
Sunday, February 20, 2011


We would just like to have some quick feedback on the lottery so far!


We want to know whether the price works for most people, or if you think it's too expensive. Do you think every week is too much or should it be every other week or once a month even. A less frequent lotto may allow people more time to save up money. Do you think it is unfair to allow up to 5 votes? Tell us in the poll and explain in comments..please :) But first...


Part of the reason we made the amount $5 is because it costs money to buy and sell the tickets (shirts). Each shirt costs us a minimum of $4. So if we charge less there is no money to go into the pool. It is just all coming out of our pockets. $5 allows us to at least make $1 for the lottery on each ticket.

It also makes it great because both SS and NS can easily earn $5 a  day by doing play and earn and it doesn't have to come out of your own stardollars.

As for having a maximum of 5 tickets. It not only gives people the chance to increase their chances of winning, but allows us to make bigger and better lotteries....because there is more money coming into the lottery pool. It is better that people buy all there tickets at once so we only use 1 shirt and the profit is greater. Ex: If someone buys 5 tickets and we sell 1 $4 item our profit is $21 instead of only $1 on each item sold.

We could limit people to 1 ticket, but then we would have to increase the price. USD and other blogs sell donation tees for $8sd. 

This is the same reason that you have to pay the SD tax. If SD tax on 1 shirt is $1 and we were to sell the item so you are charged $5 in bazaar instead of the $6 you see with the tax. We wouldn't make any money for the lottery at all as we would only get $4....which is the price of the shirt.

With this in mind....

If you think another one applies as well tell us in comments.


If you have bought from JENNAROX4EVA this week. I hope you noticed the quick responses and organization. I have worked really hard keeping a list and answering with instructions to make it less confusing.

THE STARDOLL-LOTTO account will be adapting the same techniques for the next lotto, so I hope it will help with the confusion.

Also it would really help if people would follow the directions for the lotto. It will keep the confusion to a minimum.

So, please vote in the poll. THANKS!


  1. Continue stradoll lottery is very cool!!

  2. Continue stradoll lottery is very cool²

  3. I love it:] It is a great ideea and it should continue.^^

  4. Love it, but it can get a little unorganized with the buying of clothes.

  5. Ithink that it is perfect at the moment so keep on doing it ..)(♥

  6. iluvmumble333

    Actually if you have bought from my account this week it is really organized. I keep a list and have a system.

    I have encouraged the Isabel and Larsa to do this as well because I noticed how disorganized and confusing the lotto account seemed, so hopefully it will be better next time.

    Thanks for the comment :)

  7. Maybe we should be available to buy only 1 ticket.

    Lottery is lottery.We spend quite a lot [if you look at all those weeks (if you're buying tickets for 25sds)]
    But the chance to get is very small for everybody.

    You should continue with it.Do what the crowd says! xD

  8. i voted for 1st
    ps: jenna, when you will post winner of valentines comp and top comments ? sorry for bothering

  9. Avril14140

    See my comments in the post for why we allow a max of 5 and the tickets are $5. Orig before it came to SMW the you were allowed to buy as many as you wanted. I cut that to 5 because I thought that was a fair amount. To make it still fair to those who couldn't buy 5.

    In RL you can buy as many lotto tickets as you want.

    But if we kept it to 1, we wouldn't make enough money to run the lottery as the shirts cost at least $4 and the tickets. Allowing 1 ticket only gives a profit of $1 each. Less money for the lottery pool and less winners.

  10. I know.I was thinking about that too.


    You should just continue with how is it now!

  11. Avril14140

    Well we could limit the number of tickets we allow each person to buy, but we'd have to increase the cost.

    Like USD sell there donation tees for $8sd each.

  12. The lottery is an amazing idea!

    This week was so much better! I hadn't any problem buying the tickets.
    Having two accounts for buying the tickets was so much better and less confusing :) If Isabel and Larsa could also have a account for the lottery would be amazing and easier for us

    About having a maximum of 5 tickets, I think is a fair amount. Is very good have a limit because imagine that a person could pay 10 tickets (50 Stardollars), is unfair for who can´t give that much.

    You're giving an amazing opportunity to us. You make Stardoll much more interesting and dynamic. Thanks for doing this.


  13. I love it. Its a great opportunity for us so Thanks so much for it. I think you should continue it! :)

  14. I voted for "Perfectly Affordable! Love it! Please Continue!"

  15. I think it is cool...but i didnt have enough money...:s

  16. I love stardoll lottery it's such a brilliant idea!
    Firstly I would like to praise Jenna for doing a brilliant job and repliying to all the comments so fast! :) Well done :)
    Secondly, I think the prices are perfect especially because we can just buy them with our play and earn.
    Please don't raise the prices haha :D
    If you do I think that would be a bad idea because less people would buy them because they could'nt afford it.

  17. I hope you'll continue with the lottery cause I'm loving it!! :) I think your reasons for prices and tickets are very reasonable and I agree with them. I do think that it's the best way to come up with enough money for the lottery prizes. ;) It's great that you admit that your organisation is a bit weak but I know you'll improve so keep going with the competition! ;)

  18. Please just contiune the lottery...

  19. I think that so far this way to make it work, is great.
    It give us all a chance to buy 1 ticket minimun.
    So keep it of this way :D

  20. There are still designs in uk from kinect sports, they have some patterns which most members are not used to. You could use a UK proxy for this, it's all non-ss & costs 5sd (stardesign.php?brandId=357). I think it might soon be taken away as it dissappeared for a while & it was brought back few days ago which is weird. It might not be there for much longer though. To be honest I don't think a lot of members would buy the same pattern of t-shirts or items over & over again you could also design things from interior design.

    I also think designers should complain about the same patterns being in stardesign for too long. It should be changed regularly & the patterns should be nicer & of different fashion ranges from hair accessories to shoes.

  21. i think it's great! a little confusing with people buying wrong orders etc, but overall i think its a really good idea! xxx

  22. I love it! But I had to withdraw my purchase this time around due to the fact all the designs were gone for 6SDs when I tried to buy an item due to timezones. The only alteration I think should be made as more people to run the lottery, enabling designs to go on sale at about 12:00 midday for every time zone. :-)

  23. I think the price is completely affordable it only takes one/two day(s) of play and earn if you are not a doll with alot of money and if it was cheaper the prizes would not be as desirable. I am normally very cheap but I quite liked the price.

    I think it would be nice however if lotto was maybe every other week, as then the prize isn't as good and it may cost you alot and be quite time consuming...

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. At the moment its all perfect. Dont change nothing! :)

  26. I think that you should continue the way you are doing it. I did stop to think about how Non SS can generally only buy 1 ticket but the money that you are raising could be going to them if they win a comp..etc.

  27. love it even thgh im gonna participate 1 other week its really good ♥

  28. I'm gonna participate in the next one (:

  29. I think you should go back to 2 NSS winners, because those that arent non-ss can never get it, and those that are already ss have access to regular ss top-ups. Thats the only unfair reason i think, but i did vote that people should buy 1 ticket only :)

  30. Continue please but 1 ticket for each one is better. Thanks

  31. I Personally would rather it was 4sd, since I like to save the 5th play and earn one..
    Is there no objects in Stardesign that sell for under 4?

  32. I love the lottery, I think the price is just perfect. First I thought that u should be given only one ticket but I then realized that then the money would be very less !!

  33. And another thing: U havent announced the top commentors yet and u havent even changed the list of the old ones.


    Look at the glitch

  35. I wish there was a way to track each person's tickets (the 5 ticket max) while not having to purchase all of them at once. For me, I'd rather spend 5sd on a ticket, but buy my 5 tickets of ther course of 5 days. That way I can just spend my play and earn

  36. $5 was a little expensive for me, but if it was any less expensive, you wouldn't make any money, so I see why it needs to be that price. They process was very organized, all things considered, and I commend you on such a good system (:

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I love it, it's a great idea, but I think people should get only 1 ticket,but increase the price of one.(ss lottery) So it'll be more organized and easy for you and not confusing to us. Also it'll be a fair game :)

  39. You should definitely continue(:

  40. I purchased from the jennarocks account, it was really really quick, so i liked it :D

  41. Love the lottery, but thinks once a month is better.

  42. I like the price but i think it should be 2 times a mouth just please make it only 5 tickets per person or it will be unfair if you can buy up to lets say 20 tickets the wouldn't work :\

    i voted!

  43. I voted and I absolutely love the lottery..So much fun ;))

  44. I think that everyone can buy only one ticket.

  45. Voted!

    And please watever you do...continue the lottery! I love it so much! I am determined to win eventually :P

    Also, the only thing I don't like is that sometimes someone buys what I was going to before I's a bit annoying -.-" Not your fault of course!

  46. I think its just fine,I love it and 5 stardollars is not much,they just might give you some of those awesome prizes :D

  47. Continue!!!!!!! It is a great idea and it is fun and I love it!
