
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

John Galliano fired from Dior

As A fashion student this news plunged me into a deep depression, I absolutely love John's work for Dior and even though what he did was obviously very wrong I still look up to him and applaud all his work. Many people within Stardoll have drawn inspiration from him and will continue to do so, as to me his work is timeless.

For those who do not know, Mr. Galliano was suspended as of last Friday after making racial and anti-Semitic slurs toward a couple who filed a police complaint the day before, his suspension became a firing after recent Oscar winner Natalie Portman (whom is a spokes person for Dior) complained about said comments, saying this of her former colleague and friend I am deeply shocked and disgusted by the video of John Galliano’s comments that surfaced today. In light of this video, and as an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way. I hope at the very least, these terrible comments remind us to reflect and act upon combating these still-existing prejudices that are the opposite of all that is beautiful.

The video of his rant can be viewed HERE and the cussing has been bleeped out for our younger readers.

Mr. Galliano has been the creative director of Dior for 15 years and is credited with energising the image and of the company and increasing the worldwide sales of the company, now worth over $10 billion - for me and many others his dismissal from Dior is a huge loss and his work has been much appreciated.

Mr. Galliano released the following statement today;

“Since the events of last Thursday evening I have not been able to make any public comment on what took place based upon advice from my French lawyer. However, given the continuing delays at the French Prosecutor's Office I should make my position clear.
I completely deny the claims made against me and have fully co-operated with the police investigation.
A number of independent witnesses have given evidence and have told the police that I was subjected to verbal harassment and an unprovoked assault when an individual tried to hit me with a chair having taken violent exception to my look and my clothing. For these reasons I have commenced proceedings for defamation and the threats made against me.
However, I fully accept that the accusations made against me have greatly shocked and upset people.
I must take responsibility for the circumstances in which I found myself and for allowing myself to be seen to be behaving in the worst possible light.
I only have myself to blame and I know that I must face up to my own failures and that I must work hard to gain people's understanding and compassion. To start this process I am seeking help and all I can hope for in time is to address the personal failure which led to these circumstances and try and earn people's forgiveness.”

What do YOU think?


  1. Are you really a fashion student?

  2. I saw this on the news a couple of nights ago and I was gob smacked, I hope he continues to make amazing designs.

  3. My God. I would have done the same thing as Natalie. I don't want to offend anybody, but Dior did the best thing by firing him.


  5. Even though he is an incredible designer and his work will be appreciated, Dior did the right thing. You don't make such comments to others, no matter how successful and creative you are.

  6. I was really shocked when I heard that!

  7. I can't imagine a Dior without Galliano. And BTW: Why do people think all gays have AIDS? It's ridiculous.

    Anyway, John will fight back. He contacted the lawyer who's helped Kate Moss in 2005 with her drug scandal. Trust me, this is not over yet.

  8. haha Dan i hate u! LoL u r soooo mean that i actually like that ;)LOLLING! u r really salty...
    ~Rebel ( yeshh thats my name-not my username- lol)

  9. I absolutely love Dior, it's one of my favourite brands but what Galliano did is completely unacceptable, I don't care if he was provoked or not what he said was utterly disgusting and he has lost all my respect, I'm not Jewish but even I find what he said offensive, Dior made the right decision as did Natalie Portman, who I heard was supposed to wear a Dior dress to the Oscars but chose a different one instead after hearing about these comments.

  10. I was so shocked when i heard about this, it really is a shame.
    But then again, Galliano has always been a crazy man. :P

  11. Great post, very informative!

  12. I saw it some time ago. Too bad for him

  13. His creations are amazing but I think they took the right decision...his behaviour is unacceptable

  14. Shocking :S
    I saw it on other news site.

  15. I personally did not like his work, of course, here and there there were a few nice pieces, but overall most of his designs didn't make sense.

  16. this is so sad what happened he was such a good designer but he was really rude and needs to take responsibility

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. i love what he did for Dior!!! He was very good!!!

  19. Well, at first he flat out denies everything, then ends the apology basically saying he did it. If you are on video then nothing else you have to say matters cus you are busted. I think he deserved to be fired. It's still a fashion loss, but he got what he deserved.

  20. I think there might be some more drama coming up about this...

  21. I saw this on BBC News here in Britain a coupla days back.

    I was shocked he'd do something like this, but Dior were right in firing him from the fashion company. Racism is wrong under all circumstances.

  22. thats so shocking, why would you say such things. Its horrid.

  23. I love him but anyone who makes comments like that, towards anybody is simply not acceptable, in my opinion, Dior did the best thing !

  24. I saw it coming and I think he deserves it, he's a fashion icon and he shouldn't be saying things like that... even Natalie Portman was surprised with this!
    But Dior won't be the same.

  25. In the past he has made amazing designs and I hope they continue but I am not happy he made racial comments

  26. Sounds like everyone needs to take control of their actions and reactions. Chair throwing and name calling are not acceptable behaviors. One would think the love of fashion would bring us all together rather that rend us sad, all of it!

  27. :O As much as I admire John's work... I think he deserves it. Racial slurs are horrible, but especially when you're in the public eye.

    He deserves what he got, racism isn't acceptable...

  28. Dior is simply a stupid ugly market i don't like it at all :s

  29. I think he is a highly emotional man and was also drinking heavily on both these occasions.
    I think it would be easy to think you were 'all that' with the whole fashion world adoring you, however, like a lot of celebs, he must learn to not take it seriously.
    It is not ok to act boorish and out of line because your drunk or provoked I think a lot of what he said was meant to hurt the other person and strike back at them, but it's still not o.k.
    The laws over there seem to be so harsh It would seem a big fine and public apology would be a better punishment.
    And none of it has to do with his work so I don't see why he got fired.
    excitable boy indeed.

  30. Does anyone know how to get the RIO carnival outfit? I see it on a girl from Spain but it's not in our plaza in U.S. Please find it!!!!!

  31. Hi, let me tell you what I think...even though he's a great designer, in fashion industry what people see is what you are...I mean it's a superficial industry...and if you go around saying you love Hitler, that will never be forgotten, even if you're so angry that you eyes are about to pop out, nobody cares about that. It's a shame that he will be known as the "gay designer who loves Hitler"...i mean, if i'm not wrong, the Nazis weren't all loving homosexuals, were they? So I think that he's become a shame to us designers and to us homosexuals, that's it...
    and btw, there are a LOT of designers that are great, he's not the only one, I'm sure they'll find a good replacement (and one I'll like better, of course)
    Finally, the comment tinkerbell101 said is just ridiculous!!! I mean, you are hating a guy 'cause he's racist, and then you go and call him a..what did you say? oh, right,"disgusting fag" idiot...

  32. I like some of the outfits...all I have to say :D

  33. His work is fantastic, but if he really say all that stuff he had to blamed for it and Dior took right decision.
    Sorry for genius work if on the other side you only have sh.. in your brain!

  34. If you do something wrong, you should be given the right sanction. Sorry for him.

  35. There is no room for racism or anti-semitism No matter who you are Galliano your Bad has out weighed you Hardley any one would forget what you have done. As a black fashionista This is what discourages me into entering this industry Thank you DIOR for firing him. What a joke!

  36. There is no room for racism or anti-semitism No matter who you are Galliano your Bad has out weighed you Hardley any one would forget what you have done. As a black fashionista This is what discourages me into entering this industry Thank you DIOR for firing him. What a joke!

  37. I Heard Something About This Story, I Didn`t Want To Believe It! As I Also Was One Who Admired Him In Many Ways. But There Is No Need For Him To Actually Do/Say Things Like That At All. And Because Of That I Will Continue To Like & Love The Dior Label But Will Not Like Him!


  38. I recently was searching online and on the stardoll network site i found the stardoll vice president of sales information.. along with his skype username.. i have an idea that EVERY stardoll user around should send him a message saying to give Jennas (emorox4eva) stuff back.. i for one am doing it now.. whos with me?!?

    Vice President of Sales
    Skype: cyates11

  39. i think he's a flat out ass hole.
    sure, his designs are beautiful, but when you work for a huge brand like Dior, you have to represent that brand in everything you do, otherwise it is detrimental to the whole brand.

    He obviously wasn't thinking about that.

    And it's not like he's done forever, he'll come back with his own stuff.
