
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

HB Stole

The HB stole has been released! I hate it. Enough said. The colours are OK but the way it looks on my MeDoll is just weird :$ What about you? Love or hate?

RL Version by Ana Sui:
Thanks HBA


  1. I wish they'd kept it in its original colours. Stardoll thinks we all love pink. And I really don't. Not impressed with this one, or the price!

  2. yeah, i hate it. i mean, where did stardoll get the hot pink? i can't imagine making an outfit with it, so i'm not gonna buy it.

  3. It looks like it might match some of the new LE collection. It has those colors in it. But it's hideous and I'd never mess up my LE with it!

  4. The original one looks awesome!

    The green on SD's version looks weird, and ... pink ?Seriously?I think it's pretty expensive for a scarf.

  5. I seriously don't see what's wrong with it! I hate pink but it works for me here. It's my fav HB of august, and my pnly wish is that I was still SS to buy it...

  6. i really like it, but it would look so much better and more realistic in brown.

  7. I have a contest on my blog, who makes the best outfit with the HB stole wins 10 sd. I know it's not much.
    click on my name to go to my blog.

    You'll find the contest in the post about the stole.

  8. I agree with a lot of people on the colour change, but i think its very beautiful with certain colours

  9. i dont like it, especialy for that price :S

  10. I bought it since Im starting to collect Hotbuys but I wish Stardoll kept it in its original colours..its to colourful so its hard to find anything to wear with it!

    P.S.How do you put a picture of your Stardoll beside your comment?:) I really want to know..:)
