
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Miss Stardoll World - results


"Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Perilice2, Stardoll's first ever Miss Stardoll World Winner. Visit her Suite, check out her style, and leave your best wishes in her guest book. Also a big THANK YOU to all of you amazing dolls that entered the contest. Especially the finalists, our fashion forward runners-up -- you amaze us with your style!"

Pictures from her suite:

What do you think about her? 
Do you think she deserved to be a first Stardoll Miss World? 


  1. Beautiful doll! My congrats to her :)

    Her suite looks beautiful too.


  2. In the begining I know that she was going to winn because She had a bigger crown the other finalist had smaller ones she already had this crown.

    Again congratz. But its unfair because Stardoll had already decide How was going to winn an we still most vote for nothing!! Because If they really count the votes it would be Filipinmaria.

    Btw I am from Turkey and I live in the Netherlands and I think this is SOoo unfair.

    O Dont think i am to scared to write only in Anomous but My Real bloggers acoount doestn work.

    Visit me On stardoll I am Redstar*1

  3. Well i really do not know if she deserved or not but i knew that she willing to win because when sd relased the finalista in the secon round she already had the crown for MSW 2010 so it is sospicious and not clrear since stardoll staff si i think that she was preelected by sd staff

  4. a big joke ... we already knew that she would win ... that anger!

  5. She is Beautiful...I live in Turkey :) Wuuuww Yuppii :)

  6. She has an amazing suite and doll. The fact that she already had the crown means nothing. Why Stardoll should decide the winner first?! What do they gain? I think please stop saying that Stardoll is a mafia who plots behind the users.

  7. Huh..Okay,she is beautiful and spectacular.But she is so well-known.She won so much votes for it.Which American, British, Swedish and people from other countries,instead of giving to their country,will vote to turkey? It's only pelf..

  8. What else did she winn? I mean like Okay she winn MISS Stardoll World But did she get money or just a Crown that she already had in the begining>? Hate it.

    Will there be one next Year!!?

    Visit me Nafy on SD

  9. the second anymous, you said you were from ''turkey'' but now ive seen on your pge that your from morroco, why don't you just be honest you know?
    Btw, congratz to miss stardoll world ;)

  10. Congrats to her :D
    I wanted filipinhamaria to win :/
    But sh does have a glamorous doll :D

    ~Aina/finagirl (:

  11. Anonymous if i good remamber 1st stardoll miss wordld won
    crown and SS membership for 1 year

  12. I love her medoll and it looks like she has spent ages on her doll and suite and spent money etc on it! Well done


  13. Aww, congratulations :]
    Idk what to say about the allegations SD already chose her. Maybe they gave her the crown after the voting closed...

  14. Since the first day i knew that she would be winner because she got 2 crowns. Veeeery sospicious!

  15. I think her medoll and her suite are nice but there are better medolls and suites :)

  16. Nah, her suite is just stuffed, not creative.

  17. amazing isnt she? i love her shes so pretty and i really think that shes on the cover tomorrow :D because so much will go at her page :D

  18. im fRom Turkey and i very happy for this.

  19. I absolutely love her suite ! it`s amazing. But I think you Jenna should win this because you are so so nice to people and you have awsome medoll and suite.!


  20. I like her already, but stardoll will only pick someone who has spent a lot of money on their site or has been on the site for a while. Not her fault & she seems modest & quiet I wonder if she cold cope with the publicity. As for stardoll???? loads of questions. They use the same tactics in starplaza most popular items are all ss.

  21. She looks great! I can only imagine how she feels. She can no longer log on without tons of comments, etc. Stop complaining about her winning and just accept it. This is a virtual game some people take way to seriously!

  22. stardoll choosed already, so i say congrats to the winner, i think she fairely won, otherwise stardoll wouldn't had picked her out of all the other finalists, but never give up there's always next year! ;)

  23. I think she deserved to win, her suite, outfit and everything are gorgeous and creative so I'm happy for her :D

  24. wow! she looks soo beautiful! congratz! i think she deserved it!!

  25. many people complain about she got 2 crowns..maybe fro me she get the small crown for miss turkey and the big crown maybe for miss stardoll world..

    take a look at this photo:

  26. I think she deserved to win :)
    Congratulations to her :D

  27. To all of you with suspesions this was not the right winner -

    Says something about your "suspesions" in my opinion..... OR am I wrong??

  28. Personally I don't think she deserved it, I think she only won because she is superstar and spoilt, I'm a superstar aswell, yes, but I don't like her, I think filipinmaria should have won.
    Stardoll chose her because she constantly buys superstar membership. There were others who had a much better fashion sense and were more creative, I don't think she deserved it!

  29. You can see the contest is fixed. She was superstar beforehand and she was one of the rich people on stardoll. I think if would be interesting for someone who isnt superstar, and who doesnt have every rare item, a true stardollian who isnt voted Miss Stardoll World because they're superstar, or they have more clothes, or because they're more popular. In my opinion its not fair. On stardoll I am Ctron

  30. Also what I find funny is that she's still asking to be voted covergirl. Spoiled.

  31. She soooo did NOT deserve to win!!! In my opinion shes UGLY as!!!! Yuck yuck yuck and YUCK!!!! wth!! i really hoped filipinhamaria might win or ANYONE other than her.

  32. nah i dont think he should of one any girl could of beat he only reason she won is cuz she paid stardoll big bucks so duh it was planed since perlice signed up so no they sholdnt let superstars or royalty win

  33. everyone says that just because she is a superstar and rolity . get over it she is only miss star for 1 YEAR SO GET OVER IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
