
Friday, December 17, 2010

Fashion Tip: Have a perfect wardrobe

Make your wardrobe an indicator of your personality.

You're searching trough hundreds and hundreds pieces of clothes,looking for something what is definitely worth and amazing to buy.If you're doing that - you are a real fashionista.Be the editor of your own wardrobe.Choose the main pieces and get rid of the others!
You shouldn't care if that is the "latest" fashion or if you bought that a long time ago and you just can't get rid of it.If that doesn't look good on you,is it worth to leave it in your closet?
You probably have overflowing closet,but if you think a little,are you really wearing all those items?I think that's a good question,you really need to think about that.How many mornings did you wake-up and didn't know what to wear?I know I went trough that a thousand times.

1. Threw or give the items you don't like to the people who don't have anything!At that case,you'll help yourself and you'll also help some other person who would be very grateful to you!

2. Don't buy from SALE if you'll never actually wear that.If the really expensive item is on SALE that doesn't mean you'll wear it and like it.If it's expensive that doesn't mean it's nice!

3. Have fun with clothes,don't be too cautious.Fashion should be fun.You should feel inspired every time you look at your closet.

4. Don't buy if it's something "IN",if it's something "TRENDY".If it's "IN" to wear something what doesn't look good on you,is it worth to really buy it and follow the trends!?Make your own trends!

5. And the last,what you probably heard a lot of times already: Buy the things YOU like,not something what someone else think it's nice.They are not buying,you are.Buy the things what looks good on you.Don't wear something what you feel uncomfortable in,even if we have to suffer for fashion sometimes.

 That's all.Just always remember,be yourself.If you're doing that,no one and nobody can't stop you!



  1. Thnxs for the advice!Im gonna put it in practice!LOVE IT!Keep writing important tips please!

  2. I really like your advice. Thank you :)

  3. Great post Mihaela! I wish I could do the same for my closet but everytime i try i cant.


  4. IM bieber_baybee11 and uhh i followed what u said i put the things for sale that i diidnt want thx for the advice LOVE YA!

  5. thanks- i just cleaned myne out.. for 2011.

  6. Thanks, I already do the donating my old/unwanted clothes for the needy, every year I fill a bag full of clothes and donate it :) instead of just having it hanging in the closet since last year!

  7. this is an awesome post. it's about time i cleaned out my RL closet. i usually send my clothes to either the salvation army or my younger cousins. [: might as well do this for my stardoll closet as well. <3

  8. This lightened up all the lies & deceitful moments on stardoll. Nice colourful pictures, I'll apply this in real life no longer on stardoll. Where did you get the picture?

  9. Nice post, thanks. ;}

  10. Aww, really nice tips Mihaela!
    Thankies! (:


  11. I read it today before going shopping and It really helped me. Thanks! :)
