
Friday, April 1, 2011

New Shop - Pet-a-Porter

No April fools from me, sorry I'm boring :D

(since minute I saw these cute faces on spoilers)

I was expecting a simple shop where you could get some new pets, BUT I never though shop will be ALL SS ONLY, LIMITED AND OVER-PRICED
One cat costs 100SD. It not only blinks it's eyes and looks cute, it will also...
 They are too cute to handle.
I admit it, I already bought 7 of them, my heart would break for not having them. (Yes, cuteness is my weakness :D Even more if it's about cats, I love them ^^)
Interesting fact is that stardoll wrote in the new SS contest HERE (I hope it's for all countries) where they wrote that 'Oh, kittens these days they grow up so fast' and 'before the adorable little one hits his or her next growth spurt (it will happen!!)' I wonder how long it will take them to grow up.

Even though I would rather like them as kitties forever, growing up makes them to be more realistic. Though stardoll could have added also some Meow, I mean sound [:

Are you buying anyone of them? Or are too over-priced?
Which is your favourite? 

PS. Thanks to twilight.katie for telling us, you can also buy the shop's interior, check it HERE.
It's for Superstars, for 50sd and I think very beautiful, if I had more space in my suite I would be getting it [:


  1. Wow, expensive much?
    Kittens are adorable!! <3

  2. I bought 1 just to check what it was. They don't even have price tags, so we don't know if there's 500 of every kitten, or 5000.

  3. Bought them all, and I didn't pay full price, because of spring pass, and they are super adorable!

  4. Im a huuuuge Fan Of Cats And Kitty's How Cant i Buy Them i Bought All Of Them!!!!!! =3

  5. I bought one, its gorgeous :) The persian cat`s expression reminds me of my cat :D

  6. I'm gonna buy one and one only. Gotta say i can't quite live with this kind of price. Limited edition pets?

  7. It's too expensive ! And I don't like cats... and dogs xD.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love those kittens, but they are just too expensive...100 sd for one little cat...I don't think it will work for me :P...I am a big cat-lover :D

  10. Too expensive really. I won't buy any.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. They are extremely overpriced...but I bought one anyway. I will live in my main bedroom with my dog Hero and my cat Swirl. I am such a sucker!

  13. You're so funny (in a nice way) you've bought them already, I love cats/kittens too but I won't be getting any of these as thy are limited & expensive. I thought they'll be reasonably priced.

  14. I absolutely LOVE them! I bought 4. They are so cute! I will be going back for more if I have some things sell since I am about broke right now, aha xD

  15. They are so expensive. Cute though, I have to admit, but too expensive.

  16. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE them!!! But I have to admit that 100$ is really expensive and I would have bought all of them if I woudn't think about Igive just give home to one of them :)

    @Milena Petrova: Do you really named Petrova :D - I just ask because on vampire diaries one has this name :)

  17. Can I visit you regularly to see how the kitties grow? I hope you won't think I'm a stalker.

  18. Stardoll what are you doing to me!! This is just wicked!! Can I steal one? Just one please I can't afford it.

  19. There's one ugly one , the one that looks like a fox.

  20. I know they are so over priced... BUT TOO ADORABLE!!!
    I can only afford one, so I chose the 'Bengal cat'. I know, I am such a sucker for animals (especially cats) <3

  21. I bought the white one with it´s paws up. It´s so damn cute. I named him Dustin :D

  22. I craved, I bought three. They are adorable, and actually grow in your suite? Seems creative. I would get a fourth one, but I am 20 stardollars off:-(

    I bought the norweigan forest cat, Persian cat with it's paws up and the bengal cat. I'm going to position them in my garden room so they look like they are playing! Heh:-)

  23. awwww they're cute!
    I'm broke :'(

  24. @ SA
    "I'm gonna buy one and one only. Gotta say i can't quite live with this kind of price. Limited edition pets? "
    Love your comment. I bought one and my purse started crying. I found the kittens by accident, having no idea they were even out in starplaza. It's 4:30 am where I am and I swear if I wasn't still online, I think I would of missed out seeing that they are limited,I'd say they would have all been gone by the next day. I am broke now but I had to have one.

  25. I looove them!^^ I got 6 or 7.:"D

  26. The cute kitty with it's paws up is sold out already.My kitty Pascal is gonna stay with me continueously until she gets used to her surroundings.

  27. I bought 3, and I thought THAT was too much, but 7?? wow girl, you won!! I loveeeeee them!!!!!!

  28. Aww, I luv them!♥ I did buy Bengal.

  29. I am really sick: I bought all ten of them. I am just a sucker for kittens, but I love cats. So I can't wait for them to grow up. Haven't had the time to name them yet.

  30. I bought 8 of them I couldn't resist!

    I know they're expensive but it didn't bother me xD

  31. "Knight-in-Satin said...
    Too expensive really. I won't buy any."
    Agree..But anyway i love more dogs then cats,but they are adorable too ♥

  32. I think they are all adorable! I probably will buy all of them.

  33. i loooooooooooooooooooove them :D they are soooooo cute :)


    It's 50 sd.


  35. bought 3 of them because they all remind me of my own kitties♥

  36. WTF? 100sd for a blinking cat? I am not buying one i bet..

  37. I cant even find the kittens in my suite shop ):

  38. Ahs dont worry now! I found it, they are in the Starplaza!

  39. Hey Ruth, talking about needing more space before thinking about buying the new interior, why doesnt stardoll offer more rooms to those who want them.They should sell rooms to those who want more space. Maybe we should write into stardoll and suggest it. I myself would love about 4 more rooms.

  40. Oh my there
    there so beautiful..
    i must say it would be cool if
    they were 40 sd but 100 to much for me
    but there soo cute

  41. OMG they are adorable i love kitties so how couldn't i buy them... i bought 3 of em... the white 1 thank god i didn't miss it its first to sell out then i bought the one where it lies on its tummy and i bought the orangle/ginger looking one!!

  42. Heyy i was wondering if u could help me by buying something in my starbbazar for 50sd and ask one of ur friends to buy something else for 50 pleaseeeeeeeeee i really want a kitty :) please help me :)Oh my name on stardoll is cutielana_boo

  43. they are adorable i bought several! i asked stardoll if they will put more pets soon and they said yes! cant wait! i hope they will put puppies!


  44. I bought 3 kittens ( I wanted to buy more, but thought - where the fuck will I put them? :D ) And interior because I like those stairs ;)

  45. They are SO overpriced. I got one that isn't TOO cute, because the were sold out. :( I love kitties though! :D

  46. I got the oriental one.Love them all,though!

  47. i haven't any kittens and my heart broke :'( but there is NO MORE KITTENS! oooh! can somebody help me fix my poor broken heart?can somebody give me just one kitty?in bazaar?i will pay 100 stardollars for one kitten!
