
Thursday, February 3, 2011

That's All Folk's!

Stardoll's very own George W. Bush, Tylerisbold has dramatically quit his very own blog Tyler's Top Trends, the blog which has been opened and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs has finally come to an end, and Tyler blames the haters who he compares to 'cold blooded killers' for his decision, demise of his blog and Stardoll. Read his full dramatic post below, or visit Tyler's Top Trend's HERE.

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I feel bad for Tyler, he does try hard but in another sense I feel he expects far too much from people, but with his track record of starting projects and dropping them soon after I feel people have tired of his ways, it's hard to take anything seriously when you've been let down in the past and frankly Tyler has a spotted history of being rude, treating his co-workers badly and not listening to their input.

Are you sad Tyler's Top Trend's is over? Are you feeling sorry for Tyler's disenchantment for Stardoll? or like myself, did you LOL reading his article?


  1. You are such a bitch but I love it!

  2. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs"

    LOVE! :P

  3. This doesn't surprise me. We all knew it was going to happen sooner or later. It's a continuously cycle that Tyler puts himself through every couple of months.

  4. I do not know him, so I don't ave an opinion about this..

  5. Wow,,,,,,,


  6. I join his club, it was sarcastic but fun, he never give the prizes he was promised, and the 600sd, was a totally scam!!

  7. So true!!! To be honest I've supported him and all of his projects but im tired and sick of him getting all this hype about a new project and then closing it down months later and somewhat blaming it on the readers...Shouldnt he just do it to enjoy writting and contributing to the Stardoll world??


  8. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs"

    thanks for making the reference that has completed my life. well covered.

  9. you TRY to aim high but fall hard; you aim right, you fall light.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs"

    Ahah, that was a good one. xD

    But a shame it's going to close. It was kind of obvious it might, but things happen?

  12. I am sorry but his trying to hard!
    and LOL to him for saying "This is not the last of me but it is the last of you"
    Um i don't think so buddy!

  13. Not surprised either. I mean, he looked like he is going to quit sooner or later. Drama, drama, drama.

  14. mao@the kim k joke...yeah I read the first 2 lines. Somewhat dramatic if hes going to come back anyway. Good luck though Tyler.

  15. This had to happend sooner or later...I just don't beelive him he had so many followers,and he let the DoWn.....Real JERK

  16. Love your style of writing, really enjoy your articles and laugh a lot.

  17. Wow. Again? Man. I never expected him to give a "heart to heart" speech. I actually agree with most of what he's said, but I wouldn't call it dedication; in my eyes, it's being annoying. The job will get done over time, not necessarily as soon as he wants it to.

  18. LOL@thekimkardashianreference. I love your posts! But I agree, I'm tired of him reopening and then closing that blog. It's boring now. I also did laugh at the dramatic speech. :L

  19. He takes sd way too serioulsy. It's supposed to be fun. He needs to chill out.

  20. I'm not really surprised tbqh I lolled at this ;L

  21. So in the post he blames it all on us? How lovely. I didn't read it 'word by word' but thats what it seemed like. :P

    Aha, Kim Kardashians legs! xD

  22. Not surprised lol.
    "The blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs." That's a good one. LoL.:))

  23. He's really frustrated and I'm not sad because sooner or later he will be back and will re-open it,like usual.Nothing special here

  24. 'Has been open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs'. Hahahah! :)

    Isn't this post a little too dramatic ? I think he takes this all too seriously. Feel sorry for the guy . :)

  25. May be he has finally grown up, and it was about time for him to finally say bye-bye to something he was trying to hold on to - but no longer excisted.....?
    Hope he learnt something, and move on in real life - I´m sure there will be new experiences around the corner for him. Without any drama and haters - IF he wants that for himself..... Step up and make a difference, Dan!! Wishing you well!

  26. "...the blog which has been open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs has finally come to an end"

  27. I don't know.I'm kinda sorry it's closing,but that would happen anyway sooner or later.
    I didn't want to admit that before,but now when I read it,it's obvious: Stardoll what WE create is falling apart,the talent,gossip,drama - everything.Just like he wrote.I don't want that to be true!
    You know,I don't feel the excitement when I log in at Stardoll like I used to.
    WE need to do something.

  28. lol i like your posts! but yeah im sure hell be back soon :) xxx

  29. Why have some people ignored other parts of this post & focused on the kim kardashian comment. She's not like that she's a good girl (woman).

  30. I understand the need Tyler has to vent...the frustration etc..but I do think you are right and tends to expect a little too much from people sometimes. It's a shame he is closing the blog due to whatever other people have done or said. Vent, but in the end be the bigger person and don't let them dictate your way..

    Love you Dan and your posts and no Blahm....he belongs here ;D

  31. Before I start commenting the letter I have to say you are brilliant! 'the blog which has been opened and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs', I laughed so hard after xD As for the Tyler, I wasn't a big follower and I don't know so much about the blog but I think it's rude what people are saying. Everyone has it's own opinion, they don't have to be rude about what someone else thinks. I agree in some way with him, I know the feeling cause I am perfectionist too so we have something incommon, but I think it's good thing he closed the blog. This way he can think about some other ways to show him talent and not worry about stardoll haters :)

  32. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs"


  33. He's such a drama queen... He's just looking for attention and this is a way of getting it... He always says he's leaving and then he comes back, kinda like Miss_LolitaF. -.- I never followed him or his blog so this isn't so important to me... :P

  34. I totally adore the way you write!

    "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs" amazing!

  35. Uh I loved it when I was one of his biggest rivals.. damn I miss those times!

  36. WHAT THE BELL!!![lol!]

  37. Honestly, I dont have any opinion about this. I wasn't a follower of the blog. Sorry for his followers.

  38. He does this to himself. I liked TTT but he's helped me so much all I can own him is gratitude.


    ha, chances are you wouldn't get that, but i knew dei would ;)

    I agree with Baya, tyler's a drama queen and he needs to seriously calm his tits

  40. Actually u r more dramatic than tyler. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs" man whats that :P

  41. I lol'd.
    I dont know tyler personally, but from an outsider he seems to be too much of a persona for anybody to understand. I know he is serious, but the way he writes the post to sound poetic and like hes top dog is so annoying. As a reader how am i supposed to relate to someone who comes off as better than me?

    Best of luck senor tyler!

  42. don't really know anything about him

  43. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs"


  44. Who knows, in true stardoll form he could be back...

  45. "the blog which has be open and closed more frequently than Kim Kardashian's legs" LOL!

  46. I couldn't stop laughing at the kardashians legs thing :)

  47. And notice too, he has now started writing in the Star Blog on Stardoll, that might be why he had to close it...
