
Monday, October 4, 2010

Wild Candy is out

Hey guys :)
Week has started,hopefully well for you ;D
*Also thanks to Plami161 for my new banner♥*

Well you probably remember the spoilers i posted recently,And they are out in a shop called Wild Candy.
Isn't it cute? xD

What do you think of it?
Will you be buying any? :D



  1. I love the pink bag with the heart!It is amazing!Generally the shop is nice!!!:)

  2. Oh yes it is very cute (: And first comment I think ;D

  3. yeah first comment, probably won't buy, not that interesting. Does anyone know what happened to the glow store?

  4. What happened to the opera mystery??????? I was all excited to see a wierd box in my suite, but nothing!

  5. Oh, I clicked the message about the opera mystery in my e-mail and it put the box in my suite, but when I try to open it, it says to come back tomorrow to help find a key :(
    Sorry this is off topic!

  6. Very cute shop, will buy some pieces...I kinda liked Your last banner more :/ But that's just my opinion, of course :]

  7. I love the new banner ♥
    And shop is very niCe [:

  8. I don't like it that much, but is nice. :)

  9. I've just bought two dresses. Th collection is average! Maybe the real version will be better.

  10. I love that they're for non-ss! I like them. :):) I'll probably buy a couple!

  11. like I said, this blue Wild Candy Jacket is veery similar to Moxie Teens' one, check this out:

    btw. sorry I cannot log into blogger account, I have some stupid problems with my network -.-

  12. I love this new banner, Petra! And the shop is pretty cute, I like only one dress, the black n' white one. The butterfly necklace is sweet, too! And all is so cheap and mostly for non-ss! WOW to Stardoll!

  13. love the banner petra(;
    & i'm not too fond of the shop /:

  14. yeah i cant wait to see the new store.. but add me on start doll . FancySchoolGUrl !

  15. Some dresse are very cool. I'm gonna buy.

  16. i love that pink top and that bag ... and the great thing is, that everything is for non-ss *-*

  17. The store is not bad, although i find it a bit expensive, no dress should be over 10 SD's don't think they're worthy...

  18. Ugh, Petra I think we all know by now you have that new hair! - No need to show off. The hair dosn't suit you, everybody just says It does because they want you to 'Love them' and be their 'best friend' Face It- It's really really REALLY ugly on you.! Oh, and don't tell me to get a life because I think we all know who needs to 'get a life' here..YOU BITCH!

  19. I just brought a dress form there for $14, non superstar it was like woahh! Love it <3

  20. Cute :P
    But I dont like it.

  21. Anonymous;

    Is that why i already have my future & career planned? :L
    Plus,YOU are the one who hasnt got a life. Why?
    Because you creep my page and this blog EVERY DAY so you can see if i replied something.How stupid is that?! XD

    Do us ALL a favor and get the fuxk lost,coward.(:

  22. I'll buy nothing, it's not my style

  23. Hmm.. I think i'll buy one dress lol. :]

  24. It's okay. I'm not in love with any it though. It's kind of an odd shop, the clothes don't really look like they go together.

  25. Really cute, cant wait to see the shop on the website... heading over there right now haha

  26. I ♥ most of them, they're so cute AND n-ss! ^^

  27. I ♥ the Pink Top one of the Manequins is holding in her hand (:

  28. Ha Ha XD what kind of loser are you? You have your 'career' planned on Stardoll! Lamee. And know I think we all know you are going to grow up as a loner and still on Stardoll. And adults that are on Stardoll at that age are just freaks and we all know that! I couldn't care less what you say though! :L

  29. Ahh.I knew it was gonna be non-superstars :D
    Clothes is..not pretty :/
    I like the black-white dress

  30. Nothing special. I'm pretty sure I won't be buying anything...maybe accept for a clutch. Thats it.

  31. I like some and wanna buy :)

    xoxo Dianusek

  32. No i actually meant in RL,you dumbass.

    Get a life and stop wasting your life on Stardoll,do you even go to school?
    I do,Stardoll for me is just a place for creativity,and for you is..all your life :L :L

    buh byee *forgotten about you and no longer replying you,cause shes cool like that.*

    aha,mrš ;D

  33. I like this store :D
    and ... the butterfly necklace is my fav . x3

  34. So cute .. I like some items from this shop!

  35. Some of the dresses are amazing :3
    But I don't have enough money to get the Cream & Black Tube Dress yet :/

  36. Some of the items are really cute, and its good that all the items are non-ss

  37. Eh, I'm not impressed by them. I only got the pink one shoulder top, the rest seemed like stardesign quality :\

  38. I reckon stardoll purposely makes the not-so-nice things for non-ss which is just mean. It's very cute but nothing like LE, couture shops etc.

    Holly x

  39. I like the clothes, and I love that they're non-SS too. But they're a bit pricey for non-SS I think, but however :) I like some of the clothes, I also like the clutch...I'll see if I buy something :)


  40. Praise The Lord! Clothes For Non Superstars.
    Although I`m Male, I Still Bought The Bags, But I Still Loved The Peices Of Clothing. Every Single One Of Them Are My Style, They Have Colour In Them.


  41. not my thing:DD
    i dont like it soo much:D

  42. Love the outfit so cute and non-ss too..
