
Monday, March 21, 2011

Free Earth Hour Girl Hoodie & Boy Tee

No proxies needed finally. If just more free things were international [: 
So today's free and available for all are these Girl Hoodie and Boys Tee from Earth Hour campaign
To get them -
1)Log in stardoll, Go to this campaign page:
2)Scroll down the page and Check Yes!
Items will be in a Earth Hour bag in your suite [:

Actually by this stardoll probably just wants to have a higher amount of 'members who will join this campaign' so I have a question to you -
Are you really joining Earth Hour 2011 (on Saturday 26 March at 8.30PM) by turning off the lights?
Have you done this before? 



  1. But it's DARK at 8:30pm.
    Idk. I get fussy when people don't turn lights off anyway :P

    Thanks for the hoodie info ;)

  2. I will turn lights off and I do it every year..(:

  3. I got the hoodie and tee shirt and Yes I am going to turn off all the lights on March 26th for the whole day if I can. I usually keep the lights off as much as I can and I keep the heat down too. I love wearing sweaters anyway. Oh you can get a free lantern if you enter the Spring Break competition. Its a nice lantern too.

  4. You bet we'll turn the lights off. We'll be in our new house on that day and it will be nice sitting in the dark... Very romantic, eh??

    I got the hoodie and t-shirt; thanks!

  5. I'm one of the worse people ever to remember to turn lights off. Right now, I have about 4 lights on. I guess I'm very paranoid. ;-)

    But I'll try and turn them off then. In fact, turn off all the electricity, then I won't be able to turn on the lights. ;-)

    I got the items, thank you!

  6. Awesome. I have always said i will do it before but then i forgot and is it not usually your tv you turn off aswell ? I don't know but i will try take part.

  7. Well,maybe i will,i dont know,but maybe yes,anyway thank you so much for the gifty gifts info :D :P

  8. No, I'm not going to do it.... I'm just too lazy, and anyway I'm pretty good at turning things off when I'm not using them so I don't really see the point, it will just bore me to death.

  9. Oh no, I think I will be at my friends house. Maybe she will let me turn off all her lights =D

  10. I don't like it :/

  11. Haven't done it before but sure! I will join, just light some candles :D

    I don't really like the free gifts but oh well :P

    Thanks Ruth!

  12. I'll turn off lights.:)

  13. AWESOME! Love the hoodie I have school! =(

  14. last year i turned the lights off and my computer and this year i will do the same:)

  15. I won't get them but thanks. :P
    I always do and I will! :D I do it every year and usually we do a little something fun. A couple years ago my aunt came down from the city and we shot some hoops and last year we went to my grandma's and had crackers, cheese, and cake in the living room with a bunch of candles lit. It's always pretty intense. xDDD

  16. I tried it last year but i forgot.. but this year i will turn lights off :D

  17. Plz go to

  18. I will turn off the lights too!
    I did it last year :)

  19. Yes i am actually going to turn my lights off for an hour! :D I have never tried but I will participate this year :D

  20. This blog gets more boring everyday...

  21. Ever since I arrived in Australia, I started doing it. I do it every year.

  22. Yes, i have been turning my lights off since 2008. I think it helps a lot. And i got the hoodie and t-shirt ;)

  23. I get to turn off the lights during my birthday party! :D aha I will do it at a random time and see how everyone responds :)

  24. i was wunderin, wen r u guna hav sum mor stuf?

  25. are you not online everyday now or sumthin cuz there is like NO new stuff,im bored
