
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Stardoll Holiday Pass Promotion

 Hey guys ! 
Today i got this in mail stardoll is giving away a Holiday Pass to every member !
At first i thought it was free ss but hehe no there is a catch.

Its actually really good !
For 7:50 euros but that will change for different countrys you get 2 months ss membership 400 stardollars and 11 free gifts !
I think its a very good deal and i bet if you ask your parents to make it one of your Christmas presents
i am sure they will because its cheap ? 
And i like it because you don't have to use a credit card its SMS too and its cheaper than a credit card but in some countrs there is no SMS option !
So do yous think this is a good promotion ?
I always love Christmas time enjoy !




  1. Awesome haha (:

    I'm gonna need it.
    I turn back into a ss in less than like 30 days :/

    It's gonna be so sad.
    I'm probably going to play less on Stardoll bc what's the point of playing if you aren't ss?

    Anyways hehe,
    if anyone does this, and sells the clothes cheap, let me know,
    I might want to buy a few things


  2. Awesome!
    I might actually do it via SMS.
    Depends if my phone decides to work or not. I had pounds credit on there, so I could have done it easily! Gonna take it to the store and see if I can transfer it from one SIM card to another. Sorry, really off topic xD

    Just take a look in my suite, if there's anything you like and I'm willing to sell, we'll work something out.

  3. For me credit card is cheaper :/
    I don't have one though.

  4. @ Princess Sara --

    Did you already do the pass thing? (:

  5. Amazing!! Annoying though cos ive already spent too much this month and i wont be able to spend another 7.50!! Im so hoping that this ofer will be available in December aswell! Does anyone know if it will be??

  6. Ahahha :D I'll maybe do it.But,when I click on "Select" (under the paying by the phone) they take me down on the page. :O

  7. I hope that there will be also in Italy. Those clothes are amazing!

  8. @Panicfanforever

    I am sure it will last up to december as this is more of a chrsitmas giveaway :)

  9. in my country it is not available to pay via sms and I am not entering credit card details on any site, so no thanks

  10. @VampLady33

    Yes thats unlucky and yeah same here i would never do that xD

  11. Just one thought, if you already are ss you won't get that offer...right?

  12. UGH.
    Are you serious?! I just made my spare account SS yesterday, should've waited for today to do it -____-

  13. I love the 11 gifts, especially the bag! I took a picture =)

  14. I'm really annoyed. I JUST bought superstar the night before LE came out. This is really annoying, Stardoll!

  15. That's actually great, I hope there is an option for that for my country...


  16. Nice timing for me. I hope that deal last for a while.


  17. I'm not gonna buy.
    It's $17.95 for SMS and I have to send MULTIPLE messages.
    My mum will FREAK if she see the phone bill...o.O

  18. I didn't receive the mensage (I'm Brazilian)...
    Can somebody post the link?

  19. I got the message but if i click to go to it, it takes me to the normal payment page -.-

  20. i don't think my parents are gonna allow..:(

  21. LUV TO I SOO WANNA BE SS!my parents wont allow it though *_* how much is it for assuies is it 7.95 or is it 17.95 ??? Cloe xoxo

  22. It didn't work really for me. I clicked on it and it just lead me to the superstar page. No holiday pass. Because I'm on the monthly thing. I just pay every month for superstar and it doesn't end until I cancel. :s

  23. I need to send multiple texts to receive this clothes I send 2 message before this...

  24. actually in my country I can receive the gifts only if I pay by credit card or I send mutiple text mesages,and is more expensive than buy with the credit card.I don't have one but my mom does<3,i might borrow it:D:))

  25. The button for SMS its not working and the credit card not working either, tell to wait .....

  26. I think it's a great deal for people who rn't ss, and the gifts look cute too!!

  27. this is greatt *.* but I need to have money on my phone xDD

  28. I bought it and i got ;
    for the first sms - 135 stardollars + stardoll membership for 21 days
    For the second sms ; I got : 135 stardollars + 21 days ( stardoll membership )
    + the11 gifts + 150 extra stardollars

    Stardoll didn't gave me 150 extra stardollars only 150
    And They didn't gave me 2 months ( superstar membership )

    so now , I 've got 365 stardollars and Im a superstar for only !!!! 57 days !!! Horrible ;o
    I'm only happy with the stardollars because I thought that they wouldn't give me the 2x 135 stardollars , I thought that they would give me 200 stardollars and that's it

    So I'm happy with the gift and the stardollars but i'm not happy with the 57 days of superstar membership

    ( I 'm From Belgium )

    Xx Freyaaa
