
Monday, October 11, 2010

Some spoilers

Hey everyone :]
I`m sorry for not posting much,I've been busy with school
and whenever I wanna post something its already posted ;P

But oh well ;)

There are a few spoilers,Dove,and I'm guessing they will be free :]

And this is todays Opera Mystery gift..
I wonder whats the full sentence :P

Like anything? :D



  1. SMW is way behind every other blog theese days

  2. *woop.. 2nd comment* xD

    i didnt try to get the green backbag & other stuff, even though its cute x3

  3. Ermm Petra you should check older posts >....<
    How to get the Dove items have been posted days ago.

  4. Lol sorry...They were already posted :(

  5. are you a new writer here or someone who is lost?

  6. I agree with Houpisonfire, you suck like a writer here. I don't even know who hired you because I would go and complain.

  7. i already took the free dove things days ago

  8. Who made your banner, Petra? I like it! :D

  9. You really are a bit behind on stuff...oh well, nevermind I'm sure it will be useful for someone :)

  10. I agree with other people...Sorry,but you are really not a good writer :/ SMW should hire some people who actually KNOW how to write for a blog. :/

  11. @Anon
    I didn't say anything like that :O
    Just Petra should had checked that it has been posted already and that's it...

  12. Well at least she is trying to do a good job. Besides, her post wasn't bad at all, and at least she tried.

    -Alyssa / twlight-lover95

  13. wth is up with the anon comments?
    at least have the decency to post your username /:

  14. Oh, look who's back. -.-
    And uhm If you ctually cared about the blog you would have seen that Ruth had posted those Dove items days ago. You are the worst writer ever, and I am not the same anonymos person that wrote here already >.< Seriously Petra, I hope you get fired as a writer here and as you can see everyone else thinks the same! You suck.

  15. Oh, look who's back. -.-
    And uhm If you ctually cared about the blog you would have seen that Ruth had posted those Dove items days ago. You are the worst writer ever, and I am not the same anonymos person that wrote here already >.< Seriously Petra, I hope you get fired as a writer here and as you can see everyone else thinks the same! You suck.

  16. @ Anonymous: That's really mean what u wrote. First u should think what u write, because it really can hurt. I don't like the today's gift, but oh well, it's for free lol

  17. Hahahah.

    If You are so smart You would've seen that Filipa posted that free stuff not Ruth ;D

  18. So who cares if she posted something twice .. its not like its gonna hurt u or its not her fault she never has time to go on it again .. i think she is a new writer. and not everyones perfect ppl doo make mistakes! :)
    soo Anymous why dont u guys just shut up because no one wants ur rude comments here! :)
    and she doesnt even suck .. plus how would u feel if you were a writer on SMW and were busy with schoool 24/7 and then when u posted something again it was already posted before and then ppl like you guys were writing rude comments to youu..?

  19. got them!
    and the secret message was in spoilers :D

  20. all Anonymous people above, Petra is trying her best, no need for provocation :/

  21. @ Princess_Kiara1

    She is not trying her best. that is so ovbious.

    @ Princess__17

    I know, It is meant to hurt. That's what she deserves!

  22. Phahaa, guess what...some people have a life :)
    She can't be on Stardoll all day, she's not a 5 grader :D with no things to learn, she goes to high school :')
    And i believe real life comes before Stardoll, at least in my view.

  23. Thanks x Nice to be reminded lol.

    @Anonymous: Please get a life. Ruth only said it'd been posted, and nothing else. Petra's been busy [excuse some of us for having a life outside of SD] and hence the reason she didn't know. hired her, so think before moving your fingers across that keyboard :)

  24. I don't know :S
    Nothing special :P

  25. mine and KUTE_FATI s guess was: 4 keys read bu the piano players

  26. I am an old reader of this blog and I have never seen a fight here until Petra the Dinosawwwwwr joined the blog.

  27. wow, i didn't realize there were bitches on stardoll. you guys should be grateful someone's even making blogs to help you get free stuff. it's not like they have to. >_> idiots.

    as for the stuff, i really wish the dove stuff wasn't the exact same thing in a different color.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. it's no prob. to me...if she posted twice or not :S
    thnks petra. :)

  30. @first anon:
    Does it really matter how ahead you are? Is it really all about that? Hm..strange. I thought they all did it to give us a helping hand, and just for the fun. I know that's why Jenna founded this blog. The whole point of this blog is the comps, SD news, and, most importantly, having fun. [Gawd..sounds cliche]. Some of us, granted not you as all you can seem to do is post these comments, have a real life. The writers are doing their best, but school's started, and it's harder for both the writers to write and the followers to comment. But I suggest if you have a problem, then you use your Blogger ID. Otherwise, you seem a coward. Thanks.

  31. I already know about them and got them .. anyway thanks !

  32. Btw don't care for them at all .. you are such a good writer .. wish you all the best =)

  33. @vpurple - Agreed.

    Love the banner,btw :D
    It looks STUNNING (:

  34. Haha, uhm I think Petra can stand up for herself., so stop 'protecting' her! She is a big girl- Oh wait!, she's not! HaHAHA

  35. If people have such busy lives then they shouldnt be a writer? Anyone can make a mistake anyway

  36. Mehh, she's Pretty♥
    SMW Is aweesomee♥
