
Saturday, February 19, 2011

Trend and Anti-Trend of the week!

Hey everyone! How has your week gone? I am SO sorry I didn't post last weekend, I just had such a busy weekend it was hard to get anything in, but of course, I am back! The trend this week...


What do you all think? Personally I am in LOVE with this trend. I love how it's childlike. So pure, so innocent. SO PRETTY! They go great with almost anything, so versatile! Now, to the anti trend:


I am just so over this trend, in fact, was it ever even a trend? I suppose it was when Henry holland released all of those statement t-shirts. But now, they are just OVER! What do you think?

Thank you for reading another weekly segment of Trend and Anti-Trend of the week! Do you agree, disagree? And remember, if you write in my guestbook saying that you are wearing the TREND then you could possibly be featured on this post! (I choose one person at the end of the day) 
Charlotte. xxx


  1. 1st^^
    I love pastel colors! So true xx
    Great post!

  2. I agree!I love pale colours.I just adore how they look, and our medolls look awesome in 'em!Especially the necklake , I have to buy it NOW, and the Style's dress is freakin' awesome.About the Statement shirts,I totally agree.I just found them a little bit ugly honestly,and not so original.

    Amazing post Chach!I totally agree!

  3. In some ways I agree whilst in other I don't

  4. I love pastel and pink colours, they are so girly and stylish.
    The statement shirts look really cool.

    Thanks for the tips :D

  5. I love pastels! great post :D

  6. The Be Cool tee is so ugly xD ! My medoll rarely wear pink and blue pastel colours, but yes, it's pretty ^^

  7. The statement t-shirts are not all so ugly. There are some that are realy cute. And sorry but pastel colours are not for me lol.:"D I'm not that girly.:]

  8. i agree about the statement shirts..they are just embarassing but also the childish clothes can look weird and fake in my have to wear them carefully

  9. Pastels are always fun and will never go out of style. I am not a big fan of tee shirts. Especially when they make me a walking advertisement. Ah well.

  10. The skirt with the beads is so nice, does anyone know where it is from? Lovely look pastel is really nice, I never wear statement shirts:3..

  11. Why do you do an anti-trend i mean your making people embarrased if they like these items.

  12. heyy i think its not anti-trend statement t-shirts!! I love them!! They all have a meaning!! :* also we can use them with any style..they r just perfect..but thats my opinion....

  13. I agree with you on both trend and anti-trend of the week. :) I loove pastel colors, especially now cause it's spring very soon and they are perfect for that time of teh year... ;) As for the statement shirts, I never liked them so they were always ant-trend for me. :P

  14. What shop is the white skirt with the flowers on chains in?

  15. The skirt has a necklace over it, you can't buy it like that. And thank you for all your feedback. Remember though, guys, this is just my opinion!

    Charlotte. xxx

  16. Well this time I disagree :) Statement t-shirts sometimes can be really cool. And pastel colors, in my opinion are only for little babies or old women. Especially when they are mixed together. I mean, it's ok-ish to have one pastel piece of clothing in whole outfit. But if entire outfit is pastel... It's just a NO, imo. :)

  17. Pastels are always a trend; i think statement shirts are also.

  18. me the opposite...the pastels r too girly for me and i like statement t-shirts...well not those but other ones.

  19. Agree 100%! Pastel colours are the new black.

  20. I like pastels AND statement tees.

  21. Sincerely I like statement t-shirts. They are a trend of this spring xD

  22. I'm wearing this trend (pastel) and love it! My username is eawperson.

  23. Yeah! The pastel colors ae cute, the satement shirrts are bleh xD

  24. I like the bottom three items in the pastel set. I think pastels are a definite must for any wardrobe. As for the statement t-shirts, I think they can be cute, you just have to style them correctly. Great segment

  25. I love pastel colours ! I like statement t-shirts in real life but on stardoll i am not too keen on them as i don't really wear them because there is so much more stylish things but i do like some.

  26. i actully think the other way round :\

  27. I like them both, but I really don't agree with the statements shirts being ugly

  28. I love pastel colours (:
    Recently I've been loving apricot, pale yellow & pale mint green

  29. I disagree with statement shirt being a anti trend, they are a really good way to make a point without being in your face. I like pastel too, athought I don't wear a lot in real life as the pink normally tend to make me look more washed out.

  30. ah i love this pastel and pink trend :) with much flowers including omg so pretty :)

  31. Aww i love pastel colours...they r so cute and relaxing for eye...but sigtments shirts...i just dont like to put that on me...I AM NOT WALKING SIGN:)

  32. lmfao you can't even write an article properly .. LOL first the childish thing is sooo anti-trend and the statement tee are soo in trend you always get it wrong..
    get it right for once!

  33. I hate the clothes from the first post. But the tops from the second picture are awesome.

  34. I love pastel colours!
    To be honest, I don't really mind statement shirts. They're alright I guess ;L

  35. I`m Not A Fan Of Pastel Colours, I Prefer More BRIGHT Colours. The Sort That Stand Out & Get In Your Face.

    As For The Statement Tees, I Never Have Been A Fan Of Them. But I Suppose To Me, It Just Depends On What Sort Of 'Statement' It`s Showing.


  36. I don´t like the talk about "trends" and specially not "anti-trends" in general.

    Fashion today is all about personality - it gives you full freedom to express yourself in your own way. No limits like anti-trends.... If you like pastel colors, or statement tees, feel free to wear it - and feel good about yourself wearing clothes you have chosen yourself :)

  37. I don't care for trends >:D

  38. I like pastel clothes, but not the ones you posted...

  39. i love the trend of the week :) i think they're pretty awesome ^^

  40. i love how you used the necklace over the skirt! and yeah i agree with you about statement shirts xxx

  41. LOOOVING the trend. ;D And it's so true about the tee's... :lll

  42. Some statement shirts are ugly... but not all of them i think

  43. Pastel is really trendy, but like both ;o)

  44. I love the necklace, does anyone know where its from?

  45. I actually like both! =) I don't think the Statement tees were a trend but some people just liked them! =D xx
