
Friday, December 17, 2010

Stardoll "tweaks" Starbazaar Settings

After Stardoll recieved tonnes of feedback about the new Starbazaar settings, they have decided to "make a few tweaks".

Stardoll now allows us to have UNLIMITED sale of STARDESIGN ITEMS.  This is good news for stardoll designers.

However there is still a 10 items per 24 hour limit on the sale of regular clothes and items .


  1. I was LOLing when i saw this, SD actually listenns to us


  2. Can't believe they listen! xD
    But what if you're trading or making money or something? :L xD

  3. Good idea!


  4. Is that the only issue? Who will keep paying for all this stuff for other people to enjoy free? The prices of items go up every day, yet others would collect it with free stardollars while some pay real money.

  5. It`s good that non ss could buy things but I`d love to sell things as well.!xD


  6. I still don't like it :( Why do we have to be limited we should be free to play on stardoll!

  7. Yay (:
    If somehow I ever become ss again,
    I'll be a happy designer lol.

  8. I don't like the 10 item limit! The word says it all: LIMIT(ing). It's not really in our benefit. You'll have to come back everyday and pay more money for broadcast.
    I don't see how benefits our safety.

  9. Non superstars need to understand that, this is a huge step for you, but its a huge step backwards for paying members. You guys that dont pay anything now get what we pay for, for free, so you can see why people are not happy. If us Superstars did not pay for SUperstar, there would be no Stardoll, we are paying for the non superstars to play their little game, while they complain that they get nothing. Look at it this way, you guys get so much more now as non ss than i did when i fist joined stardoll 4 years ago, and i spent 3 1/2 as a non superstar, and we got nothing.

  10. I really don't get the point of this limit. I mean, it would make sense if you limit the amount of stuff you can BUY from starbazaar in 24 hours. That would prevent people from spending too much. But this is all about selling! What's the point???

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