
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Help & Win! Plus Raffle!

I want to do a competition, yet I have no idea what to do the competition on.

It's just SMW is mainly a competition based blog, right? And seeing as I've been a follower for forever and a day, it doesn't feel right to see the comment numbers going down just because Jenna's not around. I want her to see the blog in the same state she left it in when she comes back. 

Oh, and for those of you who are wondering...

I know I'm hosting a Beauty Competition which I'm meant to be judging, but I've had so much on my plate with real life (exams, weddings and it's Easter, so who doesn't want a break from school? xD) and also with Stardoll-especially my current projects. 

So to make it simpler, I've decided to give the prizes together, therefore I know I'll be able to complete the judging on time :D


Any ideas on what to do a competition on?
I was thinking of a sort of treasure hunt around Stardoll, but what do you think?

(Winning idea[s] receive[s] $20sd, too!) Prize for the actual competition will be based on what the competition in itself is.

Oh, and the more observant of you will have noticed that Stardoll's Most Wanted has reached 5000 followers!! 

I know Jenna's the one that usually does the raffles-and her being extremely generous, she'd give out over $5000sd probably! :P-but she's not here, and this deserves something special to commemorate the event. So, if you want to win $100sd, then just sign your name in comments and you're automatically entered in to the raffle!!

NB: You must be a public follower of SMW & sign with your blogger ID for any of the entries [raffle or comp] count.

I know I'll get some [anonymous] critics going "You're trying to be Jenna", well, I'm not. I just want this blog to be  active again, as I'm sure some of you are probably a bit bored without some competitions to keep you entertained, and seeing as Ruth's done quite a few polls, I decided I'd do a comp and raffle. I know I'm not Jenna-and I'm not trying to be her or replace her.

Best of Luck!



  1. superjuniormfan

    Also, I go by Yumi.

  2. 3mmag9

    I think a treasure hunt type competition sounds interesting and fun!


  3. missricopenguin :)
    a treasure hunt sounds fun :D

  4. Lizzy1414 :)
    The treasure hunt sounds fun, but I would love a scenery competition! It seems like this blog has had every type of competition but that.

  5. Viktucka

    Well treasure hunt is not bad idea. Soon easter why don`t do something with easter eggs hunt? Or like Lizzy1414 said but a scenery theme could be easter too. Anyway I stay with the easter eggs hunt competition.

  6. i Also think that the Tresure Hunt is Amazing :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. vennesa4eva

    A treasure hunt would be truly awesome!!! Cant wait for that.

  9. juicy-much

    A easter hunt sounds really fun!
    Maybe you could design some eggs in starbazaar, and hide them around your suite, or you could show around 7 pieces of clothing, and we'll need to find them in starplaza, and create an outfit with them.
    These are all just ideas, I hope this blog becomes more active!!

  10. Oooh, a treasure hunt sounds interesting and different:-)
    And congratulations SMW for getting 5000 followers!
    My username is PopStarKizzle.

  11. Dotje1
    The treausure hunt sounds nice :)
    It sounds interesting, and I think nobody else does that (:

  12. fairydew

    As for the comp, I think we could do a rare hunt. A year before, Jenna did a rare hunt in the blog and it was really fun searching for rares all around stardoll, seeing beautiful suites and so on. We could bring top commenters back! I had 3 weeks ont he top 20 and when Jenna left I would have 4 but whatever :P

  13. I think the treasure hunt arround stardoll is the best idea. We had it every year arrounf eastern.

    By the way: My SD-name is dieBrInI06, too.

  14. botsy_pink

    Btw I think it`s a fun and a creative ideea with the treasure hunt.

  15. I have a idea, check your dollmail hun x

    PrettyRoxyGid (count me in!)

  16. Also, I just thought of another idea!
    Maybe we could have an easter egg decorating competition?
    Starbazaar just released some eggs for easter.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Vitalstatistick
    Fairydew's idea sounds awesome!! Thanks for getting the blog to be more active, Your really great and I love your posts!

  19. I'm entering the raffle. :}

    I think it's great that you try to keep the blog active. And the idea of the treasure hunt's just amazing, I'm looking forward to it. ^^

  20. I remembered Jenna's old post about Japan... what about making an outfit using "support Japan" t-shirt we got for free?
    I think it could be a good idea
    for all those who care & concern themselves with it.
    Plus anyone can participate & it's quite difficult to make a good outfit using such item, it should be a conceptual one, not just a mess of different clothes & items.:)

    Just my 5 cents. ^_^

  21. kate_awsum

    Well, forget what you say about anonymous. They are cowards for not signing a comment ... (i'm sorry but that's my opinion)
    I love you! xD

  22. PrincessSafa101

    Also, I Think The Treasure Hunt Is A Really Fun Idea :)

  23. ilv123

    I think treasure hunt would be good, but a bit hard to organize if you know what I mean

  24. AbiiBabeh..x and I like the trasure hunt idea.

  25. i really try to comment as much as before but at the moment im really busy :/

  26. nantoaroll

    I think the treasure hunt it could be amazing but I haven't understant yet how is going to be...!!!!

  27. Very kind of you to do this. [:


  28. Sara don't be silly, no-one thinks you were trying to take over Jenna, you and ruth and filipa have taken good care of this blog and kept it up to date with everything.

    This is a nice idea, the treasure hunt would be really fun, I like that idea.

  29. IDEA- Design your Stardoll Homepage
    Task- You have to style how you'd like the Stardoll Cover to look.
    You can choose whether to keep the logo or change it.
    Prize- 1st: 200sd, 2nd: 100sd & 3rd: 50sd

  30. You should do a LE competition, like the hot boys polls. Anyone can enter because if you search for the LE in starplaza, you can put it on your doll. Do a 'who can create the best LE outfit' poll.


  31. CorkyH

    I luv that idea, also the one about Japan! Thats a great idea too!

  32. romela1998

    I am thinking to do one comp for every new shop come in starplaza.Or wait..
    Medoll of month every month one girl or boy be medoll of month...This time to do it in this way look:
    To do one look for spring...Every month new comp :D
    xoxo Romela
    And congrats

  33. FashionistaT
    The treasure hunt is a greatr idea! Maybe you need to search items in this blog's writers and say where they are :D

  34. MissLadyAnjah

    I love the treasure hunt idea, it's no doubt my favorite!
    But scenery sounds nice too, although I suck at those lol
    Already styled an outfit with the japan t-shirt, can't remember if I saved it or not, it was a bit lolita inspired and not my style at all but I was pleased with the end result.

    Keep up the great work!
    You and Ruth are the ones that have kept this blog running and I thing you have been doing a excellent job!

  35. chai_bbs

    The Treasure Hunt sounds STUNNING!

  36. I-Love-Pigs

    Maybe it could be like the Rare Hunt that Jenna did a while back, that was pretty fun!

  37. Loveygirl999

    I like the idea of a treasure hunt

  38. my username is Katkica

    Luv the idea xD U could do a comp that would be separated on :
    those who have never been ss (and they aren't at the moment)

    and those who have been/are ss
    for like suite comp.

    and I have another idea. We'd need to desing a look which would look like one of the celebritys

    btw sorry about bad english

  39. goearthgo

    I think that a treasure hunt would be great! But what about if we have to make an impersonation of something! Like makeup, decor, design! It leaves windows open for all kinds of talent!

  40. Cool!! I love that!! okay so to enter raffle:


    treasure hunt isea is great!! and doing a scenery or something special for Jenna or the blog... ya know.

  41. LoRayn-xx :D
    for the raffle,

    and maybe since it's easter, we should have easter comps! maybe to make the best easter scenery, card, even making the best easter egg design (in their album)
    plus the treasure hunt sounds really really good too or even the best dressed easter bunny! LOL :D

    tehe (:

  42. Saphir_Girli
    Szenery Competetion is great ;D
    5000 LESER Bild von Autoren und den Blog ;D

  43. nikkibear411

    mayb u can do poems, a suite design, or best scenery.

  44. I'm in! :)

    & also about a comepetition :
    I was looking all around blog and I remember there was a competition about DESINGS and DESINGERS. But I've never see the winners.
    So that comp is it over yet ? :)

  45. rmss36

    i would like a cool suite contest or scenery contest! I love those! or maybe even a photography contest! you take photos of yourself and other people or things and the coolest photo wins!

  46. purplekaykay1st on stardoll and user

  47. AinnaB

    treasure hunt is a good Ide.. like some sort of easter eggs or something. :)

  48. hautechatnoir

    A treasure hunt would be fun.

    Design an Easter bonnet.

    Design an Easter outfit.

    Make an Easter scenery or spring scenery.

    Put together an Easter basket.

  49. Salina98
    Maybe the best nail competition would be nice??

  50. Sugar_98
    A treasure hunt sounds really fun!
    Like a treasure hunt in someones suite or 2 people's suite!

  51. I think a scavenger hunt would be great.
    But maybe we could also do like a beauty pagent.
    Like small rounds and stuff, and you like get eliminated.
    Then, for the final people, the followers are left to vote on :]

    Do you like that idea?

  52. like the idea of a treaure hunt or rares hunt or something like that...coz u dont need a special talent:P rather not scenery or easter opinion.
    sd user: miss.privacy

  53. @mini_12_5:

    I think you mean the Launch my Line competition? That's what Jenna was organising, I'm not sure if she's going to continue with it :) All competitions which Jenna's organised-Idk what her plans with them were. Sorry!

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. MissLiLLyLo

    Also,congratulations to SMW! You deserve it! :D

  56. Congrats! Ready for the raffle


  57. Without this post I would not have even realised that the blog has 5000 followers!! A treasure hunt sounds great :D

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. I have some ideas :

    +You choose a color and the one that dress with it better in non-ss only clothes ( so everybody join ) and the one that gets the most votes win

    +You choose the non-ss hair and the best one that decor it win

    +Every week , a girl is chosen , she hid something in her suite and tell's you about and the first one to find it send the message to the girl with exactly the place and wins , but the girl must be honest

    All this must be for non-ss too and asking for votes is ok!!

    Thanks i'm I-love-all on stardoll

  60. selenasone

    I Hope i win!

    maybe there shall be a SMW Fashion Contest, and it can be like, in a party so it wont go too slow.

  61. My Stardoll username is amy235

  62. iloveanimals28

    I hope someone sees this...all the ways at the bottom

    And the idea for a comp I have is what if we did a themed outfit comp? Like you could say for example Lady gaga, and we would all make an inspired by outfit? Non-ss could just make the outfit at the starplaza?

  63. Username: stylish_su-su
    I think your doing a great job Sara, keep it up hunny. Congrats SMW on reaching 5000 followers.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Thanks so much for the contest! My stardoll username is LacedWinter. with the dot. :)
    &Thanks for keeping the blog great :)

  66. Why not trying to make some "NEW DOLL" comp?
    One for superstars and one for non superstars.
    Why not LE comps? by getting the outfits trough research for those who didn't buy them?
    DESIGN(fashion) Comp sounds also good. Give a theme and we create a design. It would maybe be a great occasion for the winner to promote its designs!!!
    I'm also OK for the TREASURE HUNT, why not?


  67. lurve_berry :D

    i love the idea of a treasure hunt since i missed out on the ones at school :\ but what about a big fashion show since lots of people host litte fashion shows

  68. Ooo whoever said treasure hunt that would be really cool! But maybe you could do a medoll styling contest, and someone said an egg decorating contest that would be awesome!

  69. Lolly140

    I like the treasure hunt idea aswell sounds fun :D

  70. congrats on 5000!!
    i think the treasure hunt idea is great!!
    you could get people to find stuff in your suite or something(:

  71. bringhston
    Can't Wait *-*
    But I never win something :(

  72. LoveGossip4life

  73. Nextpingugirl.

    A treasure hunt would be a great idea.

  74. Bella-Renesme.C

    -I like the idea of a treasure hunt! :D

  75. When will you accept more people in the club Hotbuys_Bazaar?

  76. i think we go for treasure hunt it's more challenging...
    SD name: kinx

  77. my stardoll name is salomie

  78. finiky
    treasure hunt is fun!
    also beauty comp,like pick a theme and do your hair & make-up in the beautyparlor & save the picture in your album?

  79. The treausure hunt does sound quite fun :) But they could also have a comp, where you get lots of clothes and you are allowed to pick one of each clothing item e.g( 1 top, jacket, skirt or trousers, accesories, bags...) And the person that wins for having the most creative and beautiful outfit wins stardollars and all the free items that were availiable :)

    EmilyPrincess25 - stardoll

    Emily.Stardoll - google

  80. my stardoll name is gawjush97 xx
