
Sunday, October 10, 2010

10.10.10 Offer

As you know today is the 10-10-10
Very special date [:
And few days ago stardoll because of it sent us all this message with offer:
 It is nice offer but in same time it has some minuses for example -  
If you don't log in today - you never got those 10sd which means that staroll just takes money away from your monthly Play&Earn
Or there can be situation like I have - I just never got those SD for unknown reason (maybe because I was using a proxy last night and it messed my timezone) but on my spare account I see the SD but stardoll doesn't allow to use them :|
But for most of my friends it worked as it should have.
Anyway what do You think about this offer?
Did it worked well to You?
Was it useful to get those 10sd?


  1. <3 that offer :P
    I've spent them all already!
    I wonder if they'll do one next year.
    OMG There was this boy in the UK that turned 10 at 10:10 GMT on 10/10/2010 xD

  2. I like the offer, but I didn't get mine :(

  3. I got my Stardollars but I wasn't allowed to spend them. I found a DKNY Forest Green Top, 7 SD's (OMG RARE) Clicked buy. Sorry! You don't have enough Stardollars. I was like STARDOLL YOU RUINED THE MOMENT OF MY LIFE!!

  4. I could spend them on my main account which was good ;D
    But I can't spend them on my back up account. :l♥

  5. I spent my 10 sd already :) I want more offers like this!

    xoxo Dianusek

  6. LOL! a few hours ago i had 10 stardollars but stardoll told me 'Sorry, you don't have enough stardollars!' ? WTF? :/

  7. I didn't have them at first because I'd ticked the 'keep me logged in' box yesterday so I had to sign in and sign out to get them - you could try it, it might work :)
    I've spent 9sd on a dress I think, Not much for 1sd though.

  8. i wanted to buy a top with 10 sd and it didnt work...i tried few times and still couldn`t buy anything that costs more than 5 sd:(

  9. Yes And No.
    Useful: Because I Needed Money And I Loved Loads Of Clothes Which I Have Now Bought Most.
    Not Useful: It Adds On To You Play & Earn Even if You Don't Want It To, People Didn't Get It And If You Don't Log On... Well That's Stupid!
    I Say More Offers Like That But Not On Play & Earn, It's Another Stardoll Con.

  10. i've just logged in & see that i've got the stardollars,
    but haven't spent them yet(:

  11. I think the offer is stupid. It says free stardollars and they aren't free!!! It didn't completely work in my other accounts either. They had 10$, but I couldn't buy anything more expensive than 2$. What the fuck?

  12. I was very disapointed today - first we are allowed 10 sd in on day and finally they tell you that you don't have enough money.
    After several tries though, I manage to use all of it. First I bought something with 5 sd, and after I bought another thing with value 5 sd. But obviusely you can't spend the 10 sd in one buy.....

  13. Aha :D
    I like that offer.I got mine :)

  14. LOL THEY DON'T EVEN WORK :DD STARDOLL IS PATHETIC. It still shows I have ten stardollars but won't allow me to buy a thing.

  15. I don't know why, but I got +20 !!!! did the same thing happened to you ?

  16. It worked on my main account but not on my spare account: I got them, but can't use them!

  17. Wow .. how stupid i went on at night yesterday and the coins were on but when i tried to buy something it wouldnt let me then this morning when i went on they were gone!:(
    that was a Dumb offer! they shouldhve done it the wholee day!-_-

  18. Pink_Lover786 said...
    Wow .. how stupid i went on at night yesterday and the coins were on but when i tried to buy something it wouldnt let me then this morning when i went on they were gone!:(
    that was a Dumb offer! they shouldhve done it the wholee day!-_-
    I totally agree with you, the same happened to me :(


  19. I have 3 spare accounts. One can buy in the shop but cant buy in bazaar. Other 2 cant buy anywhere. On my main account i can buy in the shop,didnt eaven tried to buy in bazaar. Stardoll is gready for loooooong time. I think it would be fair that stardoll offers to dolls who couldnt spend s-dollars to get 10 sd for real. And,yes it is stupid that they r giving us stardollars from play and earn.It feels like they didnt gave anything.
    xoxo xXxmalexXx

  20. it was okay, but i could only spend first 5 sd and then the rest. together (10 sd, example to buy a dress) wasn't possible :(

  21. Hah, I din't need them today but if I don't spend them they are gone. And nice "free" stardollar. Stardoll cheated us!

  22. It happened the same thing to me. Got offer in all my accounts, was able to use them except in one.
    Really nice work Stardoll!!!
    Not to mention all other glitches like, only being able to spend a little at a time, use either on starplaza or suiteshop and they count into yr monthly P&E...
    Google ""Greedy and Stupid" and y'll get Stardoll on top!

  23. i never got them am doin play and earn now so hopefully any1 know how 2 get them visit my suite my username is monopoly08

  24. What was the point of this? I signed at midnight to check the opera gift & saw the 10sd to spend, I didn't buy anything. I woke up this morning 9am it was gone!! But it has been added to my money spent in the play & earn. I don't think you you messed it up, proxy or no proxy it should be there all day today for you to spend. Once you sign in & sign out without immediately spending the money, they take it back. They're so silly. I've contacted them.

  25. first i has 3 SD and 10 from the offer and i couldn't buy a top for 12 SD, after i payed for some stardollars and i could use them.

  26. It was no working for me. I logged out and it's worked (I bought 10 plates (1sd each)).

  27. yeah i got them but i don't know why does stardoll gived us this money but we can't use them for ever we want! :(

  28. it's nice offer .. but I didn't get mine!! =(

  29. It says i got mine but when i try to buy something its says 'sorry u havent got enough stardollars!!
    :@ :@ x

  30. You could only spend 5 stardollars at a time = pathetic.

  31. I get the 10sd, but in 09/10/10, I love this offer, becouse is dificult buy clothes when they're are more expensive them 5sd. Some people don't get or can't use this offer, I don't now why. But i'm very happy!

  32. I got mines and used them, the only thing I don't like is it takes away from the play and earn. I guess it depends on your time zone. Because here at 6:00 pm, starts a new day on stardoll. Strange.


  33. I think that this offer is pretty stupid.
    If they're going to give us something, don't put a catch on it -_-
    Oh and when I tried to spend 14 sd (I had 4 to begin with), it kept saying that I didn't have enough money >:l

  34. You guys! You cannot buy everything at once! you need to buy it sepratley. I bought a 5 non-sd skinny jean and a belt for also 5 sd i bought it both at once, and it says i dont have enough money, but then i dragged the belt away and just purchased the skinny jean, it worked, and then i bought the belt again, and it also worked! so you need to use it sepratley! Trust me it works!!!

  35. I Like The Offer To. But The Sad Thing Is That I Didnt Get It. ^^(

  36. I taught it was pointless to be honest. I mean it's the same money we would get anyway, they should have just given us 10sd not 10sd out of our play and earn money

  37. nup neva worked kept getting error not enough stardollars and on my stardollars it cleary sait +10

  38. Hey! There is a new magazine coming. It's called MADNESS! Here is an official spoiler just for this blog!

  39. when i tried to buy, it says 'sorry u don't have enough stardollars' :/
    it was a good offer, anyway.....

  40. I got the money, but was not able to use them =(

  41. Didn't get 10 stardollars either.

  42. it said that i had the ten sd but it never let me use them :(((
    anyone else with this problem?

  43. Good offer :) I spend only 7 sd on the HB bag yesterday...

  44. I didn't get it because I was online until 0:15 and then I went offline without spending the Stardollers, and when I came back in the morning, the Stardollers were gone -.- And on my other account I couldn't spend the Stardollers! Argh! That's so stupid!

  45. i hated tht, i didnt even get to use em
