
Saturday, May 21, 2011

New Store: Fantasy Hotel

Ahh! Jenna's back! Who else is stoked? Welcome back! (Even though you're not sure how long you'll be around :P)

Anyways...seems as though a lot of you have told us there's a new store in the Decor section of Starplaza, called Fantasy Hotel. So...time to make a post about it, right?!? :D Now, I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that it's part of the whole "Beach Villa" theme thing they're doing...but...ya know...just a guess...;)


  1. Thanks Sara! Missed you guys too. Sorry didn't feel like signing in. :P

  2. I love the stuff. I hope that the beach villa is for non-ss aswell after all the hype about it but i doubt it ?

  3. I love these shop sooo much!!!I mean, items are so adorable and there are just awesome things there and I'm in love with them...Completely :D

  4. I was happy that so many of them were available for starcoins which means non ss as well. It is about time they could get some more furniture

  5. OMG its soooo fantastic :D i bought the interior which looks like a balcony. i love it because its sooo beautifull. also i love the new stuff of the shop. the furniture is very elegant and this statue inspired by... is so funny :D
    i love the little ships which you can put into the background. then the really look like the are sailing there :) sooo kind :)
    thank stardoll :) what a fantastic idea :)

  6. In the third picture of the interiors, the statue of the woman without a head wearing the interestingly coloured bodysuit... those are the exact same as the statues outside of the National Women's History Museum in Washington D.C!

    I took a pic while I was there on a roadtrip with the fam this past Summer, I had troubles finding the pic I took but I found this one on the web which looks exactly the same:,+three+graces.JPG

    They're called the Three Graces :)
    Hope this helped, feel free to add it to the post if you wish! xx

  7. I love it but I'm saving my money for the villa :)

  8. Quick update from my last post (Two above)-

    I've now noticed there are two of the statues... but in real life there are actually three, hence the title 'The Three Graces'. Not sure why Stardoll only had two... but I'm positive it's based on those statues I posted in my other post. They look exactly the same, just different paint patterns and colours. ;)

  9. @jenni16.juli
    I know--sorry! I am trying my best to keep the blog updated whilst the other writers are off on study leave e.t.c. but with my own exams atm, it's hard :/

    Better late than never though! xD

  10. Wow. Love it! OMG. If only I was SS
    and now I don't think Non-SS can try on make-up or is it SS too? ;] thanks x

  11. I really enjoy checking out new things. But i dont usally buy them ! but these are super cool ! thanks for sharing

  12. I love these interiors, I will buy them + the items :D

  13. wdj lits skahlsm im to dog raij lidukaa jkisjji tisisi liko dogos in fromn top. i forte./
    this blog are stupid and ugy. hahahah iam super wronja witch. i am super hacker fairy!
