
Monday, December 6, 2010

Free LE Pendants !!!

 Hey guys ! Today i went on sd in the morning (No school again because of the snow)
And i found a lot of gifts in m suite at first i was confused did i win cg or something ?
But no i didn't stardoll gave out free LE Pendants a LOT of them.
I think that you get the amount of pendants from the amount of stuff you bought from the certain LE Collections. 
I got 18 which is a lot in my opinions.
But the real collectors got even more.
How many did you get ?
And do you like the idea of free LE pendants ?


  1. i got them too :P ... but not last season's too :-(

  2. I've just visited you and i saw all of them,and then i checked my suite and i opened all the gifts and i got 68 :D

    Pretty cute:]

  3. I guess they won't be that valuable. I got 3 of them, purple ones. Weird, because I think I bought only 1 piece

  4. Until now I got 28 LE tags xD

    Why is Stardoll giving us so many LE tags?

    xoxo ♥

  5. if got 8 of the black ones and 5 of the kisses and 17 of the puprle O.o soo i got 30 pieces

  6. I got too :D i don't remember how but i got lots....Im selling 4 of them for 56 sd ... if u wanna buy them im arlsa96...

  7. I got 94 pendants!I think that is is a glicth!!

  8. 39... :D
    I think it's a bit too much, but oh well.. I guess I'll make a DIY skirt from them.

  9. Since people got sooo many i bet the value of them is like 10 sd xD

  10. I got two :) If anybody is willing to sell the purple one for 5sd or less contact me in my guestbook.

    Stardoll user: RhonaCrowley

  11. I got 26 and not a single black one! Crap!!!

  12. It's about how many clothes you bought from LE.

  13. I had tons, can sell them for cheap. My stardoll name is SamTyler, contact me if you are interested and tell me your price.

  14. I got like 25.What the hell am i suposed to do with 25 of them?One would be more then enough. xP

  15. I didn't get any =( I've only one item from LE... a shirt xD

  16. oh I got 24 of those purple LE pendants and I thought it was a glitch so I recycled them all except for 1! D=

  17. I think that is stupid.Why they didn't gave us when we bought LE and only 1 if u buy something of the collection. Now we have many of them and they haven't any value.

  18. I'm wondering what to do with all of them, too. I got 31 kisses, 33 purple plaid, and 3 black/gold ones for a total of 67. Why on earth would they give out so many? Even if we did buy a lot of LE, why would we need so many charms? I bought from the last two collections, so I'm wondering what the significance of the black ones is... any ideas?

  19. lol i got 2
    miladyfashion: 150? lol

  20. @MiladyFashion:
    Wow...bit too many, now? xD

    Yay! My first LE Pendants [:
    I'm a bit late though xP

  21. I don't understand. I have 10 pieces of LE, but only got 8 pendants =0

  22. I only got 4 pendants. I should get the pendants from the last collections eiter,but I sold them on bazaar.

  23. i just get 4 ... not good because i have 30 le...

  24. I got non, which I don't understand because I have bought LE in the past. Do you still have to have them items of LE for it to count? ;3

  25. I got 4 since I bought 4 LE items ever and the prints show which collection you got your item from. :)

  26. I got just 1 pendant xD It's the purple one ^^

  27. I got 17.
    Damn, you got one more than me...haha

  28. Lol I guess you get them as much as items you bought from last LE collections :D I got loads :S I don't know what to do with them :D

  29. I got 1 each of every collection :D
    1 Black one
    1 Purple one
    and 1 kiss print one
    and i bought one each of every collection so yeah i think thats why :D

  30. What the hell? I got three; one for each collection. Not fair! I bought a ton a LE. I should have at least 20. I guess the glitch was fixed before I logged in today, but I'm still mad. Do the rest of you guys still have multiple tags or did yours change back to just one per collection too?

  31. I got nothing :( Maybe cause I weren't a superstar at the time LE was comint out so I didn't have what to buy at the end -.-

  32. I have most of the newest collection and about 20ish pieces from older collections, and I only got one of each. WTH?

  33. Could Anyone Sell Me A Black & Gold LE Pendant Please For Quite Cheap?? Id Realli Aprechiatee It :D
    Please Contact Me - Mayssuperstar

    Thankies :D <3

    Bethanyy Xx

  34. I only have 3 and I bought loads from both collections so I don't think that's it. Glitch maybe?

  35. Its a huge glitch i had heaps then put them in storage and all of them dissapered when I logged on >< Im not happy I only have 3 now Hi Im tattoosara.

  36. I got none, I don't own any LE :L

  37. i think i got 5 or 7 something about that and i put it on my christmas three :D i think they look really cool :) cool little gift :)

  38. awww, I am supposed tolike 4, but they only gave me one >:(

  39. i bought a load of le n only got one of each! no fair :(

  40. anybody selling them cheap?? Contant me newborn_vamp09 :) I want to buy a lot of them,just for keeps!

  41. the reason i got none is because they gave waaaaaaaaaaay to much to the other ppls

  42. i only got 3 but i still think its awesome! xxx

  43. I got a few of the black and silver, but none of the floral which I really wanted :\ I dunno, I bought from each collection, so oh well ;3

  44. I got three. One of each. Wah.

  45. I got 1 kisses thing and 1 black LE pendant (sp?).. So 2 in total.. But i bought 3 LE things o.o

  46. I got over 100 total....Kept one of each out in my suite and others went to storage. I looked back later to use to decorate my tree and they were gone. I think stardoll took them back if you put in storage and if in your suite you got to keep. Strange. I did not need multiples anyway! Tacky Tacky!

  47. i didnt buy any LE ever, but i want some pendants:( if anyone is willing to sell me one under 5sd, contact me on TulaFlower <<<<----- My stardoll name(:
    I dont buy LE, because i cant afford it. i dont see myself being on stardoll for a long time and i think chic outfits can be made from cheap clothes(: x

  48. I got 3 :O
    But,I bought much more LE items!
    Purple,kisses and black-gold one :D

  49. sweetdaisy2007/NicoleDecember 9, 2010 at 5:48 AM

    is anyone selling a purple LE pendant for 5SD or under, it would be great!

    my username is sweetdaisy2007, please tell me in my guestbook if you have it.

    Thank you. :)

  50. I bought something and didn't get anything

  51. I Have one the LE Kisses Pendant If Anyone Is Willing To Sell Any LE Pendants For Under 5sd Guestbook Me My Name Is Miss_Nikki88 Thanks

  52. I didn't get nothing..that day..I was and now I am confused :S

  53. I didn't get nothing that day..I was and I am confused :S

  54. if anyone has any that they are willing to sell please contact me on sterdoll. my name is
