
Monday, October 4, 2010


I know I'm a bit late getting on, but did every one see the Mystery Opera message in doll mail today? If you've been a bust bee like me..then here it is..

So what do you think of it? I still don't get exactly what it means, but when I went to my suite I saw to boxes. One had a message saying to come back tomorrow to find the key and the other gave me a free mask. Free is always I'm liking this Opera Mystery more and more...
If you have any more information about this let me know..if not stay tuned til tomorrow and we shall see what happens :D


  1. yay! first comment! You still need to do the birthdays of October, but anyways, I'm excited for what will come for Mystery opera!

  2. It sounds interesting, but I don't like how you can't put the box away, or move it. It just stays there :P

  3. 3rd! well, I got that same msg. I have no idea of wat its about. I fI find out something, i'll let you know

  4. I didn'y get a free maks :S
    I got 2 boxes, 1 with the monkey key and the other conataining a secret message ;S

  5. Oh and I didn't get a free mask either, like Lilac_Phase said :L
    - Yeah, sorry for the double post, won't happen again!

  6. ...but i only got one box...saying to come back tomorrow...not fair!!!!

  7. First of all, you needed to be logged into stardoll this morning (australian time) and once we got to midday, the monkey key was given out. The message may go like this (only first three words)

    4 keys open the... (sorry I have not worked out what the rest of the message is)

    I may spend some more time today working on it for my blog.

    P.S could we please be media partners? my blog is

    xoxo Rose_Jean

  8. I think every day you get a new box with a new key that gives you another word for the puzzle.

  9. I didn't get a mask, I got a little box with a key on it, and a teddy bear with symbols sitting on top... weird! (:

  10. yeah i didn't get a mask just a like monkey on a box thing..

  11. I presume we are going to get something free after this, probably an interior would be my guess

  12. I'm super excited about this, it seems really fun and intriguing!

    I wish I had more computer time with school, every time I do get a chance to try and catch up with the posts here, there are SO SO many! It makes me feel unactive but I try anyways :\

  13. Yup!;)
    Got the message!;)
    if i get any information :)

  14. I opened the first box but I got a monkey thing not a mask :O
    and I agree that it's annoying that you can't move the other box away but it sounds interesting ;D

  15. Cool! I hate surprises though :P

  16. '4 keys open the mystery....' but idk what the last word can be lol.

  17. maybe the message is
    "4 keys open the secret chambers"
    I mean its not very imaginative, but it fits and is a good chance for Stardoll to release something new.

  18. I didnt have the message just the box's, cant wait to find out whats in the second :D

  19. i only got one box, and no message. inside it said: "come back tomorrow to see if you can find an opera house key" or something like that. maybe they are giving the good stuff to people they like :/.
    or superstars, cos my ss ended today.

  20. i only got one box, and no message. inside it said: "come back tomorrow to see if you can find an opera house key" or something like that. maybe they are giving the good stuff to people they like :/.
    or superstars, cos my ss ended today.

  21. I don't get anything about the mystery? Have to wait and see what comes of it :)

    Holly x

  22. ;O
    I don't know what to think about it :S

  23. I got the mask too, and now I also got a key. I have no idea what this is, but as long as there are free stuffs, it's good ;3


  24. I hope stardoll make some AWESOME FREE stuff, and something really original..

  25. That's from opera "Phantom of the opera"! It's a great drama! This monkey is performing in them!

  26. This is something really interesting, I am excited to know what will be in there in the box that they are not saying now.

  27. I didn't get the mask. I have a little monkey on top of a box and the box has a key. I love the monkey! It's so cute :b
    Finaly, some mystery, something interesting on stardoll! It was about time!

  28. I like the mask. It's so mysterious :-)

  29. I dont get anything? :O

  30. Hm... every day a freebie? Sounds good. Idk yet what's coming.

  31. The message says: 4 keys open the secret entrances (USD)

  32. I only have the mask and monkey. Are there more gifts?
    And BTW you don]t have to be a SS to get the free things ^^

    ~ Nina10987654321

  33. The Message Is " 4 Keys Open The Secret Entrance."

  34. The Message Is " 4 Keys Open The Secret Entrance"

  35. I like today's prize ^^

    That monkey is just so cute :3

  36. I got a monkey on a box. I found it really cute! So, about that "Mystery Opera", I don't know anything, hope it will be fun!!!

  37. This box is so annoying :D :/ I got today box (or toy) with monkey! It was in spoilers few days ago! :)

    xoxo Dianusek

  38. This is actually cool! Something to do on Stardoll xD

  39. i got a stand thingy... eal ugly... how do you get a key??

  40. I didn't get the mask. :-( Bad luck for me...

    I like the monkey box. I suppose the key has to do with something

  41. But yet to add, a freebie every day doesn't sound bad :-)

  42. How can i get this mask?:SS
    please tell me in my guestbook:)

  43. Love the all gift they give to us, thanx to stardoll, for doing a great job..

  44. the first 3 words are: 4 keys reveal... and sadly, i didnt get an eighth gift or a mask

  45. This is something really interesting, I am glad to know what is inside the box that says not now.
