
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

LIEVE BY LOLITA: Wants you to know...

Hi everyone I am on my way out the door to a physical therapy appointment, but our media partner Lieve by Lolita wanted this messaged passed along to all of you.

* Also if I haven't visited you yet for the HB poll, I will by later tonight (Midnight NYC Time). Its now 5:17pm. For those who sent their email, please check your emails for the blog invite!

Many times I have been thinking of doing something more with this blog, something to express myself more and this is why I have taken the decision and dare to do something more. Now on, I will be posting about Lieve, my clothing line and personal stardoll related opinions of mine.

This opinions will include;
- Reviews of mine on blogs, magazines, clothing lines, and more.
- My honest opinion on selected people on stardoll, famous or not.
- What I think on things that are happening all over stardoll.
- Tips of mine on certain topics.
- Lots of surprises.

In this blog you will also find;
- News about Lieve, my clothing line.
- Competitions & raffles to win stardollars.

Clothing line updates;
- The next clothing line is coming this month and well this is all I can say...

The Lieve Raffle;
- To celebrate this new format of blogging, I opened a raffle where 10 people will win 100stardollars each, click here for more information.


  1. Cool to see you here on SDM. Looking forward to visiting your blog.

  2. Looks great! :D I believe I'm already following though. ;)

  3. Cool! I will visit and follow now :D

  4. Already read the post there ^^

  5. Oh please, this is just another way of Lolita getting more followers and being more popular... She always craetes blogs with competitions and stuff and then before you know it she stops with them... I think she should stick with her line only, there's no point in turning designer blog into a regular one...

  6. Great!^^ I will follow now.xD

  7. @northgirl89

    Yes I was in a accident in Dec. Hit from behind by a bus and have some injuries that require me to go 3x a week.


  8. Already following (:

  9. Can't wait to see the next clothing line ;D

  10. Yay finnally an update on Lieve =]

  11. About checking the emails and sending requests, just wondering if you have received my one yet? I understand that this blog has looooads of followers so there must have been a huge response but just checking :) I may have made a typo in the email address if you haven't got it?

  12. I can't wait to see the next clothing line :D

  13. I entered and I follow her blog the line of clothes is so pretty and she has great taste...
