
Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hello :]

There's a New Style Outfits Theme: Winter Blush. The clothes is very,very nice.In this Theme colours what dominate are White&Blue.They all should be out in starplaza very soon! Honestly,I can't wait for that!

This half-transparent dress is not bad.I actually like it (dress on the left).The dress in the middle is inspired by Alexis Mabille. I'm not really big fan of tha dress,but I adore the dress on the right.It's inspired by Viktor&Rofl and It's beautiful.I love it,I love,I totally love it.The shoes (inspired by Viktor&Rofl too) are very cute :] I'm not really sure where is this bag from (I think it's Armani),but I really like it.

Blue,Blue,Blue we love you!!Viktor&Rofl decided for light blue this season,but our Armani for something more.The dress in the middle is perfect for me.I'm definitely going to buy it and you should too!The shoes are very nice,they look very good.I don't know how would they look on our's MeDolls.I guess we'll see very soon.

We're ending with our famous Armani. Honestly,I don't really like those outfits.Stardoll could re-create it much better,much,much better!!

You can see all real life versions :) As you already probably noticed,the real versions are much better then the Stardoll's *chuckle*

Winter Blush.

What do you think?Would you buy any of those?Do you like new Styled Outfits?



  1. I prefer most of the real items. And it's too blue-I know that's the point of the collection, but most of them aren't even a nice shade of blue!

  2. Some of them are very nice but I bet they will be expensive.My favourite piece is the 3rd dress from the first picture.

  3. I quite like them. Some of them, not all. I like that they are all blue :D

  4. i dont like the blue ones to b honest-i dont know whether its the shade of blue that i dont like or the style but i love the white ones!

  5. I don't really favor much of them but They are ok.

  6. theres also a peter pilotto dress.

  7. Oh and i like too that some are inspired by Armarni :D

  8. i love the white dresses and one blue

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The new Styled outfits are soo greatt :))

  11. Really like the half-transparent dress in white (the rest is not my favourite). Hopefully it will be on the strplaza for a good prize (not that expensive I mean :o))

  12. Winter?? this colection have to be from 2 mounths ago.

  13. I like the blue dress in the middle :D On the second pic!

  14. I wouldn't wear it but I like the collection (:

  15. The real life versions look like aliens attack xD White dresses are cute but I'm still waiting for prices to come, I bet they will be around 25 sd which is a lot, they're not really worth it.

  16. I will definitly buy some of those clothes... :) some are too blue...but the white items will maybe suit well on my doll

  17. To be honest i am not a big fan of it but i do like the last white dress but i dont like the blue stuff

  18. Like the clothes but weird theme, winter?
    HAHA look at the shoe models toes xD

  19. the only items i think that stardoll re-creates well are the shoes.

  20. I love these!
    They are structured and beautiful!

  21. OooOoOOoOooOOooo! Pretty [:

  22. I like a lot of them. But I can see those first few white dresses making your medoll look bloated. :L

  23. That sorta shiny look isnt really my style :(

  24. They are nice... But I doubt I'll buy any; they are not my style

  25. I like some of them.. too bad that on the first picture the colors r like way too light.. you dont really see good the clothes..

  26. I love the blue dress in the 3rd picture :)

  27. I'm simply loving the colors and most of the items!! :D They look fabulous and very glamurous and I'd love to buy them... :) ALthought I have no doubt they'll be uber expensive... :S

  28. Oh! Lots of blue, but I like this collection, although it is simple like me :D

  29. weird, winter is over and there are white and blue clothes...

  30. I am so excited about this collection. I hope they aren't too expensive! Granted, the real items look much better than the drawn graphics. It's harder than you think to recreate fabric. Fabric has tricky textures. I know because I used to work as a graphic artist for a computer game company before I became disabled so its easy for me to be a bit forgiving with other artists. I think they do a pretty good job.

  31. they're alright, but as you said they could have recreated them MUCH better, don't think i'm going to buy any of it xxx

  32. Ooh, these are the best dresses I've seen in a long time. I actually don't mind them. :)

  33. Oh, I also just wanted to let everybody know that I love the new Valentines Banner. ;D So cute!!!

  34. I kinda like them, probably will buy some items :)

  35. @Carolyn

    Samme! I think its amazing, I mean I make graphics but John is AMAZING at them. That would take me like a week with out sleep lol.

  36. I don't like them at all :\ They're too chunky and aren't really workable for outfits I think. Shame.

  37. I like the white floaty dress and some of the blue pieces may be nice...

  38. THey are cute, if the shades are good I'll buy some of them.

  39. I love them all :D that's a shame hey are only for SS

  40. i like them. the graphics couldve made better :S my favs are the white dress and the clitch from the 1st pic. :)

  41. I love the white ones - they are beautiful :)

  42. Sincerely, I don't like them so much :|

  43. They are nice. But I agree, the third picture is the worst.

  44. Some of them are quite nice, but I love the 3rd dress in the first picture and the shoes in that picture as well! :) For some reason, I don't really like the blue dresses. Maybe it's because of their design or something... :)

  45. I like most of them as well, but some of the graphics aren't that good. but it's average...

  46. i dont really like them

  47. I Love The White Top/Dress.

