
Thursday, October 14, 2010


Well as many of you know the finalists have been announced for Miss Stardoll World Comp and to my surprise I am one of them! This is exciting as I didn't expect it as I have never even come close to winning anything on Stardoll. lol.

Not sure what that is on my head. lol.

I know M_Themis from our sister blog USD is also a finalist for Greece. She said she received a letter, but I didn't have one in my inbox. weird. I actually found out from Dan (Btw Welcome Dan!) saying congrats in chat lol. Other finalists are two of our own writers Smoothielove and Filipinhamaria!!! So congrats to everyone!

If your a finalist for your country tell us in comments! We'd love to know!

It seems that it has sparked a lot of controversy. I have seen people get upset and quit Stardoll today and people who don't know others bashing them at the MSW club.  Many are saying that only elites or SS's won.

Personally, I see many new faces on the list. I mean out of like millions of people..I'm sure its hard to pick people. I think anyone who could have been picked as long as they are active on Stardoll is worthy.

I also don't buy into that who elite thing and I wish people would just stop with it already because the ones saying it are the ones making those classifications.

Lets all  remember that this should just be for fun. I think sometimes people on here tend to forget this is just a game. You shouldn't take this so seriously and you shouldn't talk about or bash people you know nothing about. They didn't make themselves a finalist..

I saw someone specifically talking about me and I want to take a moment to address this because I have seen these anonymous comments here as well.

They stated that they didn't like me for absolutely no reason other than I am somewhat known and I give out a lot of money on Stardoll. She went so far as to say people who do that on here are obnoxious etc.. and that we should just give the money to charity instead of trying to gain virtual popularity.

Well I've said it a million times and I'll say it again. What I do on here is and has never been about popularity. It has always been for two reasons. To have fun (keep stardoll interesting for me and you) and to help other people experience the opportunities I have on Stardoll. Yes, my family does have money. I won't apologize. I give plenty of my time and money to charity and those who don't know me shouldn't presume to judge me.

What I spend on Stardoll is budgeted, which is why I spread things out. Instead of spending my stardoll money all on me...I choose to share it with all of you. That is my decision.

I can't help that everyone is not in my same situation, but I can do my best to share the wealth so to speak.

People are going to believe what they want, think what they want. I know this and I don't care, but don't try and make everyone fit the mold..because all of us don't. Some of us just might surprise you if you even opened your mind and gave us half a chance...


  1. Don't listen to those haters!
    You deserve it.

  2. Good job, hun! You deserve a rightful place on the stand, and don't even believe anything others are saying... oh, and second comment! :)

  3. Wow, that's amazing! Congratulations Jenna, & congratulations to M_Themis, SmoothieLove and all the other finalists!
    No need to let the haters bring you down, we all know how generous and kind you are :]

  4. Sorry to have broken it to you like 'omg congrats on the msw thing'


  5. First of all:
    Lets give her all our support and hope she gets to represent our country on MSW!
    Next i would say to those ppl making rude and obnoxious comments to all those that were chosen: " Jealous much???!!!"

  6. First,congrats....
    Second...about this MSW...only thing im dissapointed is that there r dolls that dont have stile or dont matter if u r a roalty, ss or nonss...u have to stand up in something...Eaven tho alot of ppl did desirved their placing in finals,some of them (in my opinion) are lost...
    About you giving money,rares etc. Well im not rich,and stil i enjoy giving away 30 sd every 2 months in my club (when i have enought money) so i dont blame you...i admire you.

  7. ...and...CONGRATZ TO JENNA TOO.
    If anyone deserves to be a finalist you are the one! Always very stylish and a really nice person as far as i'm concerned.
    Btw...Miss_LolitaF left Stardoll *cough* again *cough* and I had a feeling...not saying anything else cuz it would be just speculation...

  8. lolita left cuz she didn't make it to MSW, what a weak ass bitch

  9. Oh yay!!!! I didn't even know Filipa won! I can only see USA and haven't talked to her yet. I'm so happy.

    And thanks everyone for your support!

  10. congrats Jenna I just voted for you

  11. Don't feel bad, I hope you win, you deserve it.

    xoxo Rose_Jean

    P.S someone called me obnoxious on Stardoll before, and i'm not even superstar LOL

  12. Congratulations to all the finalists! (: I voted for you Jenna. You give so much to others it's nice to get a chance to give something back!

  13. OMG, good job Jenna, Filipa and Mollie! I hope you guys win, you'll bring honor to SMW, lol :D
    And don't listen to the haters.

  14. WOW JENNA CONGRATZ! u deserve it!!

  15. voting is not enabled in my country :(

  16. Congrats!!
    And ... good luck girls!

  17. congrats Jenna, it is good to see that someone as you got into the finals. and for the others who didn't , get over it, it is just a game

  18. Wow,Congratulations Jenna (: You deffinately deserve it! And congratulations to anyone else has gone through :D The Irish list is mostly Cr@p [Theres a few that are good],Theres a girl they picked and her account is Fricken DELETED :O

  19. Good luck Jenna! You deserve to win! If only I could vote you!!!

  20. I am one of the german finalist and I think Stardoll tried to give some unknown people a chance on the one hand, on the other they reward some 'old'members or better 'loyal costumers' ;)

    good luck @ all finalist!

  21. oh I forgot the 's' :) good luck @ all finalists!

  22. Congrats! For America there are good finalists choosen, but for Germany-I don't know what to say. Only 3 person deverse it in my opinion.

  23. is there any possibility to see the finalists from another countries?

    Jenna, don't listen to the anonymous haters,
    you totally deserve this! :D

    & major congrats to Filipa, SmoothieLove & M_Themis aswell as all the other finalists! :D ♥

  25. Congratulations Jenna!♥
    Don't listen to the haters, they are just jealous. You deserved it throughly and good luck.
    Congratulations to everyone else too. (:

  26. congrats and good luck! :D
    you totalyl deserve it (:

  27. I can't participate in my country and can't even vote :(

  28. Congratulations to all of you ... absolutely you all deserve it .. I'm happy for you Jenna ..wish you all the best .. good luck =)

  29. You are so awesome! Congratulation Jenna, You really deserve it, I really hope You win :]

  30. i'm one of them too *-*
    but i'm not from germany, i just changed my country to germany because of MSW and it seems like it worked... i'm from austria :]

    and congrats :D

  31. Jenna, I appreciate your post today, as I now understand more about you, as a real person. It's rare to have someone of your gentle spirit and kind generosity in the Stardoll world, IMHO.

    I wish you and all the finalists the best of luck.

  32. Congrats Jenna! I definitely voted for you! :)

    And congrats to all the others who made it too :)

  33. congratz, wish u can be Miss Stardoll World..U really deserved it..

  34. You deserve it!! Go JENNA! :)
    Sure don't listen to those haters!

  35. First, Congratulations!
    Second, I thought this whole competition was bogus to begin with. (no offense to the finalists) but I mean, my country wasn't on the list, a lot of countries weren't. I found that unfair.
    And, no, I don't believe in Elites..but I do feel the more well known members were chosen, and even if that is true...there's no reason to bash the finalists, they didn't chose who will go on!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. First thing I have to say to those who didn't make it and bitch about it: It said right there on stardoll that only people with an active club can be Miss Stardoll! And that's ok by me, and it's the reason I never applyed.
    Second, it is kind of stupid that not only that there isn't a category for say Austria, we also can't vote for the finalists!!! So what, we can't even support other people???
    Third, if Jenna doesn't deserve this title, I don't know who does.

    All of the girls deserve it! (:

    And,Jenna,you should just ignore those jealous people.We all know you are amazing. (:

  39. Congrats to all the great finalists [:
    I wish I had chance to at least participate in MSW [:
    And - don't listen to those lifeless people Jenna, they won't ever understand.

  40. Heii congraaaaaats.<3

    i can't vote:S because i'm from switzerland:((

  41. Congratulations To Everyone :D And I Must Say, You Couldn't Be More Worthy Of A Spot Jenna, You Totally Deserve It! :D

  42. Jenna really deserved to be on finalists. I'm really happy for the finalists of my country, I actually know three of them and they're amazing. Of course there is some weird girls that were chosen. I just think that SD didn't look with atention, some of them don't even have clothes of furniture, what I find really awkward :o

  43. Congratualtions, but it seems i alrady know a lot of the winners, eg they are already famous. DONT GET ME WRONG, you lot dexerve it cos you SUREE have style, but i dont know what to think of stardoll doing that really.
    Plus loads of the UK winners have NO style? :L
    Lol im not even that active on Stardoll anymore, i didnt even see them visit my suite/

  44. Congrats Jenna!!

    And other finalists too ;)

  45. Don't even listnen to them Jenna! Anyone with a brain [so not them] will know you don't do it for fame. We shouldn't be quick to judge you, and well, tbh, they're probably just jealous. You deserve the MSW Finalist place. If you didn't, well, you wouldn't have all these people behind you. Unfortunately, I am from UK. I would've voted for you if I could. After all, you give us all something, so shouldn't we give something back?

    As for the finalists, I too see a lot of new faces. Some of which I didn't even recognize. So to everyone who's complaining and leaving, who cares? You'll all be saying "It's just a virtual game!" If that's the case, why're you so bothered?

    Besides, I think EVERYONE expected it to be SS finalists (or most of them, anyway). Elites? I don't believe in them. But hey, if you do, they've done something to shine right? So shouldn't they get the opportunities that come their way?

    Congrats Jenna, Filipa, Fenia, Molly and all other finalists ;)

  46. Well Done!
    I'm a finalist for Ireland.
    Stardoll user RhonaCrowley

  47. Well Done.
    & Good Luck, To You All Who Made It.


  48. Congratulations, Jenna! You really deserve it!

  49. Jenna, you are incredibly amazing. :))) Don't listen to ignorant hater's.. =/

  50. i do not belong to elite and i am a finalist from Portugal, like filipinhamaria.. people forget that this is a game... it's sad.. i only joined for miss stardoll because i thought that probably will funny.. whoever..

  51. it is all about being an elite member and as always you and a few of your buddies got in (gee big surprise , not!!!) , p.s. saw your doll and its not pretty at all and your suite is a mess and as for you as a person well you're just plain rude unless you're dealing with another elite member , so even though you clearly didn't deserve it you made finalist and i for one hope you and the other elites lose

  52. Anon above me:

    ARGH! Why are you so god damn pathetic? I'm in the ranting mood now, because I'm peeved on SD and RL, so here we go.

    STARDOLL IS A FREAKING GAME. Does it matter if u weren't a finalist? Seriously. I didn't make it. Nor did millions out of 70 million. They're not being like you. They KNOW that there are people more deserving out there. It's a part of life.

    The competition comment about Jenna has really pissed me off. Do you actually THINK that Jenna HAS to buy all these? Do you think that she HAS to organise over 50 comps, maybe even 100, every year and provide the prizes herself? Has it EVER occured to you that she does it simply because she loves it? Have you EVER thought that she could spend it all on her but chooses not to?

    Oh wait. You're a plain freakin idiot. Hmm...yes, I see it now.

    Well, tbh, Jenna deserves it. If she's given so much to a site which is a bunch of pixels [and people like you take WAY too seriously], then surely she should get one thing? Sure, she may not make it through. But hey, at least she's been recognised for what she does.

    So next time, think before you even bother touching that keyboard. Because I am NOT in the mood, even when these comments don't affect me. You know what, yeah they do, actually. Jenna's a friend, and I may not be as close to her as Mel and Filipa, but Idc. She's a friend, and I'll stand up for my friends if I don't think they're in the wrong.

    And you seriously cannot tell me you believe in Elites? IT'S A SITE. They've stood out from the crowd. Wait, it's pixelated. They don't HAVE to help us, they WANT to. And if u still believe in Elites, well, you're so 2007.

  53. Well done to all who are through!! I kinda wish I was active this month!! :)


  54. Congratz Jenna:D
    You totally deserve it.
    Doesn't matter what people say.

    Fashion hides, just style remainds. :)
    , Coco Chanel

  55. One of my good friends annie2000 was one of the finalists for Australia and got alot of people bashing her in her GB saying that her suite wasn't big enough.

  56. I am a MSW Finalist and I know that people have been critical about us finalists. Luckily I haven't had any personal comments except good ones.

  57. Congrats Jenna ur deserve it. And don't pay attention on all that rude comments.

  58. I'm not even allowed to vote because of my location! WTF STARDOLL!
    Well, if I was allowed too, you'd get my vote Jenna!

  59. most of the finalists are ss or elites but they were chosen as they have put the mopst work into their suites and many also run bl;ogs for stardoll, of course they therefore deserve to win....

  60. Congrats to all finalists... I'm one of them for Brazil =DDD
