
Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Interview with plami161

Today we have yet another interview. This week we have a very sweet girl. Her stardoll nickname is plami161. She is on stardoll for 3 years and she is a graphic designer. One of my personal favourite.

Bruno: Hello Plamena. Thanks for being here with us.

Plamena: Oh, no, I have to thank you for choosing me.

Bruno: When and where did you discover stardoll?

Plamena: It was about 3 years ago. I wasn't very active then but a year ago i became way more active. I don't really remember where I saw it for the first time.

Bruno: What made you become so active a year ago?

Plamena: I don't know, maybe that my friends were also playing, plus I discovered that there are blogs & magazines, so it became more interesting.

Bruno: That is one side of stardoll that not many people know. Did you start making graphics at the time you discovered that side of stardoll?

Plams: Yeah, I saw so many beautiful graphics on blogs and because I was good in drawing, I decided to try making them.

Bruno: You have done vpurple one of this blog writer’s banner. It's amazing. What do you want to do on your future on here?

Plamena: I'm not sure, but I guess that I’ll be taking part in the Header competition.

Bruno: Have you already started on the header?

Plamena: No, I'm now thinking about the poses, clothes, hairs...

Bruno: Any last words to our readers ?

Plams: I wish them happy holidays, a lot of luck and success an real and Stardoll life =) And also to remember that Stardoll is just a game, and the real life is outside the monitor, after all!

We got a preview on the banner she is making for Jenna. Do you like ? Do you hate it, or just love it as much as me?

Tell me who I choose interview next in comments.


  1. please enterview me!!!!
    if you can here is my user: mursal12345
    thank you :)

  2. please enterview me!!!!
    if you can here is my user: mursal12345
    thank you :)

  3. please enterview me!!!!
    if you can here is my user: mursal12345
    thank you :)

  4. She is SUCH a great designer! I just...the banner looks great! ;D
    Keep up the good work, I hope to be seeing you around sometime(:

  5. Amazing Graphics! Girl,you have talent.Good Job!

  6. the banner is cool but were is know..the head?

  7. Finished version:
    Thank you all for the comments :)

  8. Awesome! Interview me :)
    The banner comp is already closed though.

  9. wow great interview! luv the banner! :D

  10. Uh, isn't the last day to enter Sat Dec. 11th? (copied form Jenna's post.)


  11. I love the interview.
    The banner as well.

  12. cool interview.. luv the graphics :D please choose me! hohokoko1328!
    i have a lot to say!!

  13. I loved her graphics [:
    Can't wait to see the hairstyle she gives to Jenna!

  14. I would like to be interviwed if you want :)

    My username is wounded90

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Hey. I would love to be interviewed by you. :P My Sd username is BestDamnFreak.Contact me in my Gb or in my dollmail. Please! :P :)
