
Sunday, March 27, 2011

That's all what did you think of it?

Well, seeing as there's nothing interesting going on on Stardoll, I decided to post a little about Stardoll Fashion Week!

So, once again, Stardoll Fashion Week returned to Stardoll, causing a buzz with designers and Stardollians everywhere. After Becka having to postpone it quite a few times-and I'm not blaming her, as I can only imagine the pressure that comes with taking 4 A-Levels-SFW finally hit our virtual screens. I remember the last Fashion Week. The takeover was here on our very own SMW. This time, it was on our Media Partner, Memoires of a MeDoll.  

Well, this week's collections have got mixed reviews from me. My favorite has to be Venus by Abbie and Plamena (AbiiBabeh..x and Plami161). Then, there was one that many were thinking didn't even deserve to get in to SFW-Speechless. It left many Speechless, and not in a good way either. I personally didn't think it was my fav collection out there, but I was glad to see some new talent out there on the Stardoll scene. One thing I have to say I hated was the nudity that some collections portrayed. Just not a fan of it.

Here's some of my fav pieces. I was going to include one from each collection, but it'd bore you to death so...:

I know not everyone's a fan of SFW, like we heard in Radio Perez (for those of us that were there, anyway!). Here's what some people had to say on both the concept and this week in particular:

Perez (needs no intro!) As a concept I think it's a great project, it's fun and there are a lot of talented people on this website. 

Princessvx: (Watching from the background like me :P) Well honestly I think this SFW was a huge success. I honestly think it was... From the clothing lines, to the starbazzar goods, to the magazines, everything was just flawless. Like, I mean there were 1 or 2 people that didn't go that extra mile to make their collection into anything remember-able for us, but that's that is a waste of good SFW space.

AbiiBabeh..x (Stardesigner and Collection designer):It was highly dis-organised and most collections, personally, were disappointing. There were too few magazines and there was nothing 'new'. Many people were complaining. Also I don't think the Stardesigners got enough recognition

I asked a lot more people, but they didn't bother replying :O Lol. If I find some of yours particularly critical or amusing, I'll put them up ;-)
Everyone's allowed their own opinion...

And I want to know your opinion on SFW, as a concept or just this week, in comments!
Are you a fan of it? Or did you not bother? Which SFW did you prefer? Let us know!
I won't scream and shout at you if I disagree with your opinion. I will simply strongly contradict it. Lol jk x For the first time *Gasp* I won't do that :P

Until next time...


  1. I really like Fantasy by Ellen Rouge, Monster by Eliza Wooldoor, WOE-Couture and RTW and.. OH i LOVED ALL OF THEM!! of well most, This was the first Fashion week I actually kept up with.


  2. I love BYS, WOE and Monster. Those are far by the best for me.

  3. I to be honest have no idea what Stardoll Fashion week it... Is it made by Stardoll or just some really dedicated users?

  4. Sara Your Doing Great, As I Haven't Posted For A While Because Of Last Time What Happened To Me, I Got Really Annoyed And I Did Say I Will Leave, I'm Genuinely Sorry Guys.


  5. @Anonymous:
    You aint Jenna. Firstly, she doesn't start off every letter with a capital letter. She'd also log in with her blogger account. And why she'd be up at 2:16am on a school day...well, let's just say I'm sure she wasn't.

  6. I don't tend to get involved in SFW. This year, I've been kind of disappointed because I remembered last year's SFW, and I was really impressed with the quality of the graphics:-)

  7. @venessa4eva: Dedicated Stardoll users ;-) Check out all you need to know about it at:

  8. I've seen some collections, some clothes were amazing. The designer did a wonderful job :)

  9. Oh damm,I missed it :( But I saw all of the collections and they are AWeSOME! From graphics and models to clothes and hairstyles (make-up)it was great! I like the chosen clothes very much!

  10. Ohh.SFW.
    I love it!
    Even I have admit,the first was much better then this one (at least to me) :S My favorite collections is Venus definitely :] The SFW's parties didn't attend to any of them :S I'm not really big fan of that.But I loooove everything else about Stardoll Fashion Week.

  11. I very much agree with AbiiBabeh..x I was a stardesigner too, and there was basically nothing to do with our collections. The only reason people bought mine was because I was NCG and CG for a few days during the week, which I am greatful(spelling?) for, but I'd rather my designs were bought by people who knew they were from SFW and not just because I was CG.
    The parties weren't great, I went along on two nights, and found a small number of people, who all knew each other, and when I tried to join in conversation, I was just ignored - which felt awful for me because like them I was involved in the week, although with my stardesign pattern and them with their graphics.

    I think Becka could use help to get it all done so that all aspects are covered equally etc.
    And so that more members know about it, most people I spoke to about it (And trust me it was a lot) said to me "What's SFW", it's a nightmare explaining it, when it should be a well known event.

    Sorry for my little rant :S

    Love K xxx

  12. Spring Issue of Stiletto magazine is out !

  13. I love sfw.. but this was not that interesting than the last fashion week.. :\

  14. I agree with lemy100, this SFW was not much as exciting as the last. Maybe it's the change of the Takeover venue. Idk. But still, Becka did a spectacular job!

  15. I'm afraid I didn't pay much attention to SFW. After I took a look at the first couple of collections I kind of lost interest. I would definitely like to see the event continue to take place but I just wasn't that interested.

  16. To be honest,I never payed much attention to it.

  17. I hate SFW....:S omg it doesn't make any scene!!

  18. I loved stardoll fashion week, I liked to see all the new styles and everyone has their own take on things. Great post Sara.

    I really want to enter next year now!

  19. I love the first design but i dont know that much about SFW as i think there needs to be more coverage over the blogs to really see what its about.

  20. This was the first time I followed SFW. Most of the collections really didn't do much for me, save for one or two items in each. However, I loved the last dress in your post. And I love the collection, name of which I cannot remember, that had all the Egyptian styling.

    I didn't pay any attention to the magazines... they are all boring to me. But then again, I'm an old lady.

    I would LOVE to have seen more of the Stardoll Designs/Designers. I bought from a few of the collections--the ones I really liked-- and had there been more designers showing off their talents, I probably would have bought more.


  21. @ xx-kirsten-xxx ... What is your Stardoll name? I don't remember seeing your collection? Is it still available?

  22. Gorgeous! :DDD

    I'm always impressed by people's SD Fashion Week stuff. :P

  23. @JaneStarlite

    My stardoll name is sparklewand12
    It's not still available, although I do have two dresses left, if you wanted one, I could make a small exception - I'll contact you on stardoll :) *hoping JaneStarlite is your username*

    Love K xxx

  24. I think that's horrible! It's just focusing in extravagance and there's not any art there.
    It's just a few pixels and someone who have fun experiencing photoshop.

  25. You don't accept bad reviews?
    that's why this post only got 29 comments! The clothes aren't art, just want to catch people who doesn't know anything about fashion and art! And thei're like : OMG ... this is so ugly ... but BIG DESIGNERS here, vritually, without any studies about art and fashion, made it, so, i like it!

    having fun with photoshop and delecting comments ... amazing!
