
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Starry Starry Night

Hello everyone!

So, there is a new style called Starry Starry Night. It has over sized clothes, some red and gold, others with fur. This style is very various.

Now, something caught my eye. I know it hasn't anything to do with Stardoll, but I think it's really interesting.
I'm not sure if you know them, but Illuminati is a "group" of people who love Satan. They put a lot of subliminal messages in adds, music videos, music and movies. You probably have already heard rumors about Lady Gaga taking part of this "group", but nothing is proved. It's just that a lot of religious people (and not only) try to find those messages (if you want to see them in Lady Gaga's videos just search on youtube "Lady Gaga Illuminati") [It's not only Lady gaga. Jay-z, Rhianna and a lot of other celebrities are victims of rumors about being Illuminati].
Going on, there is a triangle on the eye of the girl in the photo and that represents Illuminati. I'm not accusing Stardoll of taking part in the Illuminati "group", I'm just letting you know this :)

Here's the real "Orus Eye" (= and eye inside a triangle):

If Stardoll is Illuminati or not, we will not know. But probably it's just a glitch, they didn't mean it... (Although this sign is very known in every industry)

This is one of the various Illuminati signs shown on Lady Gaga's music videos.

Will you buy anything?

P.S: If you want to know more about Illuminati, you can search on the Internet. They have created "New World Order" (there is actually an Wikipedia page about it) whose main point is to dominate the world, with just one religion (satanist) and language. They put a lot of messages on videos (and other stuff), that you can't see, but your brain can.

P.P.S: I know this hasn't anything to do with Stardoll, but as I saw that sign I wanted you guys to know something more about Illuminati :)


  1. Thats quite cool, i think its more possibly than not a glitch, but its quite cool all the secret messages nd things they do, its quite mysterious...(: x

  2. Weird, I wonder why stardoll put the triangle there? It just looks so out of order, lol

  3. This illuminati triangle is like everywhere and it's old like hell. Look at the dollar bills, there is this sign too. It's very very common. On the other hand, most stuff about illuminati as well as masons for example (another secret organization) is more a conspiracy theory not a fact. Also I think this organization, whatever it is, is more political, not religious. Religious claims are probably a way to manipulate people. But idk and I don't really care much lol

  4. @ MonicaMilgram

    I absolutely agree with you. I think it's more political, thought they're very connected to satanist cults. And yes, they're signs are everywhere...

  5. The Illuminati was originally a group of scientists. The church kicked them out, so to say, because they liked science as well as religion. The true Illuminati is such, and, of course, that definition has changed widely, obviously, so, I don't think Stardoll would have anything to do with that.

  6. Thank you! I've known about this for a bit and i'm glad your spreading the word too. But this mess is really creepy and dumb. I hope it was an accident.

  7. Illuminati are not Satanists. A couple of centuries ago the Church branded Illuminati as Satanists as they were making amazing scientific studies at the time. It's members were filled with men of Science and they claimed that was their religion. It's kind of like the Devil trident. Christianity wanted to ban Paganism in the early ages and turned Neptune's/Poseidon's trident into the Devil's trident.

  8. Now this is a topic I'm familiar of.
    The Illuminati ARE satan worshipers.
    Everything they do is to worship satan.
    Every album Jay-Z has produced is a sign of him going up in the Illuminati's system. (i can remember what its called..)
    Anyways, if you say Yes We Can, barack obama's little speech thing, and play it backwards, it will say Thank You Satan instead. In fact, one of barack obama's speeches is a secret message and you have to play it backwards to hear it.
    And, one of rihanna's songs is a illuminati ritual song, and Beyonce is supposed to be a huge contributor to the illuminati as well, sasha fierce is supposed to be a demon. (?)
    - Taken from an illuminati website
    I sound like a weirdo, copying that stuff.

  9. know what your talking about? stop using the internet as a faithful information source. Read more...The Iluminati has nothing to do with satan..also it is not religious or political it is just a brotherhood..look it up. Don't fall into the media frenzie!

  10. did you know that wikipedia is the most unrealiable internet source?

  11. This is nonsense.

    I'm surprised at this blog for posting such information and starting rumors. I have lost all my respect for you all

    Grow up.


  12. Anonymous freaks, I didn't write that myself.
    I was just being sarcastic.
    If you wanna write something stupid like that to me, log into your blogger account, will you?

  13. please join my new blog about stardoll join now to get more free stuff and vote for my album in stardoll my username is : StarMinimon.thank you.

  14. I dont have a blogger account. And we are online so will it really make a difference if you know who I am or not?

  15. My brother told me about this, its pretty interesting and scary...

  16. i think its strange ..

  17. Lolololol. More Illuminati nonsense. I can't escape.

  18. Ha guess the illuminati has already gotten most of you, stupid satanists

    Geez, its not even an equilateral triangle. >__>

  20. I'm just going to believe that it's a glitch or just randomly placed there to make it look cool or something
    & All I know about the Illuminati, I learned from a movie, I believe it was Angels and Demons or the other movie that's similar to it

  21. Wow, this is causing alot of drama.
    I don't really think its stardoll's most wanted's business to write stuff about the illuminati.
    its a stardoll blog, not a conspiracy theorist blog.
    Besides, many people do not agree or believe in the illuminati, so unless you want to spark drama, then I don't suggest posting about it.
    What does a triangle over the eye have to do with the illuminati anyways? Triangles are a symbol commonly used by them, but it just seems like a coincidence to me.

  22. like anonymous said, its just a constellation thing :\

  23. to all anonymous .. they do worship Satan -.-
    and why don't you grow up ..

  24. Nordwalde - sdfu you idiot, YOU worship satan -.-

  25. I looked it up, and its just talking about card games etc. etc.? and when you said there was this new world order by them, and you said there was a Wikipedia page about it, I looked it up and it was talking about a card game?

  26. this is such a great blog because they are just making conections with other things they know for all we know they could be apoart of illiminati or it was just a conwinsidence i do beleiev that there is the group illiminati but i dont deleieve in the deviland i really like this post on this blog its cool and relevants and different

  27. First time I heard Illuminati are worshipping Satan ... they are generally linked with free-masons, who are a christian political sect ... A quick look at Wikipedia would have gave you more reliable infos :

  28. This is not scary, it's just the truth! The Bible says that after Jesus back the "anti-Christ" will reign.

  29. I've noticed this too! Actually, they have used the triangle before. Once (I forgot which ad) the model used her fingers to form a triangle over her eye. I think they are Illuminati especially after this second triangle action.

    Oh and to the anon telling us not to fall into the media source, it is actually YOU who is falling into the media source claiming the Illuminati is 'brotherhood'. That's how they capture you.

    Everyone, watch The Arrivals on youtube. It will answer all your questions.

  30. Oh my. Iluminati on SD too -.- Yes, I have noticed that too. And as you can see, on second picture, mannequins have triangle hair , but , you will also know it as : one of the most popular Gaga hairstyles. Why her? Becuase she is most popular Iluminati ever.
    Iluminati are often connected to satanic cults, but many people doesnt know that it was originally created by group of scientis who did not believed in God, but in pure - science. Because of that, Church was killing them. Thats why they are often showed as "bad" :P

    @MonicaMillgarm - Masons ARE Iluminati -.-


  31. Great, now stardoll take part with this whole illuminati thing.
    Btw thanks for posting! im very interested in conspiracy :]

  32. What a horrible thing ! Stardoll loves Satan ? Holy Crap...

  33. I'm not really a conspiracy theorist, and I don't believe in the illuminati. One of the science teachers at school has a triangle on her watch, and everyone got convinced she was one :|

    I think everyone should be allowed to be what they want. If they have corrupt beliefs...that's their problem.

  34. @Cali Beauty...The "capture" me? haha You have to look at a dictionary and check up brotherhood..there's like 5 of them where I live, even fraternities are brotherhoods. When I said don't fall into the media frenzy I meant don't mystify things so much. Didn't you understand that? Too bad...."Capture" hahaha seriously?

  35. *facepalm*
    Illuminati is a truckload of bullshit. I'm surprised you would even mention it on this blog :L


  36. @GothRibbon/Christine - Wtf? Lady Gaga is not part of this 'Illuminati' bullshit. She's Christian ffs -_-

  37. About illuminati i found that particoular too ... nevermind anyway ... Mistery it could be cool talking about with staff , ahaha

  38. @ ♥ freeduck_ ♥ The Free Rubba' Du´

    I actually made a statement about this post being related to Stardoll or not. It's just a curiosity. I think I was very clear.

    @ Everyone who's saying that Illuminati don't exist:

    I can't judge you for not believing, but it's actually proved that Illuminati exist, it is not a secret, they're not anonymous. They're public and they have many followers. There are tons of sites and books about Illuminati, so they do exist.

  39. yes they exist but they are not what people think they are. They are way too mystified by the media. I really didn't mind the article.

    I've always asked myself: Do people use Illuminati symbols because they follow the brotherhood or because of their meaning? the all seeing eye inside the pyramid is the omnipresence of God according to Masonic knowledge.

    I mean I can salute Nazi style and yell heil Hitler! but that doesn't make me a Nazi.

  40. @Ana Beatriz/kitty_power5 - There are hundreds of sites & books about flying pigs. Does that mean that they exist too?(;

  41. I do not doubt that the lady gaga can join this cult. she has a tattoo of a symbol and diabolical defending homosexuals.

  42. Wow@kitty you pick up on the triangles also? I'm not to keen into signs. But I think the triangle is an Egyptian symbol? If you look at most things today, you can find them in old history. Mostly everyone copies so they maybe took the triangle sign as their vision of power. The Manson seem to have a liking for Egyptian gods and Alchemist symbols.
    Yeah IA with some posters. The Illuminati/Mansons/NWO(new world order) what ever you want to called them. Has been around for ages. They where originally hearders or farmers I think. And where in charge of the land. And some how in time they maybe got side track and wanted more power.

    They're a lot of untold worldly secrets. If I told you some, you wouldn't believe me.^.^ So I wouldn't be shock. But I'll be damn if most would let some hidden group of people control everything.

    I don't know why they are so popular now. You would think as an old secret society would want to keep it that way.

    Way off topic, but I just don't like what I keep hearing about the NWO. They want to control everything and make the rest of us suffer. Plus I don't think they would let any one in.
    I know a few wives who husbands they say are Mansons, but I thought they don't speak out much. And they say they're not like what we think. All cult like.

    Some cults are sick, but lets hope they're not. Don't know for sure, wouldn't want to be into that type of world, lol.
    I like the theme since stars are nice. Some of the clothing are out there. And a few are nice.


  43. Hey even some don't care about the topic. Overall it's interesting and they seem to be talk about a lot. I think they are just called Mansons. I don't get the whole Illuminati also. Some joke and blame them for everything. And they don't really worship evil,that's a whole other story and group. They do something else and this whole thing with the lodge and temples. From what I read. I think a few are getting mixed up between Freemanson or Illuminati vs Satanism and other groups. They do have strange habits, but I hope they not crazy like people say and don't make us more crazy along with them. I don't know who they're leader is, but it's all about money and power.

    Ya'll even confusing me now, lol. But some old Mansons stem from Jesuits monks and hearders. Not 100% sure so don't quote me. Some to me and a few others think they seem to have/had some type of religious root. Even though I'm more spiritual. You can find mostly all in the Bible, Koran, whatever you read. Especially about the 1st tribes of Dan/Israel and family tribes. It's maybe their law of the land. Hopefully the day will come when we all will be happy.


  44. Yes, I know, but I still don't think it was a good decision to post about it on this blog, being that there is so many people that don't, well, believe that the illuminati is true.
    Just my opinion.
    I do believe that the illuminati exists tho, but I don't like the talk about it, because there is so many haters.

  45. There are so many different views about that group.
    But, if you want all honesty, you should pick up Angels and's also a movie, so you can watch explains a lot about them. Many, many fantastic scientists were in it at that time. Including Galileo, who was a member of Catholic church, but-obviously-a scientist/astronomer. When people found out, the Catholic church spread the rumors to make them seem like a horrid group, since everyone at that time went to church. So believe what you'd like, but I got those from FACTS in a history book I found in my attic. The thing is, Stardoll might just do it for the pure art of it or how it looks. Does that mean that if we make a triangle over an eye we're automatically Illuminati members? The Illuminati doesn't operate today, and if they did, it'd be purely science, just as it was before. Illuminati once did grow to be satanists, but that's because those rumors the church spread. So, the original Illuminati=science. The eye is something everyone has and a triangle just looks cool so what's the big deal? Oh, a triangle and an eye, and many people getting upset about it. Deal is, maybe this blog shouldn't have posted anything to do with religion, since it IS a SD blog. But then again, maybe people shouldn't jump to conclusions and point fingers to the Illuminati. So, really, what's the big deal? It's a shape and an eyeball. That's just my point of view. I liked this post and the information it gave, but, you know what I mean...

  46. Yeah IA some. It's an intresting thing. And can make some uncomfortable, I guess. There is some truth with the science. This debate would maybe be more open on a political/ different view site.
    Maybe it was a litte too much on a here.


  47. Illuminati are ruling the world! so why not Stardoll? lol

  48. Its weird for them to do that on a 7+ (or so) website...

  49. I don't think that writing on this blog about the illuminati is completely irrelevant. The famous singers do seem to be doing this triangle shape a lot which is illuminati or just some stupid thing they're trying to make cool. Dunno but I think stardoll shouldn't put this symbol in the adverts.

  50. Why don't you? and if you didn't know I worship Allah -.-

  51. wtf, that was so creepy! i just searched on youtube lady gaga illuminati and i tried to watch the vid/interview but i closed the page right after they showed a pic of lady gaga and the devil... prob this isn't just me but i'm scared and very confused...

  52. wtf, i just searched on youtube lady gaga illuminati and i couldn't even finish watchin the vid/interview. i immediately close the page when i saw the pic of lady gaga and the devil. it's prob not just me cause i'm freaked out, scared and confuused..

  53. It proberbly is a glitch, but that interested me. Hm, strange. :-)

  54. If you look at the pictures, it seems more astronomical or like star shapes of some form. Not Illuminati. There are shapes used all over to emphasis items. It looks like they're emphasizing some make up or something.
