
Friday, May 20, 2011

Hey! WOW! It's been awhile...

Hey Everyone! 
Wow! I am really surprised that this blog is active at all. I didn't expect any activity. So I have to say THANKS and that I really appreciate the writers who loved the blog enough to keep posting in my absence. Thanks also to the readers who stuck around.

I wasn't sure I was coming back and I am still not sure in what capacity yet, but I wanted to stop by and say Hello. I may get actively involved with the blog again or I may just come on from time to time to talk with friends etc.. not sure.

I am however considering selling many of my "rare" items. They don't seem to mean as much to me anymore.
So, if you're interested let me know. It is for PayPal only.
I got my lottery dresses back, MOST of my MKA RC, & Paulina RC. My Dkny and LE wasn't as lucky...but I have some items. Just let me know at my stardoll account (emorox4eva) and a price and I'll get back to you :)

I have to say that have a couple months break from this place really helped me a lot so all I can do now is play it by ear and see what the future holds for me ;)

I really hope that all of you are doing well!!!

xoxo Jenna


  1. Omg. You are back. Yaaaaaaaaaaay!

  2. Oh, btw, I hope this blog will be much more active soon :o)

  3. Your back ! :) Its nice to see your keeping well and we have all missed you :)

  4. It's nice of you to stop by Jenna! I'm glad you're well.

  5. Jenna! You are back. We all missed you!

  6. whoopp welcome back jennaa!!
    we've missed ya ♥

  7. OMG :D !!I'm happy to see you back :)

  8. Good. Do whatever you decide to do.

  9. I hope you come back (even though I wasn't a follower then) :) Cause everyone says your awesome sooo watevas :) I'd like to buy something, I'll have a look

  10. Oh my gosh Jenna! I missed you, I am glad you are back, no matter how active some is better than none. I am glad you feel well.

    I am just so happy

  11. It´s so nice to hear/read something from you again ^^ We all missed you much :) Hope you stay, but it´s your desicion ;D

  12. Great to see you back posting again :) I think I can safely say we've all missed you

  13. Welcome back Jenna. Hope you're doing okay (:

  14. I'm glad you posted, I hope everything is going okay!:-) SMW missed you, and the writers have been doing a brilliant job keeping the blog active:-)

  15. Hey! Welcome back Jenn!!!!Glad to read you again!!!

  16. JENNA! JENNA! JENNA! JENNA! YAY! Welcome back, it's nice to have you again. (:

  17. JENNA!!!

    It feels like forever since I've seen you! x I missed you so much! :D

    I'll stop by your Suite, not sure whether the Dirty Dancing Winner Dress will now be for sale. ;)

  18. Welcome back sweety. You have been missed!

  19. Jenna! I was curious if you planeed to actually log in once more, its good to see you are okay, and its good that you got most of your rares back :)

  20. Thanks for coming back but won't you get deleted for selling through Paypal? Stardoll said they'd delete people for it

  21. Anonymous

    Is that a new rule because I have never heard that..

    Thanks everyone :)

  22. Hey wow! You are back! Where have you been all this time? Did you hear about the Villa's, you probably have! What do you think? Anyway I'd love to buy some of your Le but I cant' right now due to the Villa coming out I'm not spending as much. But next month definitely!

    Attention: Milkylove is a suite copier. I just caught her copying the room I'm in now. Do not give her credit! What's with the copiers on Stardoll? They really are that uncreative and very annoying! If they're going to copy, they could at least change their color scheme and still not copy piece by piece. I'm thinking of reporting her.

  23. Not sure if that's a rule or not but how would they prove that? People sell for Paypal, I know because I was going to purchase once. Just because you said it, doesn't mean it happened.

  24. Welcome back Jenna, you were much missed! I am so glad to hear your doing ok! <3 <3 <3

  25. Yes Anonnymous is right Jenna i know a friend who has been deleted because she wanted to sell her account for real money with Paypal and then Stardoll has deleted her because of that :/ so be carefull :)

  26. Jenna!im so happy you are back!i have always wondering where does your sd user name comes from? :)

  27. Welcome back. You are an awesome person so that's why this blog will never die. I got to admit that I took a break from this blog a couple months because I was busy more busy with my blog and stiff but now, I am here and I will be active forever!

  28. There is no way they could prove it because Pay pal isn't affiliated with Stardoll. There would be a record of a transaction made with stardollars in game, in order to transfer the dress but there wouldn't be a record of selling something in PayPal because Paypal isn't affiliated with Stardoll, herp de dur! Alpharea. And obviously use Yahoo messenger to talk about it. Don't do it in guestbook. Thanks :)

  29. And Stardoll is not allowed to view your personal account in PayPal. Also the girl whose account got deleted was probably b/c she either confessed in guestbook that she did or Stardoll complained to her parents and her parents confessed. There's no way of proving you've used PayPal and I know b/c I've done it before.

  30. I missed you so much! It's nice to "see" you again!Welcome back!

  31. Omg hi :D welcome back :) I thought you were gone forever lol :o

  32. i don't know very well how she did to has been deleted but i only know that she wanted to sell her account for real money with pay pal..

  33. Oh, welcome back Jenna! Missed you♥

  34. Yay, can't believe you're back!!!!

  35. Jennaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
    Welcome back!! :D
    Missed you so much!! (:

    I'd love to own some rares but I wouldn't be able to compete with other people's prices :P

    Missed you!

  36. Great to see you back! :D Missed you :)

  37. Welcome back Jenna, you were missed!

    And yea I don't think stardoll likes it when people sell things via PayPal. I've heard a few accounts were deleted/suspended for trying to sell their account via PayPal. Although I'm not sure what they are like about selling your rares.

  38. What a surpize to see you back!! Welcomee!! And don't leave again! :D ♥

  39. why dont you trust us Jenna XD we love this blog so we will be always active :)

  40. Check the new rules made recently. They stated that accounts should not be shared or transferred. But do what you want stardoll haven't been nice to you why listen to them.

  41. OMG JENNA?!!!! ahh i'm sooooo happy that you back hun!! i will see and i will contact you if i like any items (ofcourse i love) :D :D :D

  42. Yay, you're back :)

  43. Yay, you're back :)

  44. Welcome back, girl.^.^


  45. I missed u so mutch!
    Yaay toure back!!

  46. Welcome back!^^ We missed you.:"D

  47. Welcome back. Missed you muchly (:

    Btw, I think you should consider refreshing your writers team. Ghndoora and Sarah (Not Blueberry-Dream the other one) have been the only two to post consistently during your absence. I think it's not fair as Sarah's under pressure to post everything without any help. Ruth did her fair share-and she helped a lot by doing polls from time to time-so keep her. But Gosia, _inda_, Filipa, Charlotte, Petra and the others haven't done a lot. So please do something-I personally feel it is why SMW has gone downhill.

    Thanks for reading (and hopefully listening).


  48. well be carefull beacuse you know stardoll read blogs and yes they can delete your account for sell with paypal so i'm no sure if you should do this beacuse i friend of mine got deleted for it last week so hopefully that dont happent to you beacuse this time you probably lose everything good luck!! and wellcome back!!

  49. you are back!! This is amazing!! The blog isn't same without his owner!! I can't believe you are back!! Why do you leave us so many times? :'( we want you!! Sara has spend so many stardollars to give the prizes to the HB winners!!

  50. @Melissa:
    I think you'll find Ruth was the one who did most the polls, not me [:

  51. Why didn't you publish my comment?
    Because i am sharing the turh with you and all of your followers?
    Screw you & your phatetic behaviour!

  52. OMG Jenna???I am soo happy you're back!!

  53. OMG Jenna???I am soo happy you're back!!

  54. OMG Jenna???I am soo happy you're back!!

  55. OMG Jenna???I am soo happy you're back!!

  56. OMG Jenna???I am soo happy you're back!!

  57. WELCOME BACK !! We Missed You ♥ :)
