
Monday, April 21, 2014

The Lucky Square: Results!

Time for results! Are you guys ready to see who the winners are?

So yesterday, sixteen of you reserved squares! Out of all sixteen of you, six of you reserved lucky squares. One person even landed on the 250sd square! Here are the winning squares(the highlighted squares). 


Square 8 Board 2: 250sd 
Square 4 Board 1 & Square 7 Board 1: 100sd
Square 14 Board 2 & Square 12 Board 1: 50sd
Square 15 Board 2 & Square 2 Board 2 & Square 3 Board 2:  25sd
Square 15 Board 1 & Square 14 Board 1 & Square 2 Board 1 & Square 3 Board 1: 5 new items of your choice from Original Future & Pretty n' Love

The List of Winners
Ms.Brigette (Please leave your username in the comments) 250sd
Juliette116 100sd
Keaiilah1 100sd
Natoustars 25sd
Jackjailer & Vampirelady33: 5 new items of your choice from Original Future & Pretty n' Love

Now winner. If you're a superstar member please reserve an item in your bazaar for the price of your prize for me(Elite-girl). If you won 5 items from Original Future & Pretty n' Love just added the items to your wishlist. If you're a non superstar just add items to your wishlist that adds up to your prize amount. 

Congrats winner! 

Now I need your feedback! What do you guys think about The Lucky Square?


  1. Oh...I can't believe I HAD the wining square - guess I should have checked if someone had picked it before ;p
    I liked the game alot (despite my miserable start) but if the game and blog picks up, having only the first 16 entries on comments to be eligible will drive lots of ppl mad...

  2. Ah, I had a really good feeling about my square... :( Oh well... Congratulations to the winners tho!
    I really liked the idea, but maybe next time there should be a bigger board so more people could enter...

  3. OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME, thank you very much!!! My username is the same, Ms.Brigitte, but with an 'i' (it always gets misspelled, haha) I'll contact you, Linda!

  4. ItzADollzLife-MarisaApril 21, 2014 at 8:21 PM

    I knew it was 8 in board 2 xD I did a whole math logic problem with it lol well there's always a next time :D congrats guys ♥

  5. There's logic behind it? I literally just chose random numbers then a random board lol :D

  6. I love this idea! Congratulations to all of yo. I have no luck whatsoever when it comes to these things so think I'm going to watch everyone else win prizes :P

  7. The idea was great! It was fun as well but a bit of a hassle to see if someone has taken your spot already but other than that, I loved the idea. Congratulations to the winners!

  8. Great idea, and I'm glad I won :) Added to wishlist on doll vampirelady33 and thanks so much!

  9. I have no luck when it comes to this kind of stuff, which is ok, because I have luck at cards-games xD, but the idea is actually great ^^ Especially if you're a non-superstar, this can help you very much! ^^ Because we entered an era where Stardoll makes great stuff only for Superstars and yet they promote "equality". :/ But I love the idea ^^ Congrats to the winners ♥

  10. Woooow, i'm so happy I won haha :D ! Congratulations to the other winners !!! But I can't reserve an item for 25 sd, it is for 24 or 26 sd ? What do I have to do ?
    I think it is a great idea since we have to stay tuned because the places is limited. I agree with what Kat Kwon said too.

  11. It's a realy beautiful game..i hope the other game will be soon

  12. 26sd is fine! xo

  13. I really like this game. Also glad I've won. Is it possible to reserve something tomorrow, cause now I'm not ss?

  14. Thanks for your feedback! I'll definitely look into making it a little easier for people to see if their square has been taken or not! xo

  15. Sure, that is totally fine xo

  16. Samantha ChampagnieApril 22, 2014 at 12:39 PM

    No way! I guess I was a bit lucky :P I really like this game, but since this blog is one of the biggest out there for stardoll more squares are going to be needed after awhile. Other than that, amazing idea. I'll claim my prize by tonight


  17. Great idea :)

  18. This is an awesome, I saw someone say that you need more squares. I disagree, I think that the number of squares is perfect. Everyone can't win every time. The lower number will keep people watching the blog for new contests and posts.
