
Saturday, May 17, 2014


BOY has this been a slow weekend so far! Well, that's about to change ;).

The HB Hibiscus shorts are now available (Thanks Andreababy05 and Popmaker). We are that much closer to a collection of HB's lol. These are cute, but  I am not too big a fan of Stardoll shorts. $14sd is a bit high for shorts and we don't even know who inspired them lol. I don't think I will be getting them. What about you?


*Please do NOT cover up your hotbuys! As our polls get fuller, the people who cover them may not be included. This means if you can barely see the HB, you've covered it too much.


Create an outfit using these shorts and post the pic in comments. Don't forget your Stardoll Name. Entries will be placed in poll for all to vote. 

Win $50sd.
2nd place: Wins the shorts

Please remember:

~NO PHOTO EDITING OF DOLL OR CLOTHES. Background is allowed only.
~ You must be a follower of both this blog and member of club Hotbuys_Bazaar.
~The HB must be clearly seen and not covered up
~Screen print must be large and clear. Please crop to show only your entry.
~Can be created from Starplaza
~Post pic in comments, I will not view links.
~Don't forget to leave your Stardoll Name
~No cheating by entering more than once under other accounts and/or copying other peoples entries. 
~The HB must be well seen and not covered up. It should be the focal point of the outfit.
~Be creative AND stylish

~Space is limited

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