
Friday, April 8, 2011


Hey SMW followers :-)

Here's todays spoilers. They look very posh, and are probably part of the collection Filipa posted about earlier. Some of the skirts and accessories are gorge! cannot believe they're to do with the British Royal Wedding on the 29th-don't get me wrong, I'm British and I'm happy for the couple, but people are taking it too far -.-''

Also...some sort of new camera feature?
What do you think of the spoilers?
Do you think they're related to the Royal Wedding?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. And I don't know, maybe the things that say 'Effect' at the bottom give effects for your photos or sceneries?

    EDIT: I think that when you like are on the camera in your suite or at a party you will be able to select that effect or something.

  3. WOW! the clothes are amazing!!!

  4. I'm not a big fan of the clothes really, but I think it's going to be something to do with the royal wedding. Honestly? The only two things that's interesting about the royal wedding, is the revealing of Kate's dress, and the fact we get a day off school at the end of the year:-)

    I rambled a bit then, I'm interested in what the camera does.

  5. Interesting clothes. I agree with you that the Royal wedding is being took too far as at the end of the day its two people who we don't know getting married i don't really see what all the fuss is about.

  6. I have never seen such a hodge-podge of stuff in a spoilers in my life! I love that they have such a huge collection of skirts, but where are all the tops for these? I see some tops, but...

    I see there's a memory card for the camera, too, so that we can have more pix without deleting some. I'll bet THAT will be expensive.

  7. Camera stuff:
    The SD card with the 50 means you can hold more pictures, same with the 100.
    The film strips with make you be able to take pictures with new effect, black and white, sepia, etc.

  8. Princess_Dumini (couldn't bother logging in)April 8, 2011 at 5:25 PM

    The clothes are pretty but they are gonna be expensive and SS :(

  9. Wow on stardoll are happening many cool things! I wonder what it would be like:D

  10. Definitely related to the Royal Wedding (:

  11. on the second picture, the 2nd long skirt and the 6th skirt are actually designed like the hotbuys dress .

  12. The spoilers look promising all very pretty and posh. Although there is so much pink i feel like proposing a "Banish Pink on Stardoll!" movement ;p

  13. Spoilers look like a replacement for the stuff on sale in voile..

  14. Spoilers look like a replacement for the stuff on sale in voile..

  15. Hm yes probaly!!! british wedding!

  16. OMG o.O
    I hate it x.x This big skirts look scary, haha :D

  17. Yeah I think they are for the perfect day store too. They are lovely I can't wait for this store. well done for getting together so many spoilers Sara

  18. I bet those clothes will cost a fortune :(

  19. Some beautiful stuff but I can bet and win that the prices are going to be outrageous. A while ago I suggested to SD that the camera give us more slots for photos. Well SD has found a way to make money off of that too. Sell film to give us more camera space instead of just increasing the camera space for free. Thats Stardoll. They would try to make money off of corpes if they could.

  20. I cannot wait! I can't believe they are making us wait till Monday, WHY Stardoll? My weekends is when I have the most free time! Why must they always release crap on a weekday?!? Anyway these dresses look gorgeous! I wonder if they'll be all they're hyped up to be! Hopefully! And I don't think they are taking it too far, I'm excited about the wedding also and I barely know the couple! But it seems the new it girl is Kate Middleton. :)

  21. are* And yes I have a feeling the dresses are going to be 60-200 bucks! Very expensive.

  22. I love those pink skirts...They are so amazing...And the camera things seem very cool..Wondering what it might be

  23. Well,i am the only one (well maybe :P) what knows that they are free,look at my doll and suite so you can see.:P

  24. if you search in the shop you can get some of the clothes and shoes for free, not everything is not ss..

    i don't know if it's a glitch..
