardoll, although I've not download it yet. Thoughts?


  1. It would be better if they release another app like Cut it where you can receive free Stardoll items. I know there is Spin it in App store, but when you have Android, you don't have many choices expect Cut it :D

  2. Hmm... Since I don't really download useless apps for my phone, I don't think I'll download this one. You can't really get anything out of it, you know?

  3. Stardoll has already released a game called Dress Up Movie Stars so what's the purpose of this app? Also, it comes with a price, because of that, I know for definite that I will not be purchasing this.

  4. Aww another Stardoll's app that I'm not buying lol

  5. The games are nice, but maybe Stardoll should try adding more clothes & maybe more dolls to them... And find new ideas. For example, I'd love to have an app like this based on KPOP Idols. :/

  6. Yes, they should make applications that actually have something to do with your Stardoll Account. :) Like applications that give you clothes and items. :)

  7. Just if you're interested in dressing up a few celebrities... :( The only one I downloaded was the Blog Stars one because two of my favourite bloggers were there. :)

  8. But you can dress up celebrities right on Stardoll, like, you know. Dress-ups.

  9. For me its better to dress up my doll, so I'd rather not use it.

  10. I don't do these kinds of games. I use a Kindle Fire which is not compatible with any of the download sites.

  11. Chuck Bass is kind of scary...

  12. useless..if they were at least some rewards for playing I might consider downloading it

  13. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    This game is a waste of money, you have to pay to unlock clothes and people i think

  14. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    yah.... 0_0

  15. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:10 PM

    hahha i have an i-pad and i still dont download em

  16. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    i totally agree

  17. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    I would like an app based on sceneries

  18. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    hahaha, stardoll doesnt really care about us.

  19. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:12 PM

    2.99 U.S dollars RIP OFF!!!!! pluss 99 cents per clothing item, um no!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Roxanne GonzalezMay 5, 2014 at 5:43 PM

    I dont tihnk i would download it any time though

  21. Sorry, I can not post at the chat as it continues not appearing for me, but the new HB is at starplaza, it is number 56577, also there is a free top too, I don´t know if it is a glitch or not, its number is 31763. Kisses

  22. With Android, you also can download Glam Fever which is a good game and also you can receive some prizes at your Stardoll account completing some actions that they ask you into the game. Some of the things are hard to complete without buying extra diamonds, but it is possible. If you are able to buy more diamonds, then you can complete them easily. :)

  23. It's weird that they no longer make apps that come with unlockable rewards for our Stardoll accounts. That was the only reason I ever downloaded half of these apps.


    No, seriously. None of you would believe me if I told you how much things cost on Itunes here. It's... a whole new level of overpricing.

  25. I just saw this, but thanks. Very frustrating that some still can't see it.

  26. Does anyone use those?

  27. Marykate(marikate14)May 6, 2014 at 4:20 AM

    Pretty useless, I believe.

  28. Well it looks pretty boring to me. I'm already playing Stardoll, and it's consuming my life haha
    Also, I wonder, who is the male person in the picture?

  29. I believe some download this if they have a younger sister or even a brother who likes dressups... :o

  30. Yes... And isn't it also really weird that they make apps mostly for Apple users and not also for Android? :o I mean, there were a few games that were available only for Apple users, so that's kinda unfair to Android users. :(

  31. And I am an Android user and it sucks that the good games Stardoll makes are only for Apple users. :')

  32. That's a good opinion you have there.

  33. Yes! I agree! That would also be really interesting! :o

  34. Umm... Stardoll apparently is trying to get all the money they can from us...
    ... and then make more applications that cost money...
    ...and ask us to pay more...

  35. Yes. Sadly, I am not sure that the "Suggest a doll" thing actually works. I'd like to see my favourite celebs, not just any doll Stardoll makes... :(

  36. Hey, what about the Underground game Stardoll was making? Any news about it?

  37. Apparently it's supposed to be Chuck Bass.

  38. I wouldn't know. I don't use any of them, but all of my tablets/phones are Apple. I'm just going to presume there's less they can put into their apps on the Android store, more limitations.

  39. Maybe haha. I really appreciated that the Blog Stars clothes were free and so was the game though. Hopefully, they'll release free application in the nearest future.

  40. I never thought about that; that's very plausible :o

  41. There were gifts for the Blog Stars app? Do you have a pic of them?

  42. No, I didn't mean that the app was giving away freebies, but as I remember, my sister played that game and the clothes were free in-game, no need to pay for the items to dress-up the doll in.

  43. Oh. That's dumb... and also, why would you pay for items to dress up a doll in if it's not your medoll the items are going to? What the hell, Stardoll?

  44. I feel compelled to agree with you so much on this!
    Damon Salvatore agrees too, by the way. (hehe)

  45. Haha, you made me laugh xD

    Is this what you guys have for the poll today? ^^Coincidence :')

  46. o.O Yeah, I've seen that poll too.
    LOL, the third option tho. xD

  47. I see a tiny bit of resemblance.. But something is wrong with his nose. And mouth.

  48. I hope that Stardoll does this only because there are a lot of people who likes this.
    For myself, I would rather have Downtown available everywhere... >.<

  49. Is it still not available everywhere? It's been out for over a year now..

  50. Well, I couldnot have it while being in Sweden some months ago, and couldnot get it in Latvia either. Now I cannot check, gave my iPad away (I hate apple, I'm amazed how I could last with it for more that half a year...)

  51. I think that they mainly focus on really popular mainstream celebrities which already have dolls or just make really low quality dress-ups. I mean, it just sucks that Stardoll has been a little lazy with a lot of things. Sure, I am not there for the dress-up games but... that's how it first started, right?

  52. PwincessSara/SaraMay 6, 2014 at 2:17 PM

    I couldn't see it either but have you tried clicking the Chat Box logo above it and then loading the blog page again? It seemed to work for me, but I have to repeat it if I come back to the blog and want to use the chat box :)

  53. Yes, I tried everything! The only way I can go to the chat box is using Internet Explorer, however I am not using it because of the big bug with Windows that was discover last week, so I will not use IE until I know it is safe again!

  54. Yep :) He looks funny.. haha

  55. Haha... agreed... the graphics are a bit iffy

  56. Rewards would be a nice addition

  57. That's weird. I mean, we have it here, and Australia and New Zealand are usually the last countries to get access to anything. Weird.

  58. Most people don't use Internet Explorer not because of the bug but because it's Internet Explorer :p
