Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Starplaza Changes [:

Thanks misscheesycake and anaKonda for the tip ;)

There's been some new changes to Starplaza...again. The background's changed, along with the dressing room and layout. Take a look:

The New and Popular tags have moved to the top of the screen, with a new featured tab at the bottom. You also have a tag at the side to show you the items in your dressing room. Also, if you click on the dressing room tab...

It reminds me a bit too much of I-Dressup :|

There's also another change which I think is pretty awesome xD If you click on the stores tab, and then click Bigger...

You can see a model wearing clothing from each store:

And same for Beauty and Decor:

What do you think of the changes?


fashionliciousgirl said...

i love it it's better now

supperstarvanni said...

I dunno. For the first time i thought it's to difficult, but know i kanda like it,lol!

Anonymous said...

I love it! (:

anaKonda said...

I'm not thrilled about the new changes especially the ones concerning the dressing room. It's difficult to work with and yr MeDoll is now smaller. Same goes for applying make-up, u have to drag the item to the shelf 1st and only then are u able to apply the make-up. Zooming yr page to take screen-prints is now a "must-do".
The new layout is eye pleasing but not user-friendly. Imo, I think it's a FAIL!

♥Petra/Shakira_Avril said...

Starplaza is nice,
but as soon as I go to my Medoll editor and choose jewelery my whole Firefox crashes -.- EVERY time :/

daloita said...

:O beautiful new design!

miley said...

wow i love it. thanks!

andreea9120 said...

I like it

Kim/PopStarKizzle♥ said...

It may take a while to get used to, but I love it! ;D

Regina said...

yay i love the new starplaza ^^

Yasmin said...

I like the other way better ;[

Ruth said...

I don't understand if stardoll stole/copied/bought i-dressup graphics and idea or it's the other way around. I think first was the stardoll with getting [i-d's] Diamond membership as SD Royalty, and then the starbazaar as i-d's. But after id-s got the same layout as stardoll, the map ang house, then level points as starpoints here... And now stardoll made the starplaza a-like i-d's. What's next? I don't understand why are they doing it :S

-zoeyspark said...

I hate the changes, will Stardoll just be content with what they have and stop changing it -_-

MonicaMillgram said...

I kinda like it :) BTW there are also some minor changes in beauty parlor jewelry and makeup sections :)

Natoustars said...

I love the changes ^^ I think it's better now

Emorox4eva/Jenna said...

I know I was like what is this...

I kinda like it. The only think I am not too keen on is having to drag my purchases to the bottom to see my subtotal, but it's ok.

_JolieAnn_ said...

this is so cool
stardoll is changing so much things in the last time
it are just little things but the make stardoll much better :)
i think the old version was good too but this is better :) thanks to stardoll :D

Jaina said...

Don't like it. It is just the same like idressup (as you mentioned). Why should we pay for stardoll (which was much better before), when we can have it free?
Really pitted today!

katieethecat said...

The beaty parlor has been edited too (:

RobynisDreaming said...

I love the new layout of the stores buttons and the new plaza looks like a real mall, Its great. I think I liked the old changing room better but its not that important anyway.

Over all really good changes....

Sara said...

COOL :D have to go and check it out ;)

marymoo said...

Confusing :P

xXCO-COXx said...

its gonna take some getting used to, but yeah i generally like it! :) xxx

romela1998 said...

i like this change :D

Daisy April Smith said...

Looks pretty cool actually! :D

Anonymous said...

jbtw, justin beiber was in my suite when i logged in asking to join his party on th 16th, anyone else get it?

Byou009 said...

Nice specially love the "bigger"!

Rayko said...

I think it looks better right now:]

coolgirl_1997 said...

I love the changes! Starplaza looks now a loot better :X

Jane said...

Oh, i LOVE it!

Nalco said...

I love changes!!! So they are welcome for me.!!!

AbiiBabeh..x said...

One reason I should log onto blogger before stardoll. I was scared that they'd taken away new items but the second time I visited it, well it was there :L (blonde moment eh?)

marymoo said...



Anonymous said...

I don't like the beauty parlor. The background looks too dull, I like the brightness and it looked more clean and fresh before.


greatdj/jasmine said...

Btw there's also changed on the medoll editor. xD

Anonymous said...

i dont like the changes that much

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

So awesome! I love them.

Anonymous said...

It's ok.
It's a bit confusing, but I'll get used to it.

Romana/Romana.Dawn said...

I like the idea of the bigger icon

Rab92 said...

I Like The Zoom Option.
& The Little Models With Clothes On Next To The Store.


Mary said...

Looks better like this :)


Ramona D said...


jippenjippen said...

I like it, Is alot better.

Invalid said...

I love the store thing in starplaza its awesome !

Evie said...

I think the thing when you make it bigger is quite cool, tbh (:

Dominika said...

Really like it :D

Anonymous said...

I like it...not love it- to be honest I don't really mind. :]

Chiiikk said...

You can buy the same clothes you already bought

GoldenHeart Threads said...

Most of the changes work for me. I like the bigger screen for the shops...very nice.

J-Lee Vuitton/Demi_lavato10 said...

I like the changes!! Yess!

Roa1313 said...

Love the change it's soooooo cool

Anonymous said...

i think it's kindof weird that you can buy more items of the same stuff i wonder if it's possible with the le's..

Anonymous said...

I am getting bored of this, that dresing room is not exactly like i-dressup. It has the format of dresing rooms you have in every day fashion shops. I-dressup did no invent dressing rooms.

Carolyn (LonnaLang) said...

Mhm..not a big fan.. :l Oh well, like I said about the Beauty Parlour..I'll get used to it.

I think SD is changing TOO much! I mean, they've changed the Beauty Parlour like, 3 times in the past month or so. If they make a change at least stick with it for a while or be sure of it before you post it on the website itself! I was just getting used to last Beauty Parlour updates!

allyguapa said...


Gurliciousbabe said...

I love the new changes! I really like their idea for making the starplaza fashion stores bigger :)

Harsh26 said...

I love it :)

iloveanimals28 said...

I like how you can make things better, but I don't like how you have to drag things to buy...and the starplaza look...

Hannah (iluvmumble333) said...

It looks so pretty! :O

GigglyBlue2 said...

loooove the changes

Anonymous said...

The new beauty parlour is confusing!

Unknown said...

I like these new changes. :D I think it's more fancy I guess. xD And that bigger view for stores is a great idea!!! :) Althought I have to agree with some girls who said that now dressing up and putting makeup is a bit more complicated... I'd like for that to be like before...

sd_is_da_best / Sinead said...

I don't like the dressing room bit as it doesn't close automatically anymore but the rest of the changes are good :)

Mihaela said...

They're good.

Lemy100 said...

i kinda like it.. :)

Anonymous said...

Don't like it :/

Byou009 said...


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said...

I don't know. It looks kinda weird.

Punky_Lissy/ Kasey said...

Greaaat..... looks soooo nice!!!

Anonymous said...

this is awesome... it looks awesome! :) <3

Fairydew said...

I think it's nice..Better than before :D

Kitty Skrillex said...

it is just too complicated...i dont like changes...

Fionne Pham said...

I don't really like it. It's more complicated now and the stores with the dolls and the clothes from that specific shop is too much. It's too big. I like the old one better!

daisy-croatia said...

I really like it :P
Love the "Bigger" feature :)

An.Ch.iE said...

I love it! it is so cool! And yeah it is like on i-dress up site. But the stardoll is much,much,much,,..better!

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