
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Free Christmas Tree Gift !

Hey guys !
 This morning when i checked my suite i saw that i got a new Christmas tree from stardoll.
Its really nice of them to give out gifts like this because some people might not have purchased or received one before.
But i think last year the Christmas trees we got were way better like the cool gold ones and also
the true Christmas tree which was green.
One thing i don't get why its blue though ? It should of been Green or white in my opinion but maybe
Everyone will like it no matter what colour it is.
So what do yous think of this gift ? And did you get it ?
Happy Holidays !

Its a bit confusing some Non ss people got the tree and some did ?
Its weird my sis used to be ss and shes not now and she didn't get it ?
Do you ? or any of your friends not get it ?


  1. I never got it!!! Why? :( :(

  2. I got the tree, it is ok, not like last years, but it was a nice thing to do.

    did anyone notice that Stardoll has change the way we grab our stuff and change shape to them? also, my closet is a mess. I use to have dresses with dresses , skirts with skirts etc, and now everything is messed up. (so i moved them all to my storage)
    And at the starbazaar the order has gone bye bye!
    It used to be the latest items that could be sold it was the last item. Now that is also messed up!

    Is it only me? or this is happening to someone else???

  3. i didn't get it and the same thing in my suite1

  4. I have a theory maybe its for ss ? coz my sis said she didn't get it ? wow that is just pure mean.

  5. im not a superstar and i got the tree! its nice :)

  6. i got the tree and i am not a ss but i was once...

  7. I'm non-superstar, and I still got it :)

  8. My NON-SS friend got the tree O.o

  9. I think they would get the tree later they have to be patient. It happened to me last year & I got the tree later. Also the trees we got for free last year are in suite shop & the gold one is 60sd! There must be some mistake.
    And yeah Burunia I noticed the change stardoll made it's exactly like i-dress up they're copying everything from i-dress up these days.

  10. Burunia I noticed the starbazaar one last week. Everything is mixed up.

  11. I'm nonss and I got it.

  12. Maybe the dress is for speacial Countrys ?

    But I dont like the tree that much !

  13. Is it stardoll royalty?

  14. I Personally love it, it looks good in my room! :D


  15. A blue xmas tree is a bit...odd.
    Anyways, I got it in all my accounts, my SS and non-SS that started out as SS. Have a non-SS account i never made SS and I didnt get one there.

  16. i'm non-ss and i got it :) i don't like it in blue tho..

    yes i noticed! and they changed it back to normal was a mess

  17. I got it and now I'm not a SS but I was three times.

  18. Is nice stardoll make this thing for us ,but is blue so i don't like it so much

  19. Im not a superstar and I got the X-mas tree :)

  20. I got it, one of my backups too. I don't know what tree was given last year so I like this one. And I'm ok with blue, actually, I've seen blue christmas tree for sale in the mall in my town lol

  21. Woo! I got it [:
    The blue color is a little odd but hey, it's something so I'm all good :D

  22. I got it(: and i'm not ss atm. i thought of decorating it with jewellry instead of buying extra bauballs.:L <3

  23. Wow, I thought it was just me that was crazy.. I was just assuming it's a blue christmas this year considering the tallest christmas tree over at arizona is blue too..

  24. I'm SS and I never got it :(

  25. I am non-ss and I got it! I have never been superstar! I still ahve last years tree which I use aswell as the blue one.. I'm not sure why you guys don't like it? Its pretty cool!
