
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spoilers [:

Hey SMW Readers :) Guess what? I'm now an Aunt! Sort of, anyway. I'm well chuffed :3 My cousin had a baby girl this morning :]

Anyway...on to the Stardoll news xD

Here's today's spoilers:

Some items which [I assume] are for Italy. I know they had a special day today, Idk what it was exactly...

And also, the spoilers for 100 million members. I think the black dress is really cute! I want to see how many boys will buy a pink hoodie :P

Also, seems to be part of the competition Stardoll were doing related to Japan. Glad to see they're raising awareness for it :]

Oh, and in case any of you were wondering, here's Stardoll's reply:

Just means they've looked at it and now it'll probably go in to their Junk folder xD

Do you like any of the items in the Spoilers?


  1. Congratulations (:

  2. Congrats, and how did u contact stardoll? Plz tell me :)

  3. I didn't find anything I liked in the spoilers...and how do you contact them?

  4. today, 17th March 2011, is the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy! that's why we get the vespa! xoxo valevalestar (You've already got it i'm italian!)

  5. Raising awareness for Japan? It's not a disease, awareness won't help but donating will. You don't need to raise awareness for something that is in the news worldwide, it is a natural disaster that could happen at anytime not a disease that could be prevented. I wish the awareness & the t-shirt could help them but it can't. Only if we buy the t-shirt & ALL the money is donated to them.

  6. Congrats!! I'm a Aunt too! :P It's great theres gonna be something for Japan!! And visit me tokyocartoons!!

  7. Congratulations to your cousin (:

    And apparently it did not go to their junk folder.
    Stardoll has taken action.
    There is a contest on Stardoll right now, (proxy free), and there is a fee Japan shirt when you join (:

  8. Congrats on being an auntie! I think you will have a lot of fun with it. I am glad to see the support for good causes.

  9. That dress is kinda cute... cant wait too see what they are doing for Japan.. im sure if it has anything too do with money stardoll will surely benefit from it.

  10. I know there's a contest, but I wanted a donation system :\

    Contact Stardoll at

    And thanks to everyone that's said Congrats :3

  11. i get the shirt..but i dont know how the stardoll helps these people...i have already heard about this in news i dont need stardoll to inform me...

  12. Congratulations, I got last week a cousin. She is cute.

    I only like the vespa, I want that vespa in real. How can you get the vespa? How can i buy it?

  13. The Vespa is for the 150 years of Unity of Italy ;)
    Every Italian receive it for free in their suite (me too xD).

  14. Congratulation Aunt! xD

    I don't really like those spoilers :/ I never do,honestly xD

    Of course.Stardoll IS Stardoll -.-"

  15. I adore those spoilers,LOL a male pink hoodie...;)))))

  16. Congratulations! :D...I don't really like anything from the spoilers...There is actually a campaign about that Japanese thing and you can get a free t-shirt :D

  17. I like that stardoll may still give away free items for 100 million members as those spoilers for them could be free....

  18. Congrats :)
    I like the scooter and the black dress :) I'm glad stardoll's taking action, but I don't think they'll do something to donate :\

  19. I realy love the 100 milion clothes!! i hope those will be free and the clothes in starplaza maybe be for sale or for ss, better than last time!... and i really hope we can help Japan by Stradoll!!

  20. not nice spoilers and the clothes for 100 million members are ugly!!

  21. the 100 mm dress is in starplaza is non ss and it costs 5 sd and its ugly....

  22. congrats :D i like the black dress :))

  23. I expected sth better from sd than just clothes..again :/

  24. Congratulations! And oh, those 100 million clothes better be free, I really dislike them. Please stardoll, do something nice, give us 100 stardollars free without spending 100 and getting half back or silly promotions like that. :-)

  25. Congrats xD
    Also,theres a spoiler for uk and u get free green hair dye its cintests&events ireland forever. to get the hair dye u just take part in the comp by creating a scenery.

    I hope this was useful xD

  26. Congrats =)
    PS I get vespa for free...I'm not from Italy =( But I get by using Italian manual proxy =)

  27. the black dress already starplaza and in my suite :P :]

  28. Congrats Sara! :D

    Ehh, not a big fan of any of it. :l

  29. I hope they do something for japan it would be amazing to help them out

  30. So stardoll replied... at last.

    I like the dress and like u said, lets see how many boys buy the hood ;)

  31. And ah!! I like the spoilers and no duh!! the spoilers are italian cause it has italy's flag on it.

  32. Oh and the last thing; congrats on the occasion of being an aunt now and r u still doing the top commenters and HOW IS JENNA? DID U HEAR FROM HER LATELY?

  33. Congratulations. and theyre not that nice -_-

  34. Aw congrats! :D

    And the clothes are too simple.. :P

  35. So this means that Stardoll couldn't help Japan ? I mean we spend so much money on this site and now the can't help I mean if they donate just the money received after superstar membership of all the girls on Stardoll in a month will be a huge help for Japan .

  36. Sara-
    If I have a short article I would like to post on this site, where would I post it. It's about the lack of celebration for the 100 million members event. No bad language, no nastiness, just a commentary expressing my dissappointment and my hopes. Thanks! hautechatnoir ^ ^
    @ @

  37. Visit our blog for free stuff, fashion tips, news and more...

  38. The italian items been sent just to italian for the 17th March, 150th anniversay of Italy (:

  39. The hoodies is for girls.. :__D

  40. I like this site...everyone here sounds so cool! Keep it up...
