
Friday, February 4, 2011

New doll : Dianna Agron

Back with new doll she is actress, singer, producer, director and screenwriter
and she has shine smile , hot eyes and blonde hair
she is

The graphic is nice look similar to real life :D 4./5

Dianna Agron born April 30, 1986 is an American actress, singer, producer, director and screenwriter, best known for her portrayal of Quinn Fabray on the television series Glee

Born in Savannah, Georgia, to Ronald S. and Mary Agron, Dianna was raised in San Francisco.Her father's family is originally from Russia, and their original surname, "Agronsky", was altered by Ellis Island officials

Agron is a vegetarian and a supporter of PETA, and has a role in Bold Native, a 2010 film that explores the issues of animal liberation and animal rights.

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  1. In my opinion in the second picture her face looks a bit like jessica alba. :) i think shes really pretty :)

  2. You're fast with news. It's so early here (UK). What time do you get up? Your post here reads 5.30am. Great work.

  3. Shes my favourite actress, i'm really glad they made a doll of her :D

  4. I love her in Glee! She's so pretty! :) The doll on stardoll looks a lot like her. They did a pretty good job.

  5. i hadnt heard of her (i dont know any celebs!) but yeah its a nice doll, i like the clothes xxx

  6. I have not seen her in an movies, maybe i have not realize, even heard about her... I love her clothes!!

  7. yet another celebrity I haven't heard of LOL

  8. I know her. Stardoll did a great job recreating her.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I like Diana Agron :)

  11. Ohh.I never heard for her xD

    She's nice.

  12. never heard from her, prob cause i dont watch glee

  13. U don't watch Glee but I heard for hear before. She is really pretty, graphics are nice, they actually match her face which is good! I don't like so much her stuff, leather jacket is the best. Blue stuff are already in the shop but I dislake them.

  14. i only know her from glee, i had no idea she was a producer/director/screenwriter! I think she's very beautiful

  15. I totally love her!

  16. She's quite pretty, though I don't know her. And she kinda looks a bit like Jessica Alba? Or maybe that's just me. :P

  17. I know her, she's really beautiful. :) I agree that the graphic is a great match to her real life face. I've never seen her in any movies or series but I'm planning to... ;)

  18. I think it looks VERY similar! :D

  19. woo yeah yeah yeah.
    GLEE GLEE GLEE love her :)

  20. I honestly didn't know who she is because I have never watched Glee

  21. I love glee and she is so pretty as a doll and n real life...

  22. She is so much pretty! this is the first time i see her but now i love her :D and i think the graphics are so great u should give them 5/5.

  23. She is beautiful and I love her in Glee. I didn't know she was a vegetarian but I'm glad you told me that. I don't know many vegetarian celebrities. :L The graphics are nice, thank you stardoll!xoxo

  24. Gorgeous. :D I'm so happy SD is adding Glee Characters. ;)

  25. Eeeek
    Gwen from glee
    she's so beautiful
    and she's my favourite

  26. Glee! She's gonna be in I Am Number 4 too ;D

  27. she's AWESOME! I actually didn't know she was a vegan (: I am so glad stardoll made a doll for her

  28. "she has shine smile , hot eyes and blonde hair" I know right !!

  29. shes real pretty, i have seen her before, finally someone i know (:

  30. I've never heard of her.. i think? :)

  31. I love Dianna, shes pretty good on Glee, so i like the doll :)

  32. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I love her in Glee! I love the doll. She's so pretty IRL!
