
Sunday, May 8, 2011

HB poll winners + Goodbye for a while :L

(My very last) polls winners [:
As usual the most of entrants did really great and convinced (at least me) to buy those HBs and proved that you can wear them with any style, for any conditions [: And now let's look at the outfits with the most votes on polls -

The WINNER of HB Dress Poll is
 I can say that I really love this Victorian Gothic look, even though dress was maybe covered a little too much, but still the lace print part looks as the main detail, well chosen accessories [:

The WINNER of HB Tank poll is
 BUT this time I disagree a little with poll results, I mean this outfit did stand-out, the skirt part looks beautiful, but the outfit itself seems not to look that great with tank (I see the tank as not needed detail there, or at least not with that hat) and impossible to have (because you couldn't buy the LE skirt more than once). Though as I said, still beautiful.

So anyways this time there were two absolutely amazing, creative and unique outfits (who got 2nd and 3rd place on poll) and were my favs (from ALL time polls) so I decided to make them as winners too, here they are
The another WINNER of HB Tank poll is

The another WINNER of HB Tank poll is
 I really loved these - black and red Gothic perfection and black laced look, perfect and creative, isn't it? [:

Call this mean/unfair or something, disagree with me, but as this is might by my last poll here, I don't really give a damn :]

When I started to write here (when Jenna - after being a Random Blogger - offered me the chance to become a permanent writer here) I told to her that I would, but not on May. At that time it seemed so far away, but now that time has come. After 2 weeks I'm having my final exams. Yeah, just few exams and I will finish the school, yay :] BUT till then I have to study hard and do the best I can on revising (all that I have learned in past 3 years at secondary school) because those exams are very important for me (if I could get them all on A-B I might even have studies on university for free, or at least get a place there :D) so those exams do affect my future (if I fail, it would be like failing in life, I would have to try to pass them not sooner than next year) and I hope you understand that right now studies are more important for me than stardoll and all about it. So this month don't expect to see my posts here, I doubt I will be much online on stardoll either, as I don't have much of spare time.
My last exam is on 3rd June. Let's see if you will still need me at that time :]
Anyways I love this blog and you, amazing followers, I hope you all will be having great time on RL and stardoll while I will be away and that you will do the best on your exams/tests too (if you have any). And anyways have a wonderful time.
Ruth (Rūta it's how my name is written on my native language) aka Houpisonfire


  1. Aww, cheerio, good luck in your exams!!! :D

    I think it's a little harsh to say that if you fail these exams you fail at life, I know they're very important but I don't think you'll fail your life if you fail them :P

  2. @Emma True, it's not that big, but I would feel like I failed in life, wasted all last years at school for nothing :/ Nearly all my classmates are all so smart, I don't want to feel like the only idiot there :D

  3. heyy ruth/houpisonfire. i was wondering if there was a prize on winning the poll. im lita_pink_star

  4. Ohh too bad that you are leaving SMW and SD...But I hope you will do good in your exams :)...Good luck :D

  5. You will definatley be missed Ruth! Good luck :)

  6. Cheer up!!! You'll succeed!!
    And yes, it's important to level with the others or better, to raise the level. It makes you enter in a good challenge to improve yourself!!!
    Keep that positive mind!!!

  7. @litxx Yeah, 25sd from starbazaar or for gifts.

    salina98 It's more like taking a break for 3 weeks... I'm not yet leaving totally. [:

    @others Thanks for your support ^^

  8. Gr, just posted a comment that didn't show. I've been getting loads of blogger errors tonight :/

    Ruth I'm sure your just as smart, if not smarter than your classmates, you can be as smart as you want to be. ;)

    I didn't know your name was actually Rūta, is it still pronounced like rooth? :)

  9. I agree with Emma why would you feel you failed in life? The most successful people in life are those who never gave up & kept trying after so many mistakes. However I know how you feel but I would never feel I'm a failure no matter what.

  10. Thankyou Ruth and all the best in your exams! I know exactly how you feel, the hard work doesn't stop at uni!
    I agree the black lace creation (for the garter tank) is the most beautiful I've ever seen on a HB poll so creative! But congrats to the winner anyway :)

  11. I wish you all the best sweety, hold your head up high. Hope to see you back here real soon.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I Hope You Ace ALL Of Them ;]
    Good Luck, School is more important than stardoll!
    I will miss your post :P

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. oh wow great job!!!

  16. Pink star is cute but isn't that kind of random? I mean yeah it's all pink but it's a lingerie top with a ballgown skirt! Can't get anymore random than that! :) Other than that great job to everyone else!

  17. Thank you so much for all your hard work as a writer for SMW! You carried on with the HB Poll1s and your commentary beautifully! I wish you the best of luck on your exams and I know that you will do just fine on them! We will miss you and will look forward to hearing from you again when your exams are over with! You go girl!

  18. Hi, my Stardoll username is femme- and I wanted to say that the hot buys shorts from Fudge are out too! :D

  19. Omigod ruth!!! Im going to miss you so much, you are an awesome blogger and such a nice person. Everyone will miss your posts!!! Thanks fo making this blog super lovable<3
    I agree the two outfits you chose were beautiful!

  20. I'll miss ya' so much!:(
    Good luck in your exams though.

  21. Of course we understand you need to put every effort on your studies now - wishing you Good Luck!! Go show you can do it!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you:)

  22. Emm... So what if you fail? My sister failed first, then she passed the next year. And now she's an english teacher and pretty rich. So don't be so dramatic.

  23. Oh, this so sad you won't write to us for a month :( However, I hope at least some writers of this blog will become active...
    Btw, my name is Rūta too (I am from Lithuania) :D

  24. @Emma Rūta is spelled like Ru:tʌ [:

    @litxx Write in my (Houpisonfire) GB [;

    @Others Thank you soo soo much ^^ I will miss you too.

  25. Good luck with your exams and RL. (:

    Btw, there's the same name Rūta in Lithuanian language. ^^

  26. Best of luck in your exams!! You'll do awesome. Dw about it--we all understand that school affects our futures and therefore time on SD ;)

    Congrats to all the poll winners!! You're so generous giving out them prizes :P I have to say, I agree that the first HB tank outfit didn't have the HB tank as the focus--MissLadyAnjah's was my fav out of them ;) But congrats to the lot of them!

    I still remember when you joined as a Random Blogger!! Haha xD It seems like ages...time flies nowadays. I have my GCSE exams in May. Aaah! Haha xP Luckily, school does help us a lot and I've managed to make a timetable so I can work some SD in to it. Not my final year like you though! Best of Luck!

    SMW will always need you, Ruth ;)

  27. Good luck in your exams, I know you will do well! Random blogger seems a while ago, yet I remember it so well:-) I'll look forward to enjoying your posts again once you return, but don't doubt yourself, you will pass!

    And congratulations to every winner too!

  28. Rūta your from Latvia!Im from Latvia too! :)

  29. Bye Ruth, we will miss you. Good luck :3

    Congratulations to the winners, rubycarminellas was beautiful

  30. OMG, slap me silly I just can't believe it!!!
    Thank you so much for picking me as one of the winners and I'm very honored by your words. (I'm MissLadyAnjah btw...;)
    Congratz to the all the winners who also created amazing ensembles :)

    I'm sure you will do just fine in your exams - studies are very important in life but don't pressure yourself too much, it's not a good grade that is going to determine how well you'll do in life...Einstein was a genius but he sucked in subjects like history, languages and geography.
    On that note, take it easy, do it for yourself and not to impress or surpass others and everything will turn out the way you wish it :)

  31. congratulations to winers!

    @Ruth good luck with your exams. I hope you will be back as soon as possible, because I love reading your blogs and stardoll mw won't be the same without you. :)

  32. dont worry ruth!! hope you do really well in your exams!!! ♥♥

  33. Hope you do well in your exams ! :D
    We will miss you for the time being :(

  34. wow amazing outfits :) you really deserve it to be the winners :) congratulations :)

  35. I am really pleased to have been chosen as the winner of this Hb poll! Ruth, thanks for making this choice making me a nice gift and good luck for your exams!

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  37. girls, thank you for your votes & Ruth, thank you for your choice & for your nice comment :) I really appreciate it ^^

    ice vanille, atatui on SD :)
