
Friday, April 18, 2014


Hi everyone,

Our comments layout has been changed. Let me know what you think about it.

We are now using Disqus. Some of you may familar with it as it is the same system Underneath Stardoll uses. Thanks to sdoreymenano answering my questions about it!

The reason I switched is, I wanted to make it easier for everyone to enter comps. You can now add a picture of your entry directly in your comment. This is also so I do not have to take a chance and possible go to an unsafe link.

To do this, do a screen shot (print screen), save it to your computer and then upload it by clicking on the little icon in the bottom left corner of your comments box.

If you don't already have a Disqus account from following Underneath Stardoll, I suggest you make an ID. This is easy to do.

Click in the box that says Pick a name. You can use your Stardoll name, Blogger name, Google whatever. I use a combination of my Stardoll name and real name (Emorox4eva/Jenna). I would suggest that your Stardoll name be in it, so we can identify you for comps.

Next enter your email address that you wish to register with and select a password. Then click on the arrow to your right to register.

After that is completed, if you click on the avatar icon, you can upload a picture like you have on blogger or google etc.

See below. Click on avatar. Select Edit profile. Select Add photo. Upload your photo then choose next.

xoxo, Jenna


  1. I like this much better than the old one! Its very new, and easy to do things.

  2. Yeap, Disqus is a good choice to post comments and screen prints - it can also become hell on wheels like it has in USD cuz ppl will post pics about everything which will lead to comments going way, WAY, off topic...
    So...this means I'll now post as MissLadyAnjah which is my nickname on Stardoll and leave anaKonda for other Google accounts ;p

  3. Oh...and Sofia (sdoreymenano) is the best! She's not only a dear (and dear friend too) but she's always nice, helpful and polite and the hardest working blogger on USD!

  4. Jenna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOOOO happy to have you back! I feel like I've been alone in the SD castle watching all these newcomers! Ive been guarding your throne doll :)

  5. I apparently already had an account with this! That confused me because I didn't even remember making one :P But I like this layout. Think it'll make the whole competition thing a lot easier! :D

  6. This comments layout is definitely a great thing for this blog. :D So easy to use :D
