
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Trend and Anti-Trend of the week!

Hey everyone! It's that time of the week again, yes, time for another segment of Trend and Anti-Trend of the week! How was everyone's weekend? What did you do? Tell us in the comments!


What's your opinion of long dresses? I think they can either make or break an outfit, it just depends who is wearing it and what accessories have been added, don't you think? I personally love them, you'll see me wearing one soon enough!

I have never really felt anything for jumpsuits, to be honest, most of the time they are unflattering, and just, well, ugly! What do you think, you readers?

That's all for this week! But remember, if you write in my guestbook today and you are wearing the TREND then I will feature the best looking one on this exact post, exciting stuff! Remember, the TREND, not the ANTI TREND!

Charlotte. xxx


  1. awesome, i love long dresses :]

  2. i agree with ya. I absolutely hate jumpsuits.

  3. I've worn a long dress for three weeks(Chanle one-in the right) and I'm wearing one now so it's claerly I love them soo much! Can't wait to see your long dress :P x

  4. I love ball long dresses.
    And long skirtsss.Yeah :P

    Jumpsutis :/

  5. I don't really think long dresses are so trendy,you can't really make a good outfit with them,the pretty ones are for special ocasions and the others...well are just ugly...
    And some jumpsuits are really cool.

    So I don't agree with you about this topic.

  6. I love love LOVE long dresses!! Jumpsuits aren't as nice :P

  7. i don't like the long dresses!

  8. I don't really like long dresses or jumpsuits =/

  9. This time I have to disagree with you. :P I don't think jumpsuits are bad, those short ones are very cute and great clothes for summer. ;) I just looove one black jumpsuit that was from DKNY store few years ago... ;) It was black, short and strapless, I looove to wear it! :D As for the long dresses, I don't like them that much cause I'm short and they usually don't look good on me... :/

  10. True, on stardoll there aren't any good jumpsuits. But they can look very good in real life. And the long dresses, are, in my oppinion only for special ocasions, and i don't realy like them.:]

  11. I have to disagree about the jumpsuits. There are always ones which look great, and ones which look absolutely awful.
    Furthermore, there are also long dresses which can totally make even the most beautiful person on the world look terrible.
    I like jumpsuits, especially the short ones, 'cause I feel great in them.

  12. I don't really like long dresses(in real life) and some jumpsuits look very nice

  13. I don't mind jumpsuites. There is one in PPQ I like. I dont mind long dresses but I really don't like long sleeves

  14. I dont like jumpsuits ! They are ugly,and not sexi,and it is the worst thing of clothing for me !
    I love long dresses,I absolutly love them ♥

  15. I agree I dont really like jumpsuits too :)

  16. I agree about the jumpsuits but I'm not a fan of long dresses as well as long skirts.

  17. i love both long dresses and jumpsuits!

  18. i love long dress but only if they are really glamorous!! and i ahte jumpers too there`s nothing to fixed.

  19. I have seen so many people wearing long dresses especially the last one! Definitely a trend!

  20. I like long dresses, but I kinda like jumpsuits.

  21. i like dresses and jumpsuits, jumpsuits r very cool n trendy where as long dresses r elegant n pretty.
    it just depends on how u wear something and how u accessorise it.
    If i wore a beautiful elegant gown n then had biker boots with it and a slouch bag and a scarf-that wouldnt b trendy but if i wore those same accessories with a jumpsuit it would look pretty cool!

  22. I love long dresses sometimes if they look really great... :) ...Jumpsuits only if they have got the little "something" but on stardoll I have never seen a great jumpsuit...

  23. I was almost choked with the filthy stuff the monkey had crammed down my throat: but my dear little nurse picked it out of my mouth with a small needle, and then I fell to vomiting, which gave me great relief. Yet I was so weak and bruised in the sides with the squeezes given me by this odious animal, that I was forced to keep my bed a fortnight. The King, Queen, and all the court, sent every day to inquire after my health, and her Majesty made me several visits during my sickness. The monkey was killed, and an order made that no such animal should be kept about the palace.

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  24. Love the dresses, not so much for the jumpsuit.

  25. Great! It looks awesome! :D

    And I agree on the jumpsuits, I don't own any in RL, and on SD only one (But because it's Rare DKNY)!

    I don't know whether this counts as a long dress, it's long but sort of A-Line. Anyhow:

  26. I love the red dress in the middle of the long dresses. :) It's gorgeous. :D

  27. I n't like jumpsuit either. I don't find them chic, they are perfect to be worn only at home XP

  28. I really dislike long dresses, mainly because they don't suit me but jump suits are okay to be worn at home. :L

  29. I only like some jumpsuits, mainly short legged ones instead of the trouser ones, they can look at bit 70s. (:

  30. I like long dresses but the ones with long sleeves, it's just too much xD as for the jumpsuts I never liked them :S they look weird.

  31. I love wearing long dresses. My Medoll wears them a lot. I feel so elegant and graceful in a long dress and they really can be fun to accessorize. I am not fond of jumpsuits. In real life they are awkward and uncomfortable. They never fit quite right either. On the Medolls they have to be drawn just right or they fit wrong!

  32. I think that jumpsuits are definitely out of the picture nowadays; Long dresses will always be a trend no matter what.

  33. Agree absolutely with everything!
    Long dresses - <3
    Jumpsuits - D: </3

  34. oh i like jumpsuits the short one not the long
    i also like long dresses here on stardoll but not in the real life because my legs are to short :D

  35. In real life, I don't like jumpsuits, but on my medoll they look ok, I don't own many, but they few I do have are quite nice.
    Love K xxx

  36. I went to my friends party today^_^ It was good but I am tired as we stayed up most of the night. I don't really like jumpsuits and dresses are timeless...

  37. Just to let you guys know a new HB is out! :DDD It's the Rio HB Clutch and it's 10 SD's!

  38. i dressed up in a long dress so i could try to b in the trends post but then i decided to b a rebel and put on a jummpsuit that i've had for ages but never got around to wearing-i was going to wear a short one but i decided to b proper untrendy and go for a long one! :D

  39. I like long dresses and short jumpsuits. [:

  40. I love long dresses, and to be honest, I really hate jumpsuits

  41. Agree! :D But it sometimes depends on the long dress :D

  42. I agree with you, I love the classique long dresses.
    But I think that a good juimpsuit can be very fashion.


  43. I don`t really like long dresses..I think you have to be tall to wear them, cuz they don`t look good on short pepole :D
    The jumpsuits are ok, but I usually don`t wear them [in sd or in real life].
    Just my opinion :x

  44. I agree only with the dresses! I think that they are a must-have aswell as long skirts! But I disagree with the jumpsuits, they are also a must-have! They are really trendy! If you are talking about stardoll's ones I totally agree with you, but if you are talking about real life ones, I think they are a must-have item! The anti-trend I think it would be short t-shirts the ones that were a hot trend in summer. Some people use them in winter!

  45. I think it all depends how you style it. Both articles of clothes could go each way

  46. I hate jumpsuits and long dresses -.-

  47. I must agree with you.. jumpsuits are HORRIBLE...

  48. I have never really liked and even wear a jumpsuit - on RL and even not stardoll :D Though well me wearing a long dress - it's also unrealistic. Though I do love long dresses, and many are doing great, elegant, feminine looks with them, but they are sort of, not for me.

  49. I like long dresses but they are not my style xD

  50. I love jumpsuits and found this like what you think goes. I found this offensive. You shouldn't have an anti-trend. You can't tell people what they cant wear.

  51. I love jumpsuits and found this like what you think goes. I found this offensive. You shouldn't have an anti-trend. You can't tell people what they cant wear.

  52. I love jumpsuits and found this like what you think goes. I found this offensive. You shouldn't have an anti-trend. You can't tell people what they cant wear.

  53. i have one of those long dresses and the jump suit in my closet!

    i prefer the long dress!

  54. i like long dresses but i also like jumsuits...some of them are really awesome and if you know how to were them they look gorgeous:X

  55. Love jumpsuits!
    I love them in real life, I wouldn't wear a long dress...unless it's for a special occasion :s

  56. I actually prefer short dresses than long dresses. Long dresses make you look so weird and you can barely see your feet. Short dresses show off your long legs. But some long dresses are cute; like the one I'm posting.

  57. I Agree With The Long Dresses, They Can Either Make Or Break Someone & Their Outfit!

    As For The Jumpsuits, I Think Their Actually A Lot More Nicer Than Most Long Dresses. So For Me, They`re Still A Trend.


  58. I Dress In 'Trend' Of The Week - Long Dress.

    I Changed My Medolls Gender To Take Part In This, I The Way The Medoll Looks I Personally Find It Natural, Simple Yet Gorgeous!



  59. agree, jumpsuits aren't anything special!

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. It really just depends on the style of the dress or jumpsuit. Some look great, some look not so great.

  62. I actually believe the opposite. I am not really into long dresses or gowns unless they are super special or rare lol. Otherwise I like jumpsuits. There is so much you can do with black ones. In real life it is very slimming and professional, fun, cute and clubbing all in one. They are universal, where as a long dress is not so much.

  63. I'm sorry but you don't have the qualification to tell others whats the trend or not ..

  64. Don't go with you. Long dresse are not a real trend, cause always awesome but a bit boring.
    Jumpsuits with right cut and good accesoires they could be a real trend.

  65. I agree with you; long dresses are way better than jumpsuits. :) WOOOOO ! LONG DRESSES ALL THE WAAAY! totally unnecessary but I can express my opinion can't I ? :D

    BTW, my weekend was alright; i went to a party. :)

  66. I absolutely agree with you! Long dresses are wonderful!

  67. yeah i love long dresses, but i do like floral jumpsuits and playsuits in the spring (which it nearly is! :D) xxx

  68. i love jumpsuits ^^ they look sexy ;D

  69. i really like long dresses :) sometimes jumpsuits look great, and sometimes they're off :/ but they're okay.

  70. It's the contrary for me, I don't like those dresses but I like the jumpsuit?

    @ Satrdoll CL3M3: I love your profile image.

  71. not so many good fitting long dresses on SD and agree with the jumpsuits for most of them.

  72. I agree with the long dresses, just more in loose fit. But I totally disagree with the jumpsuits! They're just fab.

  73. I love Long Dress :DD

    I don't mind jumpsuits, it just depends what colour & style they are :P

  74. long dresses are awfull!

  75. Jumpsuit remind me of overalls *shutter* The things my mother made me wear when I was younger. I like long dresses most of the time.

  76. Jumpsuits automatically makes me think of old people.

    I don't know why.

  77. I like this one! Sadly, long dresses is kinda hard to wear. :)

  78. I like jumpsuits x)And my medoll rarelly wear long dresses ^^.

  79. some of long dresses are beatiful:)

  80. I have exactly tha jumpsuite and I love it!!!! I like to go aagainst the stream! XD

  81. BUt I also like longdresses!! :P

  82. I don't love long dresses and I would never wear them x) but i love these dresses up there ^^

    Go, tell'em! jumpers are ugly :P

  83. i love them too :) and i hate jumsuits

  84. I love those dresses, and I hate the jumpsuits.
    I couldn't agree more!
