
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fashion Spin: New Features

Those of you who have got the Stardoll game on your iPhones/iPod Touch's/iPads(?), great news! Stardoll's updated it with new features, which some of you may find makes the game better. I don't have the game (hell, I spend enough time on this website on my laptop!) but have you guys? Is it any good?


  1. I have the game. It's fun when you're bored, but I wouldn't actually think "I want to play Stardoll Fashion Spin!" Ya' know?!

  2. I have no way to play it and doubt I would since I spend enough time on SD as it is!

  3. I'm at level six, so I got some of the items for free to my other account, but there aren't really beautiful :)

  4. I did have the game but i deleted it it was all right but i wish they could do more with it

  5. What about the HB jacket poll? You never did that...and I used to be Yvonne but now I'm Alice. (blogger account I mean)

  6. I still hate myself!My dad wanted to buy iPhone to me, but i said NO! :(

  7. Its ok. I getms boring though after a while but there are nice free stuff you can get for your real doll. It is better used on iPad I think. I don't know how to connect with your friends but I don't really go on it that often anyway so. Good thing about it, it's free!

  8. ive got it. its pretty boring and i only use it in long car journeys when im bored -_- ♥

  9. It takes AGES to complete a level. It goes on my nerves, I only do it for the free items. I'm currently on level 8, and half way through to getting to level 9. I just listen to my iPod and play it on my iPhone. That's all you do is spin dolls and earn points untill you unlock your next clothing peice. And you can lock some clothing.

  10. I don't have an iphone and haven't had the chance to use it =[

  11. I love it :D But I spend all my iPhone's battery for it :(

  12. I don't have it, and my friends say it's boring..

  13. I wish they would make the clothes sellable, I would pay a lot for the brown owl dress.

  14. I got the game for my iPhone and like xxlovexx/Kimberly said, it's fun when your bored. To get all the items, you need 100000 points.. I'm at 30K and it's taken me 1/2 an hour at this game, and the clothing isn't that nice. But it's a cool idea C:

  15. hmm i dont have a iphone but if i would have it i dont think that i would get the app

  16. I don't have the game and don't plan to. The clothes aren't free anyway as you have to buy the App, I think.
