
Monday, September 12, 2011

New Doll

 Good afternoon our readers :) today we have new doll they are 4 members in group called " RESTART " !!! i didn't like their graphic 2/5 .. if you want to dress up the doll  Click Here

Here is the real picture for them ;)
Restart is a Brazilian teen pop band formed in August 2008. The band's hit songs include "Recomeçar," "Vou Cantar," "Levo Comigo" and "Amanhecer no Teu Olhar". Their official MySpace site got more than 2 million hits in 2009 alone. This fact is considered important, considering the Internet is the band's primary means of distribution.
In addition to live shows across Brazil, the band appeared in the hit Brazilian TV show, Casseta & Planeta, aired on the Rede Globo network on August 10, 2010. Their first album went gold, selling over 1 million copies.
Do you know them ?


  1. I have never heard of them before : ) xxx

  2. never herd of them!!! they are ugly..

  3. i dont know them.

    please everyone would you vote for me for MSW i dont want to win the first place but i just want to win something.

    i never won anything on stardoll and my account is very nice. i have over 4300 stardpoints.

    please vote me.

  4. seriously?? Restart?? I hate them..Here in Brazil, they are famous for using these colored pants. and, in my opinion, they are terrible!

  5. Meh, never even heard of them.
