
Monday, October 11, 2010

New Icon

Hello wonderful  readers :D
I'm so sorry for the lack of posts lately,
life has just decided to be a pain >.^

I noticed as I logged on today that the logo things which indicate how many guestbook comments, friend requests, etc. has changed.

Instead of it being highlighted dark pink if there are updates,
It now has a little green dot beside it.

Also, if you entered the Mini Halloween Couture Comp,
It is now closed.
I am currently judging the outfits(:
Thank you if you entered :D
 Remember, the prize is $5Osd from Jenna[:

Varinder | vpurple


  1. I don't like those green dots, they just doesn't fit in stardoll design :S
    Anyway there is also changes in searching - when you type it shows ✓ if you have wrote a nickname that exists and ✗ when you have typed a nick that doesn't exist on stardoll.
    I think it is for good [: No longer make typing mistakes :D

  2. I don't like the green dots, too. Noticed that the button makes a laughing face when you click on it? It's kinda funny lol. When Stardoll stops making updates? -.-

  3. @Ruth;
    I just noticed that aswell, thanks(:

  4. Lol i also saw's wierd lol. :]]

  5. I Agree with Ruth x and yes theres a Thing to add.
    Thanks for Telling anyone that Doesn't already know.
    Cant wait for next Post!

  6. I don't like the new updates really. o.o ♥

  7. I really don't like them..
    I liked it better how it was a few days ago..
    Oh, by the way, I can make anyone on here logos, Not to be bragging or anything, but I'm really good with Paint.Net..
    So, if you need one I can do one for you.. :)

  8. The older one was better. But who does care about 2 small signs?

  9. i hate the dots, and i think most people will agree as they dont go along with the stardoll theme, also i liked the smiley faces! Stardolls getting more and more like facebook

  10. I don't like this at all. But also, the dark pink, didn't give much of a notification. Because it fit in with the design. The green stands out and let's newer members know that they have mail, or guestbook comments, or whatever.

  11. The green dot is ugly. @_@ lmao. and also, it must take some time for messages to show, because I've been getting messages all day and there is no green dot telling me I have a message, but when I check, new ones are there anyway. =\ I like the check mark and x for the search though; it's helpful.

  12. I hate these. Pink alerts seemed better! But I liked the search modifications better. 50/50 I guess :L

  13. I prefer the old one, to be honest :L

  14. I don't know :S
    I don't like the color :P

  15. It's kind of odd, I liked it better when it just kind of lit up in that red-ish pink-ish color :L

  16. I noticed that .. but really I don't like this change at all..I prefer the previous one(pink color).. because it was fit with stardoll style!

  17. The green thing is weird xD The old one was so much better in my opinion...


  18. I like the purple one more than this one.. but maybe you will notice more quickly that you have a new message..

  19. I don't like the new sign for the messeges ...Also I'm nervous about who's going to be the winner of the contest since I entered too!

  20. Thanx, but I think I don't like it..
