
Sunday, February 13, 2011


The news this morning is that someone leaked some "FAKE" scandolous pictures of Tylerisbold and they have been posted on other blogs. The images are porn and all the more disgusting as Tyler is a minor and they are not even him! I won't re-post the pics here as I think they should just not be spread.

I just wanted to make a post to say that I fully support Tyler and don't believe that this is him. I remember seeing a picture of him a long time ago and it doesn't even look like the same person to me. Even if it was him why the heck is being shown in Dollywood.

See Tyler's comments on this mess.

In the screen prints its is made to look like Elite-Girl is the culprit, but I think that may be just another attempt to divert suspicion from who is truly to blame.

Here's what Linda (Elite-girl aka King of Media) had to say abut what's happened.

Regardless, whoever did this is seriously disturbed, but the most disturbing thing is that this person is here on Stardoll, blogger and skype.

So the message here, is to please be careful about who you are friends with on these virtual sites. There are a lot of perverts out there. Keep your personal information personal.


  1. This is awful! I fully support Tyler!

  2. :O OH GOSH! This is horrible!!!

    I support Tyler 100%, and also thank you Jenna for not posting the pic's.. Yuckkk!!

    Hmm, I've talked to Elite-girl plenty of times and she really doesn't seem like the sort of person to even joke about I think it IS someone just trying to frame her. :l

    We need to get to the bottom of this. -.- At least SD is aware and will try to stop it...

  3. Gosh, that is horrible
    Tyler is not lying, 100%
    SD is trying to stop that

  4. the one who makes these things only need attention, so let's not give him/her what he/she wants! I don't think that i want to see such photos @ dollywood anymore XD

  5. and how can stardoll stop that? it is not about stardoll now, it's about a person who wants to bring tyler down...

  6. I never saw them. I wanna see them. But tbh can we give all this Tyler nonsense a rest. There's nothing that is being found out...

  7. the pics are posted on MDM if anyone wants to see them.. but i don't think you want that XD

  8. omg why is someone doing this??? this is destroying Tylers fame
    ah that makes me really angry -.-

  9. Yeah.. I saw those photos, they were so stupid to me, its like.. the person could easily be photo-shopping most of it so I was like whatever.

    Whoever they are, they are gross and a backstabber.

  10. Whoever did it is just sick and it is awful of them to do this to a person. I mean if you think about it in real life if someone brought a photo into school of a stranger and said hey look at this to everyone it would probably be taken to court, its wrong and the poor people being dragged into it is unfair...

  11. That's horrible. Unfortuantly, a virtual website has spiraled into so much more that can affect real life. I feel sorry for him. I haven't seen the photos, but I really don't want to..

  12. Jeez, thats sad, the person who did it must be a sicko.

  13. I saw the Pictures...

  14. it seems that tyler is always in troubles :(

  15. Who's ever idea of this being a joke must be seriously sick and disgusting,
    This is a serious matter and framing people of doing such shit is absurd, Being accused and framed of doing that crap is seriously sick, Tyler can open a lawsuit on this, May the criminal be warned, People these days are so sick and atrocious..

  16. I will never understand why someone would do such seems that some people are just sick

  17. Awful :s
    Poor Tyler, but we know that he isnt liying :S


  18. I saw this on MDM, but didn't think it'd be Tyler anyway. He wouldn't go that far.

    People are sometimes seriously sick. Can't believe that they'd spread rumours like that. It's just sad. And I don't think that Elite-Girl is the culprit, either. They probably visited her page and took the screen print that way to frame her.

    Just horrible. Hope Tyler finds out who's done it and gives them hell for it.

  19. Yeah I didn't really think it was him, slighly amused by his 'very illegal' remark, but I think he's a good guy and I couldn't really picture him doing something like this.

  20. Poor Tyler. I don't think it's Linda though. This is truly awful that all this elitism has come to this. Truly awful.

  21. Wow, that's terrible!
    Why would someone be so sick-minded to do that? I support Tyler 1OO% on this; anyone who fakes pictures like that obviously is jealous.

    Urgh, never heard of such a thing before. People should stop being so childish and do something decent.

    Whoever did it shall be caught. This shouldn't go on. o:

  22. This whole thing leaves me feeling very sad. Some people have such ugly things inside them and I am so sorry to see such "ugliness" on such beautiful sites as the Stardoll community. That's what we are...a community. Like any community we have a responsibility to create a positive atmosphere for Everyone. What this person has done is shameful especially since it has been done to a minor. Tyler stand strong against such ugliness and don't let it defeat you. We will all stand together against the ugly and continue to create the beautiful!

  23. Wow!! i can't wait to see his comment here and what he says!

  24. WOW, I totally suppor and believe Tyler and whoever did this is SICK

  25. this is so horrible!
    why would anyone ever do this to someone else?

  26. I'm sure it was not Elite-girl, it'd be stupid to put her page if it's her...

  27. Its sick, disgusting and evil, and I'd never would do something like this to embarrass someone.

  28. I saw it on memoires of a medoll earlier today & commented saying I was shocked & amazed they could put something like that on their blog (which may not be the picture of the said person). I am so dissappointed in them. Thank god there are lots of sensible people out there who disagreed with this, I thought it was just me. Even adults be upset & sue for something like that.

  29. I support Tyler too...i hate people who dont have smarter bussines than doing stupid and horrible things to other people:s

  30. what is WRONG with some people?! xxx

  31. Wow! I can't believe someone would do that!! That's so gross. It not a joke! Even if they are Tyler, it is no ones business...except maybe the police since he is a minor. I don't believe they are of him though. It does not fit together.

  32. Wow, wrong and crazy. Usually I don't go along with these things. But he seems okay to me. Who ever did that have no sense of pride.

    The internet can be crazy at times.


  33. I never thought someone would do something so bad!

  34. Supporting Tyler ,
    Why someone did that?

  35. It would be illegal ONLY IF the pictures are really of him. If they are not, and whomever the pictures are really of isn't a minor, then it's not illegal. So is he inadvertently admitting is IS him? I think the answer is yes, there is a photo proving it really is him, you can see it in the comments on MDM blog. It shows him sitting up against a leopard print pillow in a picture where you can clearly see his face, and one of the photos where he is exposing himself with the exact same pillow behind him. Nice try Tyler, but you've been caught.

  36. I don't know what's happened..I think it's better so.

  37. This is so sad.:[ Some people on stardoll realy need a life.-__-"

  38. Why do poeple be like this? Can't understand. Support Tyler 100%, it's evil!

  39. Its so sad people do this to others ! We are all behind Tyler !

  40. I heard about this scandal few days ago and I really don't understand how can someone be so mean and vicious?! I agree with you that it's a bit worrying that someone who could come up with something so disgusting is here on Stardoll and I just hope they'll find out who he/she is and ban him from the site. I totally support Tyler in this and I hope people will stop with so idiotic actions...

  41. I didn't even know this - so you're kinda spreading it, you know...

  42. Oh my Gosh. That must be horrible for Tyler. Who would do that to him? Jenna you must have saved us all from a terrible sight for not posting those pics up... Stardoll better do something about this.

  43. I don't a lot about this scandal but I support Tyler.

  44. It's definitely him:

  45. lololol where are the pictures at?
    And guys, Linda wouldn't do this, I know her and she WOULDN'T STOOP THIS LOW .

  46. Wait, lol SHIT that is tyler.
    smooth, spreading kiddy porn of yourself all over dollywood.
    the proof doesn't lie.
    Their features are the same, he got his hair dyed and cut but you cant mask a face.

  47. OMG! TYLER U ARE NOT LYING! I SUPPORT YOU!Theyre only jealous! Your amazing!

  48. I don't see why people want to bring people, that they don't know, down like this! Its sick!
