
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Endangered Species are BACK [:

After skipping February's animal, stardoll decided to bring back this lovely campaign [:
And this month's (March/April ?) animal is -
Horned Puffin
 Had you ever heard about it?
I hadn't before (: I would never imagine that such birds to exist ^^
To get this unique bird:
1) Go to Endangered special campaign page:
2) Click 'Adopt me' button
It will be in your suite [:

A little info about this bird:
Range: North American West coast from Alaska south to Washington and Oregon.
Prey: Sand-lance, capelin, greenling, cod, squid, and crustaceans.
Length: 15 inches Wingspan: 23 inches
Weight: 1.35lbs
Life Span: 20+ years

The horned puffin is a small, pigeon-sized bird with black back and a white chest and stomach. It has a white face and cheeks with a small black "horn" above its eyes and a thin, dark line that runs from from its eyes to the nape of its neck . It has a large, triangular orange bill with a red tip. It has bright orange legs and webbed feet with claws on the ends of them. In the winter its bill is smaller; its feathers are grayer and its face is darker. Males and females look similar, but the male's bill is bigger and brighter than the female's bill and the male is a little larger. Because of its colorful bill, the horned puffin is sometimes called the sea parrot. 
The horned puffin's legs are set well back on their bodies and it is not very graceful on land, but it is a very good swimmer. It uses its wings to propel themselves and its legs to maneuver. In order to get airborne, the puffin must run on the surface of the water for a long distance.
And some real life pictures -
 So are you getting it, do you like it?


  1. i know that the title from stardoll is "Endangered Species" but I checked on wikipedia that the horned puffin is the least concern animal. maybe stardoll or wikipedia is wrong :P

  2. i checked on wwf web and now i understand that the birds' habitat is at risk..

  3. Yep, I've heard of it. It's a really beautiful bird.

  4. I've heard of a puffin, but not the Horned Puffin necessarily. They called it the clown of the jungle. Can someone explain why [the hell] they did that?

    Oh, and it's cute :3

  5. They are such sweet looking little birds...their face is almost whimsical. I was sad to learn that they are on the endangered species list. Sigh!

  6. I love this campaign!:-)
    I've heard of the horned Puffin actually, I saw one in the zoo. Wouldn't exactly call one cute though:L

  7. Puffin! Aww I love them and I was wondering when a new animal would come. I am so happy it was this one but also sad as I did not know they were endangered. thats so upsetting they are magnificent animals...

  8. OMG this little thing is adorable!

  9. ADORABLE! ^^
    Puffins are my new favorite animal.(:
    Interesting name.. Puffin... Sounds like puffle.

  10. They are so cool but i have never heard of them.

  11. ah thats such a cute little bird :) i love it :)

  12. i miss the old sd :(

  13. its so cute!!!!!
