
Friday, November 26, 2010

Dove Club (Free Bag and more items coming)

Stardoll just seems very active for making free items today :D So to sponsor Dove products stardoll has created a Dove club available to USA in which by reaching new goal of members, we can get a new Dove freebie.
Thanks to active readers on USD :D There have been found working manual proxies AND A WEBPROXY to join the new Dove club for those who don't live in USA [:
First gift for joining is this bag
The next gift will be given when club will reach 25 thousands of members. It's quite a lot, so if you can - please spread a word about this club to your friends and join to it with your spare accounts (if you have any) otherwise we will never reach those 100 thousands [!!!] members for the last gift dress :S

So anyway here is how to join:
-If you are from USA - Simply Join the Dove club: 
-If you don't live in USA to join you can use two options: First - Use -  
1)Go to USA proxy 
(Be sure to Close the ads)
2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box: 
3)Hit Enter or Click on 'Click Here to Start Browsing' button 
4)Log in stardoll and Click Join this club, Yes 
5)Wait till page loads, Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual 
Bag will be in a Dove Backpack and other items will be coming as club will reach more members [: 

Or Second option - Set an USA proxy like - 
IP Address: Port: 8080
IP Address: Port: 3128 OR 
IP Address: Port: 80
How to set manual proxy? 
If you don't know Check HERE
When you have set the manual proxy - 
1)Go to stardoll and Log in 
2)Join the Dove club:
That's it, bag should be in a Dove Backpack in your suite [:
Be sure to turn off the proxy after using it.

So anyway what do you think about this club?
Are you going to join?
Which giveaway item is your favourite? 


  1. Yesss a webproxy! ;D AND those items arw lovely! I will be sure to get them all(:
    -When we reach those members ;P

  2. I joined the club from both of my dolls so that we can reach the 100.000 members sooner :) I hate the web proxy ... it has so may viruses :( Thanks for letting us know!

  3. Thanks. I joined using the easier proxy (not the one with numbers). I think a member of stardoll staff who has an account gives out some of these information to blogs. An example the harajuku interior how would you know one number can be used more than once.

  4. @Anonymous No, there isn't a person from stardoll. The Harajuku number was given by one girl who bought the perfume and as many asked her the number she discovered that others can use her bar code as well [:
    It can't be a member of stardoll staff who cares about us, because then they would make all the campaigns and clubs for ALL countries :S

  5. Is Everything Just For US Members?
    If They Are, Tht`s Rediculous.


  6. The dress reminds me on "Voile Gifts Dress"

  7. Hooray for being from the US, so no need for proxies and stuff XD
    And these gifts are actually really nice, although they are a bit pink for my taste :]

  8. everytime I clicked "join the club" adverts came up but it never joined... I'll try tomorrow :/

  9. me too i can't joined :(

  10. Yeah Same with the 2 comments above. D:

  11. My favourite is probably the heels.

  12. i couldnt join-i clicked at least 10 times but nothing happens-i stay on the same page

  13. Thanks! The web proxy dosn't let me join and the first manual proxy doesn't work for me, but the second one is great, no trouble!

  14. I'll not join this club. It's too pink for me ^^

  15. Yeah i cant join an advert comes!HELP my usernames is misshussain1

  16. Cool :]
    I want the dress :P

  17. Thanks i got it, but i really don't like ALL the pink...

  18. When i tryed to get it on Google Chrome it didn't work...But it worked with myproxy on Mozilla.^^

  19. I joined. If we want to get the dress we've GOT to keep joining.

  20. I'll try on Mozilla. Since I have 3 internet browsers. x)

  21. For those who said an advert pops up close the advert not the page. The proxy without numbers works just be patient.

  22. Can someone like the owner of the blog can you do it for me?! My user name is Misshussain1

  23. I can't join with :( And it's got a lot of viruses. Try the manual proxy :) It isn't really fast but you CAN get these gifts ! Thanks Ruth ! :D

  24. I can't join with :( And it's got a lot of viruses. Try the manual proxy :) It isn't really fast but you CAN get these gifts ! Thanks Ruth ! :D

  25. thnx...
    =)those were soo lovely...=)

  26. i was not succesful

  27. Damn.
    Everytime I click "Join Club" an AD comes up.
    Someone wanna do it for me?(:

  28. ughh.. :( it doesnt work for me; every time i press 'join the club' and advert come up. its so annoying.
