
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tilda Swinton

Hey i`m Ghandoora back with new banner and also with new doll only for superstars

Tilda Swinton

Katherine Mathilda "Tilda" Swinton (born 5 November 1960) is a British actress known for both arthouse and mainstream films. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for her performance in Michael Clayton.

i don't know her .. even i had never see her before ..
what about you ??
Ghandoora =^_^=


  1. I've never heard of her but i like the doll :']]

  2. Hi Ghandoora. I remember seeing your blog once, but I forgot the name. So can you please tell me what it is so I can read it again?


  3. She's the white Queen in Narnia

  4. Tilda is amazing, it's sad you guys don't know her work, because she is an amazing actress.

  5. Did you just say you have never heard of Tilda?

  6. She was in the film Narnia ;]
    The ice queen xD

  7. Tilda Swinton proves you don't have to look a certain way, and don't have to be ideally beautiful to be successful as an actor. She's a good role model in this way. Follow your dreams, even if (and sometimes especially if) you don't "fit the mold" :D

  8. awwh, tilda! i adore her work, she's a fantastic actress. very nice pick, stardoll. :3 <3

  9. i adore her and her work. loved her in narnia!

  10. let my guess, you made ur banner with photoscape !!

  11. I'm sure you've seen The Chronicles of Narnia? She is the White Queen. Besides this being her most popular role, like you said she won a supporting oscar award for her excellent work in Michael Clayton and u absolutely have to see her in Orlando, beautiful movie (even better book by Virginia Woolf) her she begins as man and then wakes up as a woman...sounds strange but its really wonderful.

  12. How could you guys not have heard of her? It was only like three years ago that she won her Academy Award. I guess she's not usually in the types of movies that stardollers watch, but she is a bit of a fashion icon. She has really avant garde style and she's one of those people who can end up on best and worst dress lists for the same outfit.

  13. I`ve Seen Her A Few Times, But Can`t Remember Where From.
    I Honestly Think She`s Kinda Strange Looking.


  14. She is the white queen in the Narnia series, and she played one of Benjamin Button's love interests in 'Benjamin Button' alongside Brad Pitt.

  15. Have You seen Narnia????? She plays the Ice/White Queen There.......

  16. I've seen her somewhere, but can't put my foot on it...

    @Anon: Ohh yeahhh...that's it xD Thanks!

  17. She is The White Witch Of Nirnia,i Sware.

  18. I heard for her,of course :D I like her :D
