
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Stardoll e-mail: Stardoll for IPhone

Hello everyone!

Today Stardoll sent us an e-mail with lots of information about the new Sunny Bunny collection called Kawaii, the new LUXE collection, the new 10 superstar hairstyles, the new ability to take photos on our suites, the new Party Planner and to remind you that you can send gifts.
Stardoll also wished us a happy and safe holiday season from all team. But there's a different thing, look below:

"Here's another little treat for you. We've placed a secret image link in this email to a brand new Stardoll product (not currently advertised on See if you can find it!"

Well, I think it's the star between Twitter and Youtube. If you click it, it will lead you to an ITunes page which looks like this:

It seems that now you can play Stardoll on the IPhone, and it's free! You just need to have ITunes and an Ipod to download this "game".

Well, what do you think about this?

Merry Christmas!


  1. my sister's(varuniwick-3) got the game! visit me (princess_dumini)

  2. I downloaded the app as soon as I saw this post! It's nothing special to be honest, just swiping the screen to change an outfit and get points. I've got quite a few screen shots on my iPod Touch that I might Tinypic later and put the links here :)

  3. I didnt get the e-mail! D:
    can you still download it without the link??

  4. Can you download the app on an Ipod nano????

  5. The Stardoll app is pretty good, but not actually the stardoll website.
    It's just a game called "Stardoll Fashion Spin"
    And no, I'm sorry you can't get it on iPod Nano :(

  6. i got the game for my ipod touch (just search "stardoll" in the apps) and the game is actually pretty good.

  7. i never receive these e-mails, it's so disappointing! i've verified my e-mail and checked my junk folder, but still unable to receive stardoll emails :(

    the game looks okay though.

  8. I have it, but it is REALLY boring

  9. i've got the game its pretty gd 4 the frst 10 mins because u only have one option to unlock new stuff yawn. i wonder if smw could get a writer do a review and get others 2 reveiw the game tht will be a nice change frm the usual.

  10. I just downloaded it. Can you say boring? All you do is swipe and lock clothes. And almost everything featured is superstar. So if the people who download this app expect to get on the website and get all of these things, they are wrong. It honestly is just another way for stardoll to rake in the money. They are getting so greedy these days that it's almost sad.

  11. I downloaded it.. its an okay app.

  12. I'll get it, simply because I am getting an ipod touch for christmas, and the app is free. :-)

  13. Hi.. please visit and vote Andreiuta47 please...5/5

  14. I'm getting an ipod toch for christmas, so i might download it because i can, and no doubt, after they start advertising, they will put up the price:L
    dont worry if you dont get the email - i didnt, just go to the itunes store and search stardoll (:
    -personally, it looks boring:L

  15. I was hoping for something you could log in to Stardoll with. This isn't that cool, but could be fun to play...dunno...

  16. thnx that really cuwl but i dnt ave an ipod =( oh well! its a good idea though!

  17. Hmm, I tried that app in my iPod, it's not what I expected. It's actually a game inspired in Stardoll. I thought that it was something that would let us go on Stardoll like if we were on our PC, since the Safari thing doesn't has something like Flash :/

  18. aww thats so cool i want to get it on my ipod but it got sent away for a viris check
