
Monday, November 1, 2010

Covergirl National

Hello!I'm Bruno a.k.a brunoexclusive on stardoll. I'm 14 years old and I am from Portugal. This is my first post here on the greatest smw. I’m very happy to be able to write for such an amazing blog. I won’t do posts like this much. I’ll do mostly interviews and something else you’ll get to know soon.

I just saw this new covergirl thing that stardoll has. I am not sure how it works but I think it’s like:

There is an overall covergirl and a top 5 and this one is one lucky per country wins that countries covergirl. Some years ago there was something similar but with members from Asia or Japan had different covergirls on not on stardoll.tom

In my country only one person got this title and you all know her. She is a writer for this blog, miss filipinhamaria herself. I hope that she will win the actual covergirl title soon


  1. i think that national Covergirl thingy is quite interesting...
    and maybe its even easier to win...

    and congrats xD

    *woop 1st comment :D*

  2. So basically all you have to do,is be active on Stardoll to win it? Sorry i didnt understand your post a little.
    How can their be previous winners anyway if we only found out about this contest today.

  3. Ehm.
    It seems quite interesting :O

  4. Welcome Bruno [:

    Anyway I think this National CG feature is awesome :D I think it's way easier win and have the most votes from all your country memebers than on whole stardoll :D
    It's stupid that stardoll showed it only know. I see some previous winners, I guess this feature started from the day when the award appeared in spoilers [:

  5. I think it's a great idea but it will be difficult to be National Covergirl for French people because Keira-V is French, she has got lots of visit and she is very famous D: .


  6. Well I'm not sure how it works. Our national covergirl is not very nice so I have no idea how she won

  7. Avril Lavigne won for Canada?? hahaha

  8. Lol i was covergirl in the past. xP But that was quite some long time ago lol. But congrat to the persons who are covergirls! ^^

  9. There is a National Covergirl comp???
    Wasn't aware of it, have to check it out not that I have any chances anyways ;p

  10. Anyways, how do we vote for this National Covergirl?

  11. I think you guys just vote normally and the most voted from each country goes to national covergirl

  12. No no no, the most active person of the country wins this "CoverGirl National" thingy...

  13. Avril Lavigne is national CG for Canada :D see?

    xoxo fairytale1102

  14. Ok...I'm curious now,
    How are you meant for vote for someone to be CG of your country or what not? :S

    Eh anyway,
    Sounds amazing...great idea :D

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Congrats Filipa ;D
    I like this idea. (: x

  17. Seems like a pretty interesting idea; can't wait to see what the results will be like :D

  18. kool, and hey welcome to the blog! ;)

  19. Welcome to SMW.

    *Interesting post, i guess.

  20. welcome to the blog Bruno(:

    i think the National covergirl is good for some people,
    but it might not make much of a difference to people from the USA, UK, etc. because they'll still have to have a lot more people voting for them. ^^

  21. WOow .. I'm the covergirl of my country .. Awesome =D

  22. British isn't my primary language, but I can fully understand this utilizing the google translator. Good publish, have them coming! Regards!

  23. Excellent piece of writing! Could you follow up on this astounding subject?
