
Wednesday, February 9, 2011


According to PSG, once "famous" stardoll user Undamyumbrellla has been deleted...

In case you have no clue who she is, she use to write for PSG and became extremely popular for that and her intriguing fashion sense. In recent times she stepped out of the spotlight criticizing many things and people on Stardoll, but many are still fascinated by her.

In any event, I have found her to be a very nice person. We recently talked over the hacking of both our accounts and she was very easy to talk to. I could really empathize with her plight to get her items back from Stardoll as it is an extremely difficult and frustrating task.

Recently though, she may have gotten her Medoll into some trouble that she may not be able to correct. See the picture below..

Well it appears that Kasia (Undamyumbrella) created this sort of avant garde fashion ensemble and Stardoll was non to pleased as she was deleted.

Not only that, but according to lulita-15, owner of NOUS Magazine, Kasia was aware of this possibility.

In a recent  interview with Lulita, Kasia had this to say about her designs:

"They originated as a part of this collection of dresses that I've made called "Tîts & Drügs" featuring a dress exposing a nîpple, a destroyed denim dress with numerous skin-exposing holes, a dress with a repeating mårîjüañå leaf print and a dress with a repeating print of three pills (one of the pills being Ecstasy). I've been designing on here from time to time since the shop opened. I won the Moxie Teenz daily design contest two days in a row. These new designs have given me success and they've gotten me reported."

But I am bringing these questions to you...

What do you think about these designs? Are they inappropriate or do you view them as just fashion and art?

Was Stardoll right in deleting her or do you think everyone should be allowed to express their art?

It kinda reminds me of all the "nude" magazine covers that we have seen grace the stardoll word. Many people thought they were OK because it was just art, but the difference here is that this was actually displayed on Stardoll itself.


We want to know your opinion! Tell us in comments

Credit: Stardoll's Most Hated Website


  1. hmm, kinda innapropiriate since it is a kids website

    1st POST

  2. Like MissCeaaria said "kinda innapropiriate since it is a kids website"
    she shouldnt be designing clothes like that in a "kids site" :l

  3. I can understand both sides of the agrument, stardoll is a creative place which many people use to express their style in way they could never do in real life so Kasia's just trying to show her crea-tit-vity,
    On the other hand Stardoll is aimed at a wide age group some of whom this might be innapropriate for, but then again there are a lot of items that stardoll themselves sell such as corsets, hot pants etc. that I would say are just as innapropriate.

  4. I don't think she should have been deleted, I believe stardoll could have found an alternative soloution, but still, it is innapropriate to younger children and could potentionally offend them.

  5. hmm i dont know...
    for sure everybody should be allowed to express its own art but dont let us forget most of the stardoll members are "kids"
    i think if she wants to change the meaning of persons she should do this with persons in her age or at pages people with higher age look at.
    i think when someone wanted to change the mind of kids thats a bit poor and its so much easier than with older persons. so i wouldnt be proud of this if i would be her.
    i think it was good that stardoll delited her.

  6. I wouldnt say its a kids website! there are predominantly +13 years old kids. I bought one of the tit dresses and i like them. it's the same if you would wear a bikini or a permissive Outfit. i see no point why she got deleted from stardoll. like she said it's a high fashion and avantgarde look!

  7. Stardoll is a fashion website!!! The 'younger kids' in my opinions should have their own website. These dresses were fashionable, art. I hate overprotective stardoll for this.

  8. Wtf Is Wrong With Nudity? Nothing At All I Think, As Long As It's Graceful And Stylish. I Mean Nudity Is Nothing But Natural! Dressing Us Up In Clothes On The Other Side, Is Material If Anything. And I Mean.. Why Get Deleted For Promoting Something Natural?

  9. I found it innapropiate, because there are kids under 10 in the site.

    But she designed it triying to make art, I guess.

    Nimkaeva (I cant remember the name :( ) bought one of the designs and she was wearing it, that means that she would be deleted?

  10. I'm not bothered about the exposure of breast thing although I can understand why Stardoll is bothered. But what really annoyed me was the marijuana leafs and ecstasy pills. I have so much hate for marijuana, people say that it isn't as bad as normal smoking but that's not true, I wish everyone knew how bad it is!

  11. I don't like those designs. They are inappropriate.

  12. Well in my my opinion i know that stardoll is wrong about deleting her account, because stardoll is a place where creativity is born and happens and Kasia is a very creative designer if i had the chance i would totally buy one of her designs they are amazing, and i know Kasia a conversation have happend between us since i was also hacked by a BIOTCH that took all my rares and precious stuffs. I think stardoll has to give her her accout back.

    UNFAIR STARDOLL !!! thats all what i gotta say right know

  13. It's kind of inappropriate for the kids that are using the site,but I don't think that her account should have been deleted.

  14. I believe is art! But, stardoll IS a kids website. They can be as young as 7 and 8 year olds. Stardoll has rules and if you agree with them than end of story. Stardoll is a fashion website aimed for kids.

  15. I think she was a bit innapopriate especially as she is sort of an elite and she knows many people will visit her, though she should have had a warning, not deleted.

  16. btw Jenna I love these little debates, more please!?

  17. I think it's kinda sexy,what, like Callie never seen boobs before??And that girl's account must be what she worked long so I think she would of just changed her outift and everything would be ok.AND WE LIVE IN 21 CENTURY,IF KIDS HAVE TV-BOOBS NOTHING NEW!

  18. Yeah, I've seen this article on PSG. I don't understand why Stardoll deleted her, everyone should be allowed to express their own fashion sense and their creativity. It's true that maybe her designs were a bit inappropriate but Stardoll should've sent her an email asking her to delete them instead of deleting her account. When you think a bit, Stardoll sometimes sells inappropriate clothes aswell, such as see-trough dresses and tops or corsets and short pants... As for those who are saying that she shouldn't have designed them because it's children's site think about it. These days more and more members are teenagers and not small children. Besides, I doubt that all those small children ever heard of her and visited her account...

  19. The dresses were art... the whole Doll was art... and sooo creative... shame on stardoll for deleting her... hope she gets her account back... I love the dresses!!!
    And what is so bad about showing your boobs? I think every of the girls on stardoll, no matter how old they are, have seen real boobs before...-.- I don't like this tabus...-.-

  20. i agree with Linnea/.pease.

  21. Expressions. It's art! And I agree with Linnea, nudity is natural.

  22. AND, what's wrong with young kids watching nude persons. A nipple is not sexual.

  23. Yes all girls have boobs and all many have seen other boobs then their own. BUT, not everyone thinks the same and has the same maturity...You ppl have to accept that! Not everyone thinks like you. That is why stardoll has to have it's limits.

  24. It's Art.
    But It's also Stardoll.I mean,I'm not surprised Stardoll deteled her because of that :S Even,I'm sorry Stardoll did it.

  25. Everyone should express their art and their creativity but Stardoll is a site whit lots of girls who are 9 or 10 years old. I appreciate her style, but I think she's exagerated.

  26. I think the designs are inappropriate for the younger members on Stardoll, but then again, people encouraged her with the popularity of her designers. However, I think deleting her a too harsh punishment though.

  27. I think it's really creative but she should mind that there are girls in stardoll that are less then 12 years old...

  28. I agree with both as yeah it's for kids but at the same time it may just be art but I don't think she should have got deleted she should have just got a warning

  29. Like everyone else has said, Stardoll has many players in a young age. I think it's innapropriate. Especially the designs with drugs.

  30. By deleting her account, Stardoll made Kasia even more famous.
    What about all the ppl that bought her creations? Are they going to be deleted too if they wear her clothes?

  31. i totally agree with anaKonda -.-

  32. Nah I think it's beautiful and original, it's better than having it vile pink underwear that prevents us from putting what they want. I think it's not shocking, it's art!

  33. I think in some senses they are inappropiate... like she made the nipple (there's no other word) very big and let it stand out, which is a little too much for me. Stardoll should have given her a warning or something, it's a little mean if you just delete an account...

  34. everyone is acting silly
    we all know this stuff and yet acting like 5 year olds say thats nortty! but its just a natural part of life so some people just need to grow up in my opinion...

  35. "kinda innapropiriate since it is a kids website"
    Totaly With Ya!

  36. Yeps, it's inappropriate cause kids use stardoll, way more than adults and everyone knows that and she cant design that kind of clothes.just saying

  37. i think the parents of the little kids let them play this game because they think its a save place and they dont see half-naked people. why should one person decide that the kids are now grown-up enough to see something like that? thats egoistic!
    the parents have to decide that.

    in my opinion its not bad what she created but she shouldnt do it on stardoll. she should go to a art club or something like that.

  38. I think her "art" is obscene. Sometimes high fashion is unnecessarily obscene... I hate it! And it's against stardoll rules! Bye bye Undamyumbrella!

  39. @missceaaria Are u a kid?!

  40. Ok.
    Firstly: Stardoll it's not an exclusive "kids" website. Many people grew with Stardoll. Of course there are children, but there are also teens and adults there. If Stardoll was actually a website for children
    they should have taken a little more cautious about this.
    So, I don't agree with those saying that.

    I don't really understand why this is innapropriate . This girl has a talent that must be recognized. I confess I have not seen her other creations, but anyway...It's just nice to try to see things in another context.
    It's a bit like saying that fashion is inappropriate. What she did was a tiny part of what we often see in fashion catwalks ruled by "great designers", and that some of us sometimes appreciate.

  41. i agree, she shouldnt have been deleted. that was a bit harsh!

  42. I think that stardoll should have sent her a message or something.. But deleting her.. That's not the best thing-_-... Well it's not only a kid's website, most of the girls/boys here are 13 or older,but idk... It's art in my oppinion.

  43. Jesus christ.. seriously all girls have boobs! Its not obsecene! All that this will teach people is that they should be ashamed of their bodies!

  44. It's art.
    I think it is fine, atleast she didn't expose down below.
    I guess in some ways though young children have stardoll, but at the same time boobies are a natural feature women have. :)

  45. It's normal that Stardoll deleted her. There are "One Stop" RULES IN STARDOLL. If you read them you can find that you'll be spammed if you spread any sexual content in Stardoll and SOMEONE NOTICES IT. I think she was reported by someone...

  46. Tehnically this is a website for kids,some of the users grew up with stardoll,maybe undamyumberella was 13,or 14 and now she's older and she has more creativity,BUT for this creativity she has to pay,because it really is inapropiate,kids are visiting her profile.There should be a warning or something like +18

  47. It is inappropriate, but I don't really think she should have got DELETED. That's a bit extreme...

  48. well .. the fact that she creates nude clothes on a kids webside is not really intelligent, but apart from that, I think that her design is beautiful (as far as you can say that) and I'm sure it took her a lot of time to create the pattern. They should have warned her not to expose such things instead of deleting her doll. As usual, stardoll exaggerates...

  49. Well i think, this is not right for a kids site,some of us are older and like the designs but i wouldnt want my daughter to see that.okey breasts ar normal but hey not to be shown on a website that is open to young and old for all ages so if my 8 year old kid lets say i had one would see that on a site or bought it i think i wuld be going madly insain and reported her too.....and aspecialy the xtc plss that is not right to show that to qurious kids,drugs is not good for no one(and for people that ar old enough and wish enough to think for themselves thats ok if they want to do it but it is o good for no one)
    BUT to delet her is a little harsh i think... but a somekinda punishement or whatever you want to call it,would be the right thing to do,
    Or they need to make some kinda ad one that you can make your stardoll page 18 plus younger members cant see the page.. that is a good sollution for great designers that want to express themselves in that way.

  50. I think that in a world where there are only girls, it seems very normal. I'm not saying I like that kind of exhibits, as there are very young girls, also the title of the collection, if it seems a bit exaggerated!

  51. Fuck this "fabulous" site we sit on for hours. Taking away someone who spends their money on this hell, should not be deleted. As I have been deleted once and got my account back, I found it ridiculous that Stardoll did such a thing. My opinion is if you spend your money on the site, then god damn it you should enjoy it, not be banished from it.
    Kasia I miss you.. <------- this needs to change! D; e-mail me!!!!!!! D;


  52. Well they could have just sent her a mail saying to remove it,not delete her O_o

  53. Hrmmmmm. While I have no problem personally with displaying the human body for art's sake and I am all for freedom of expression, I do feel that there are venues where it is appropriate and venues where it is not. Since Stardoll is mainly a kids website I feel that it is not appropriate to display this type of clothing there.

  54. I think it's inappropriate for this website. But Stardoll should inform her before delete her account, or delete just her design.

  55. I think stardoll should stop calling itself kids website because obviously it's not. I mean, ok there are childish stuff on stardoll, however it's a fashion game and fashion is not something for kids only. Stardoll should make up their mind. If they deleted that girl for naked breast because that was too 'grown up', then they should delete all girls with cigarettes too, because it's not kids' stuff either. Not that I don't like it but that would be logical. On the other hand I understand that these sort of things are not for 9 year olds and if I had a child of that age, I wouldn't want her to see things like that.

  56. They are really inappropriate tbh.

    I don't feel the need for there to be designs of drugs on Stardoll.

  57. In my opinion, it's still fashion. I mean I still see dresses with nipples showing out here & there.

    Stardoll is still also a kids website. It's a bit inappropriate. Stardoll is also a place for people to get creative, so I don't really know what to say.

  58. Stardoll keeps on deleting famous accounts! NOT FAIR

  59. Its a bit gross. I can't imagine why you would want to show that. My sister plays on stardoll and shes 8, I am 13 and I feel uncomfortable looking at it:/ However fashion can be radical and I am sorry to hear she was deleted just for that...

  60. I guess this was innapropriate but I totally loved them. I tried this design before but I thought about the possibilites and decided I wouldn't...It's just fashion!

  61. it is just her style...but again there are kids here who dont understand that...they should warn her but not delete her account

  62. She sould not have been deleted, and as others said, It is a Kids Site.....

  63. Inappropriate, cuz' theirs kids in Stardoll and they shouldn't see this.

  64. But they shouldn't delete her account, they should ban her for a day or something.

  65. ART!
    I bought one and I will keep wearing it. Kasia's art is iconic. Don't be ashamed of showing some skin, it's beautiful and pure;)

  66. It can be art, or it can be inappropriate. But its mostly inappropriate because stardoll is a "kids website" and she should not be talking about drugs or personal stuff. I don't even get it. How are those two things related ?

  67. OMG!

    I get it's a kids website..but this is art. :l Fashion is Art...just think of all those statues with privates showing.
    I honestly don't think it's a big deal OR something to get deleted about.. I feel sorta bad for her, as she was so nice when I talked to her.
    I can understand the part about designing drug clothing..but nudity?

  68. INAPROPIRIATE!!!!!!!!

  69. inappropriate.
    Sure its a good idea, but stardoll has to do its job and delete her since there are little girls on the site!

  70. I think some aspects of her designs are inapropriate, especially for girls and guys who are younger. But stardoll is graced with mature people who understand her form of art, and won't be influenced by "Tits and Drugs." I really wouldn't consider this a "kids website" as many have put it because kids pre-teenage years are only a small percentile. Also, I don't think she should have been deleted without being warned first, so I hope they at least warned her. And I have noticed seemingly nude stardoll posts. And her dress isn't the first of it's kind I've seen. I've been voting on best design in the past, and t-shirts and tank tops come up with nipples. I do like Lulla96's suggestion about distinguishing between 2 different websites, though. A website for younger girls who want more disney characters, Movie stars, and games. While a site more focused on teens and adults would feature artists like UndamyUmbrellla and other haute couture artists.

    p.s. you spelled her name wrong the second time. (you left out an L). this takes you to a non-ss who never goes on

  71. I Saw Those Designs In Her Suite, At The Beginning I Liked Them, But I Was Shocked That She Was Still Selling Them & Stardoll Hadn`t Done Anything About It.

    I Think We All Should Be Aloud To Express Ourselfs In Our Own Ways, But There Are Limits - Especially On Stardoll & Website Like It! So I`m Not Really That Surprised That She Has Been Removed.
    It`s Not Like She Didn`t Know Stardoll Doesn`t Tollorate Those Sort Of Things.


  72. ok, after reading everyone's posts, i have some more opinions.
    *Stardoll has sold t-shirts in the starplaza with guns on them!
    *People are focusing on the nipple exposer because of the picture along with the post. That' i'm ok with, the drugs i am NOT ok with.
    *I agree with some of those who say we should have an 18+ button. But whould UndamyUmbrellla use it? or would she want everyone to see her art?
    *In the real world, what does almost every teenager wear around their writst. the asnwer is an "I <3 Boobies" bracelet. Boobs arent' a new topic.
    *Stardoll is about fashion and recreating runway looks. Boobs pop out on the runway all the time. In fact, i was reading a blog like this and I saw a runway image where you could see the boob through a lace top.
    *UndamyUmbrella's intent was not sexual, it was couture inspired.

  73. Well I saw her design and I liked them, but then again there are the 9 and 8 year old crawling around on stardoll. I liked the designed and I think she shouldn't be deleted for her actions. She had the right to design the items of clothing. but what I don't get is why would stardoll delete her for her actions when there have been many more who have alot worse by Stardoll standards. Like a the parties in the party lobby say $@% time, I need a boyfriend, or Lez or BI only. It is an outrage, if Stardoll wants to be prudish about it then oh well.

  74. Wow... At first I thought the design was a flower..I now see the n(i)pple...

    I believe it is a bit inappropriate but it is art...She was well aware of the consequencees, so the deleting of her account is her fault I think..,

  75. I thing her style is great, but she should express it in other sites, stardoll is not an apropiate place to show these designs. Stardoll make the right call.

  76. I think that saying that is art is just an excuse.. she is there showing off porn and drugs... and saying that this is art?
    I don't think so
    anyway, this tit dress looks really ugly

  77. HELLO




  79. I think it is inappropriate because really, there are a lot of 7 year-old's on this website as well as 18 yr old's, and I understand that she was just showing her creativity, but I still reckon that that is a bit too old and inappaprpriate.

  80. I like some of the designs, but I'm close to 15.

    For 10 year old's, it's a bit much.

  81. .emma.x.

    you agree with linnea but yet your against marijuana, which is NATURAL! there is nothing wrong with marijuana at all. how many people die from drinking, OD, cancer? A LOT! how many have died from marijuana? NONE! yeah im against people just smoking it for the high, but people who cant eat because they take pills or have cancer and are in pain, or any other medical condition its fine. for gods sake it keeps them alive longer! so get your facts right before you tell people whats right and wrong!

    oh and i think it was kind of inanapropitiate just because there are some kids, but hey they have boobs too and theres tv and internet! so its not like its new to them. if stardoll didnt like it they should have deleted the designs just not her!

  82. I like UndamyUmbrellla and I don't think it's fair to delete her account. She just could be asked for delete design, why do they need to delete whole account? :(

  83. I think Stardoll did the right thing to react strongly against this - simply because their site is NOT a place for DRUGS (marijuana leafs and Ecstasy pills) nor for SHOWING NIPPLES!!
    For your information the average age on their site is 13!

    There are on-line games for adults(!) that offers both of these (drugs and nudity), AND were she can express her creativity by designing her arts for other adults - and to sell them!
    Time for her to move on!!

  84. 13? 13 yrs old girls aint kids u know... u think they never seen their boobs??

  85. i also think that she is a piece of art and she is VEY Talented to design somethinbg like that! Totally support her! HEY; we aren't kids! We have seen boobs before!

  86. theres originality, then theres just obscene. this has crossed the line in my opinion, stardoll isnt a place for stuff like this xxx

  87. Stardoll delete my old acc.I was not famous and nobody care for me . I dont think that is something REEALLY IMPORTANT.Every day Stardoll delete so much acc ..but you dont write about them...

  88. I think it's alright, but we have to realise that Stardoll is in fact a site for young children, and so things like this might make youngsters pretty uncomfortable..

    Maybe she could have limited, and to not do so many revealing numbers, but things that pretty much cover those not-to-be-seen places.. :3

  89. It's Really A Beautiful piece That I've Seen In a lot of major Art pieces, but It's Kind of inaproprate cuz there are some users under The Certain Age Like 9 and 7

  90. SHE'S BACK!!!!!! stardoll re-enabled her account. (although she's not wearing any clothes)

  91. Inappropriate. But I mean this is the only site where she can do this so I guess the sacrifice of this being a kids website is ok?

  92. Not art. It's just simply way too innapropriate.

  93. I think it is a beautiful design. I also feel that Stardoll isn't so much of a kids website. How about those stories in the big clubs that are COMPLETELY inappropriate? They're fine, but her design isn't? Think about it. :)

  94. I think Stardoll should've at least given her a warning, but still, those designs are kinda messed up. I'm really neutral on this one.

  95. its a shame, i love the dress and i'd sell my soul for one.

  96. I dont think she should of been deleted. I understand that its a kids site, but nudity is a part of life, it should not offend. I think it was too much to delete her.

  97. hmm, kinda innapropiriate since it is a kids website <yupp

    Well they should've gave her warning & deleted the designs but why delete her account? -.-

  98. Defitnly INAPROPIATE!!!!In this website are really little kids!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. She shouldn't have gotten deleted.

  101. The breast dress,to my opinion,is perfectly fine. Children are exposed to WAY worse nowadays,and nudity is a trend on the runways right why not flaunt it on Stardoll?

    However the drug designs were VERY innapropriate,to my opinion.

  102. "@.emma.x.

    you agree with linnea but yet your against marijuana, which is NATURAL! there is nothing wrong with marijuana at all. how many people die from drinking, OD, cancer? A LOT! how many have died from marijuana? NONE! yeah im against people just smoking it for the high, but people who cant eat because they take pills or have cancer and are in pain, or any other medical condition its fine. for gods sake it keeps them alive longer! so get your facts right before you tell people whats right and wrong!

    oh and i think it was kind of inanapropitiate just because there are some kids, but hey they have boobs too and theres tv and internet! so its not like its new to them. if stardoll didnt like it they should have deleted the designs just not her!"

    I agree with you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  103. lol that is not good. stardoll is a website for kids and she should not designing that clothes! lmao

  104. actually THIS IS FASHION no way that kids visit suites and watch I think tha twe r not so kids anymore we all understand fashion and those kids who see this won't even notice that i think=) o k ok this is only my opinion=)
